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Biology版 - A Tragic Tale of Two Postdocs
The not-quite-stated, awful truthNature Reviews Genetics 论文由于剽窃一段论文被撤稿
做生物的悲剧another case of a Chinese guy's paper retracted...
Doubts about Johns Hopkins research have gone unanswered, scientist says也说说Nature这期的retraction
Johns Hopkins Postdoc 有relocation compensation么?Science 消息两名中国博士后的关于基因治疗文章作假, Li Chen 和 Zhiyu Li
这个哈佛stem cell 图造假和当年肖恩的类似了linda buck 有点猛啊
The Top 10 Retractions of 2015(zz)《Nature》: 研究称美科学家更倾向于造假
[合集] 中兴 cell paper retracted.这篇纽约时报文章值得一读:A Sharp Rise in Retractions Prompts Calls for Reform
话题: lin话题: hopkins话题: post话题: yuan话题: washington
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
The hopkins scandal story is now at Science.
A Tragic Tale of Two Postdocs
By Beryl Lieff Benderly
March 14, 2013
The story "above the fold" on The Washington Post's front page on 12 March
could have come from a thriller. Intrigue. Possible fraud. Millions of
government dollars possibly at stake. A struggle between two colleagues. One
man dead. Another with a possibly lethally damaged career.
The tale, sadly, is completely real, and it plays out not between secret
agents but between former laboratory colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Medical
School in Baltimore. It includes the death in August, apparently by his own
hand, of Yu-yi Lin, a researcher who appeared to be on the brink of a
promising career as an independent investigator. After graduate school and a
postdoc at Hopkins, Lin had just established his own lab as an assistant
professor at National Taiwan University in his native country. He was first
author of a highly cited paper recently published in Nature based on the
work he had done in Baltimore.
But while Lin was still at Hopkins, a second researcher also working in the
same lab, Daniel Yuan, a Hopkins medical graduate who had opted for basic
research over clinical practice, had questioned Lin's statistics and
eventually brought his doubts to Nature, which made noises about possibly
printing a correction. But I’ll let you find out the rest of this tangled
affair from Post reporter Peter Whoriskey.
The explanation of the science that Lin and Yuan were wrangling over is
rather murky in this account. According to a Johns Hopkins news release, it
involves mechanisms of regulating energy storage within cells. But exactly
what the researchers found or didn't find is secondary to the article's real
point: the human cost that high-stakes science can exact in today's
brutally competitive funding environment.
With fewer than one in five proposals to the National Institutes of Health
winning funding these days, pressure on scientists to produce impressive
results that will bring in grants or renewals has never been greater, making
publication of a well-regarded article in a prestigious journal a coup for
a rising researcher like Lin. As Whoriskey notes, one result of this
pressure appears to be a sharp rise in retractions, a large majority of them
because of misconduct. With grants and careers on the line, Ferric C. Fang
of the University of Washington, Seattle, who has studied scientific
misconduct, says in the Post article that ambitious people may "have this
tempting thought: If only the data points would line up … ."
Whether Lin did anything wrong is as yet unknown and may never be known. It
seems clear, however, that Yuan has paid a high price for defending what he
viewed as doing careful science. While at Hopkins, Yuan was demoted from the
position of research associate apparently to postdoctoral fellow, the Post
reports. Then, he says, he was fired, and has been unable to find research
work since.
Beryl Lieff Benderly writes from Washington, D.C.
发帖数: 1063

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 n********e 的大作中提到】
: The hopkins scandal story is now at Science.
: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_i
: A Tragic Tale of Two Postdocs
: By Beryl Lieff Benderly
: March 14, 2013
: The story "above the fold" on The Washington Post's front page on 12 March
: could have come from a thriller. Intrigue. Possible fraud. Millions of
: government dollars possibly at stake. A struggle between two colleagues. One
: man dead. Another with a possibly lethally damaged career.
: The tale, sadly, is completely real, and it plays out not between secret

发帖数: 50
你说的很对。 真正的始作俑者是那个jef boeke,那两个是替罪羊。

【在 n****g 的大作中提到】
: 这个报道没提大老板避重就轻
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

1 (共1页)
这篇纽约时报文章值得一读:A Sharp Rise in Retractions Prompts Calls for Reform这个哈佛stem cell 图造假和当年肖恩的类似了
未经老板许可发文章,这回全是老中The Top 10 Retractions of 2015(zz)
日本人造假[合集] 中兴 cell paper retracted.
The not-quite-stated, awful truthNature Reviews Genetics 论文由于剽窃一段论文被撤稿
做生物的悲剧another case of a Chinese guy's paper retracted...
Doubts about Johns Hopkins research have gone unanswered, scientist says也说说Nature这期的retraction
Johns Hopkins Postdoc 有relocation compensation么?Science 消息两名中国博士后的关于基因治疗文章作假, Li Chen 和 Zhiyu Li
话题: lin话题: hopkins话题: post话题: yuan话题: washington