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Biology版 - call for reviewers (转载)
急:有没有做eukaryotic transcription的?3个包子求建议。美国女性死于恐怖超级细菌:抗生素全废 (转载)
跟个风,也说说牛文背后的故事MCBC 2nd paper presented
Question regarding cloning.请教一个关于DNA的问题!!!
请问PLOS Pathogens审稿速度如何?文献求助
PLoS Pathogens审稿也太慢了点了吧求一篇paper--BIOTECHNOLOGY TECHNIQUES上的一篇
sensitive biomarker请教如何做细菌的基因缺失
Scientist, Cancer Diagnostics四篇证明转基因有害的论文 (转载)
话题: antibiotic话题: ctx话题: gene话题: resistant话题: mara
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 238
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: gifted (sentosa), 信区: EB23
标 题: call for reviewers
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 5 21:03:58 2017, 美东)
OAP 旗下 International Journal of Clinical Microbiology,无分非SCI哦,稿件情
Title: Transcription regulators MarA, SoxS and Rob and CTX-M beta-lactamase
gene sequences as potential diagnostic biomarker in monitoring and
management of antibiotic treatment
Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBLs) are resistance enzymes that are
responsible for antibiotic resistance and are produced by the CTX-M beta-
lactamase gene in Gram-negative pathogens, such as antibiotic resistant
Escherichia coli. This study uses a bioinformatic approach in identifying
and understanding gene expression regulation between transcription factors
MarA, SoxS, Rob and blaCTX-M promoter as well as investigating the presence
of a consensus sequence within CTX-M groups to determine possibility of
identifying diagnostic markers. It was found through gene analysis that SoxS
and MarA has a high possibility of regulating several CTX-M genes of
different phylogeny. Therefore there is a possibility in reducing antibiotic
resistant traits or enhance antibiotic treatment efficiency against
antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens. Furthermore, a consensus sequence
was obtained within CTX-M groups, however the length of the sequence was not
sufficient enough to create an ideal primer to target during polymerase
chain reaction to act as a diagnostic biomarker. Further research needed to
be done to widen the search range surrounding the beta-lactamase gene to
find a consensus sequence relating to the function and expression of
antibiotic resistance. In this study, we have consider the prospect of
possible potential in enhancing antibiotic resistant treatments and
diagnostics as well as measuring its progress and effectiveness in patients.
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profile link),谢谢
1 (共1页)
四篇证明转基因有害的论文 (转载)请问PLOS Pathogens审稿速度如何?
Paper requestedPLoS Pathogens审稿也太慢了点了吧
need a papersensitive biomarker
中国将可“无限生产 ”一种稀缺抗癌药 (转载)Scientist, Cancer Diagnostics
急:有没有做eukaryotic transcription的?3个包子求建议。美国女性死于恐怖超级细菌:抗生素全废 (转载)
跟个风,也说说牛文背后的故事MCBC 2nd paper presented
Question regarding cloning.请教一个关于DNA的问题!!!
话题: antibiotic话题: ctx话题: gene话题: resistant话题: mara