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Biology版 - Why Some HIV Carriers Never Develop AIDS
请推荐在Boston Naval shipyard 附近的APT!包子答谢 (转载)The man who had HIV and now does not.
MGH vs harvardAIDS——同性恋带来的瘟疫 (转载)
请教遗传学问题paper help
艾滋病毒感染终于可以治愈了 (转载)paper help, thanks!
搞啥实验,哪个方向钱最多?paper help! 包子答谢
Antibody Kills 91% of HIV Strains (转载)Tom Jessell死了
AIDS 药品Truvada 有明显的防治HIV 感染的效果今天看了一个paper
话题: hiv话题: hla话题: institute话题: science话题: amino
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Stephen Smith, Gene research finds clues to AIDS survival; Boston-led study
is part of vaccine search. Boston Globe, Nov. 5, 2010.
("The genetic testing found something distinctive about that warning system
in controllers — differences in five amino acids, which are the building
blocks of proteins. In those people, a tiny groove in a molecule that is
part of the warning system has a particular shape, affecting how the warning
flag sits atop cells")
My comment:
(a) Bruce D. Walker, MD is head of Ragon Institute.
(b) Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard
(at Massachusetts General Hospital - East, Charlestown, Massachusetts;
establishment announced on Feb. 4, 2009; founded through a $100 million gift
– the largest gift in MGH history – from the Phillip T. and Susan M.
Ragon Institute Foundation)
(c) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
(at three far-flung buildings at City of Cambridge, Mass.; founded in 2003
and launched in 2004 through the extraordinary generosity and remarkable
vision of Los Angeles-based philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad; head Eric
(d) The report refers to
The International HIV Controllers Study, The Major Genetic Determinants of
HIV-1 Control Affect HLA Class I Peptide Presentation. Science, __: __ (
published online Nov. 4, 2010)
(i) I just clicked "FULL TEXT (PDF)" in the upper left corner of this page,
and browse through it. The Science article identifies five amino acid
mutation in HLA-B that can protect HIV carriers (called "controllers" in the
Globe report).
"The results of this procedure provided evidence that multiple amino acid
positions in the peptide binding groove are indeed associated with host
control (table S7), including 62, 63, 67, 70, and 97, thus providing a
structural basis for the effect of HLA-B on host control (Fig. 4)." web page
3 (page number is at the bottom of each web page).
* For Figure 4, go to the very last, whose caption is at web page 4.
(ii) Naturally each controller has one mutation, not all five at the same
time. apparently one mutation at the five critical points is enough to
protect a controller. As for how (whether the mutation foils or facilitates
presentation of a peptide), the (Science) article does not say--it is for
another day.
(iii) If you are a layperson (as opposed to a trained biologist), you will
not be able to read the Science article. The Globe report is easy enough for
ordinary people.
发帖数: 35
nice comments!
发帖数: 1764
How many authors are there?
发帖数: 6973
I do not know if you can go to the "full text." I do not know because I am
at a library whose subscriptionallows it to access teh magazine online for
I'd like to copy it for you (I do not think the magazine would mind). But
there are three pages of authorship (with affiliation), occupying slightly
less space than the article (text + illustration). My estimation is about
150-200 authors.

【在 y******8 的大作中提到】
: How many authors are there?
发帖数: 35
Those authors are affiliated with 218 organizations. You can guess how many
authors there are.
With Genome-wide association studies, they identified 313 SNPs associated
with HIV control. Further they ascribed these SNP associations to specific
aminio acids, mostly within HLA-B, which affect HLA-peptide conformation.
But these amino acids are just assoicated with the HIV control, which does
not necessarily mean one would be elite controller if they contain one or
all the above amino acids in the particular positions.
发帖数: 6973
Thanks for your comment. Though I was trained as a biologist, it was two
decades ago. It is hard for me to imagine the study would be such a big task
The second/final portion ("Further * * *") of your commentary hints of a
functional study for the mutated amino acids? I am sure they had a head
start on this already.

Further they ascribed these SNP associations to specific

【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: Those authors are affiliated with 218 organizations. You can guess how many
: authors there are.
: With Genome-wide association studies, they identified 313 SNPs associated
: with HIV control. Further they ascribed these SNP associations to specific
: aminio acids, mostly within HLA-B, which affect HLA-peptide conformation.
: But these amino acids are just assoicated with the HIV control, which does
: not necessarily mean one would be elite controller if they contain one or
: all the above amino acids in the particular positions.

1 (共1页)
施一公 1篇Science,2篇Molecular Cell同日发表搞啥实验,哪个方向钱最多?
paper helpAntibody Kills 91% of HIV Strains (转载)
Paper help.AIDS 药品Truvada 有明显的防治HIV 感染的效果
请推荐在Boston Naval shipyard 附近的APT!包子答谢 (转载)The man who had HIV and now does not.
MGH vs harvardAIDS——同性恋带来的瘟疫 (转载)
请教遗传学问题paper help
艾滋病毒感染终于可以治愈了 (转载)paper help, thanks!
话题: hiv话题: hla话题: institute话题: science话题: amino