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Boston版 - Provident Funding (转载)
贷款65w,5/1 arm purchase loan利率多少,closing cost多少贷款Agent求推荐
6月份Michael Buble在NH的演唱会,有人有兴趣吗好学区的single house出租,房子空间大,环境好
我跟王红梅做refinance的个人经历{BPN/SPN} 7/21:Biking East Providance, RI
Please help: loan application was declined by underwriterRe: Where is Sam's Club nearby Boston(NULL)?
what to do if my refinance closing is delayed (not by me)?[转载] 畅游 -- 1
现在refinance怎么这么慢阿?求助 - 付费服务:需要乘车从Manchester, NH到Lowell考托福
Mortgage 问题想到哪说到哪:Relocknh有什么大型的outlet离波士顿比较近的?
话题: provident话题: funding话题: ma话题: loans话题: since
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 217
【 以下文字转载自 MA_Mortgage_Realestate 俱乐部 】
发信人: HongmeiWang (Mortgage 774-567-0483), 信区: MA_Mortgage_Realestate
标 题: Provident Funding
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 2 09:34:54 2012, 美东)
Provident Funding has good rates and it's famous for it's complicated
underwritting process. But it procesed loans faster and responded quicker. I
used it a lot for my loans before. Everything worked well.
Since middle of Jan, they shut down the
Manchester NH branch and move all MA service to Worburn MA branch. Since
then, the service is horrible, they move slow, no response to queries., ask
for same doc again and again ... Ask for more after a loan is cleared to close.
Now we have lenders that have better or comparable rates to PF and their
underwritting processes are much simpler. And we do have automatic float down available after rate lock.
From now on, I am not going to send any of my MA loans to Provident Funding.Any of my rate quote for MA loans won't be Provident Funding Based.
Even if you are working with other brokers, please make sure that they are
not using Provident Funding for you. It's just too much pain.
1 (共1页)
nh有什么大型的outlet离波士顿比较近的?Please help: loan application was declined by underwriter
请问在CONCORD NH,有中国超市吗?要去DMV,有MALL吗?what to do if my refinance closing is delayed (not by me)?
哪位了解NH manchester的租房情况?Mortgage 问题想到哪说到哪:Relock
贷款65w,5/1 arm purchase loan利率多少,closing cost多少贷款Agent求推荐
6月份Michael Buble在NH的演唱会,有人有兴趣吗好学区的single house出租,房子空间大,环境好
我跟王红梅做refinance的个人经历{BPN/SPN} 7/21:Biking East Providance, RI
话题: provident话题: funding话题: ma话题: loans话题: since