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Biology版 - zz Budget Increase for Chinese Science (转载)
NIH Budget Remains Uncertain这个sudhof
How scientist could survive in post-bush era?call for reviewers (转载)
Misconduct Called Out on YouTube (ZT)有人去参加过BIT的WCC(world cancer congress)的会议么?
东京大学Prof. Kato辞职了Call for papers! and green card!
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上cold spring harbor的课程需要自己出钱吗?再来一个美女
Senate panel approves $2 billion raise for NIH in 2016大家看看顶级刊物nature水准 (转载)
话题: science话题: increase话题: budget话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10208
【 以下文字转载自 Missouri 讨论区 】
发信人: Geisha (和谐), 信区: Missouri
标 题: zz Budget Increase for Chinese Science
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 6 16:51:28 2012, 美东)
When it comes to China's economic development, the country's government has
decided that advances in science and technology are essential, reports
ScienceInsider's Mara Hvistendahl. In a draft budget released at the opening
session of the annual National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao
announced China has earmarked $5.14 billion for basic research in 2012, a 26
percent increase from 2011, Hvistendahl says. Overall spending on science
and technology will rise 12.4 percent to $36.23 billion, and funding to two
projects that funnel money to universities will rise 24 percent.
In a speech to the congress, Wen said the government would try to "more
closely integrate science and technology with the economy."
1 (共1页)
大家看看顶级刊物nature水准 (转载)东京大学Prof. Kato辞职了
Share Room, 2012 congress in CA, Society of Melanoma Research如何把lymphblasts固定在slides上
bio wsn不得了啊,Winston Wen的大管家啊! (转载)上cold spring harbor的课程需要自己出钱吗?
请问有人知道BIT Lifesciences这个机构吗?Senate panel approves $2 billion raise for NIH in 2016
NIH Budget Remains Uncertain这个sudhof
How scientist could survive in post-bush era?call for reviewers (转载)
Misconduct Called Out on YouTube (ZT)有人去参加过BIT的WCC(world cancer congress)的会议么?
话题: science话题: increase话题: budget话题: chinese