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Belief版 - Atheists and agnostics know religon better than believers (转载)
"God in America", PBS special this week (ZT)How to Persuade a Christian to Become Atheist
世界主要信仰的人口分布How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian
Re: 为这两段把巴掌拍破,啪啪啪啪啪啪。。。。。。无神论的真正出路在哪里? (转载)
Atheists & Agnostics - ColbertStephen Prothero 談八種主要宗教
Re: Godwithus申请Belief宗教信仰版版主越无知,越虔诚
Re: 怀疑论者(agnostic)算什么?Greatness is Humility
话题: correctly话题: agnostics话题: answered话题: american
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gshjj (各输己键), 信区: Military
标 题: Atheists and agnostics know religon better than believers
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 4 14:19:18 2010, 美东)
In his 2007 book, Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know-
And Doesn't, Boston University professor Stephen Prothero claimed, "
Americans are both deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion."
While he supported his argument with solitary findings from public opinion
polls, he pointed out that at the time of writing his book, there was not a
comprehensive, national survey evaluating religious knowledge among American
That changed this year, when the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religious
and Public Life developed and administered a nationwide 32-question phone
survey from May 19 - June 6. The survey called on 3,412 Americans to better
gauge a baseline of where Americans stand in knowledge of their own religion
, other religions, and how these religions play out in American history and
the public sphere. Prothero served as an advisor and results and analysis
were released by Pew Research on September 28.
On average, American respondents answered 16 of the 32 questions correctly.
Atheists and agnostics ranked highest in religious knowledge, answering an
average of 20.9 answers correctly. Jews, who answered 20.5 questions
correctly, and Mormons, who averaged 20.3 in correct responses, closely
followed them. Protestants trailed behind with an average of 16 correct
answers, and Catholics came in at the bottom with an average of 14.7 correct
answers. Muslim, Hindus, and Buddhists were surveyed, but their response
numbers in comparison with the other groups were too small to report
statistically significant results.
Twelve of the survey questions focused on Christianity. On average, Mormons
(7.9) and Protestants (7.3) demonstrated the highest levels of knowledge
out of all the groups. Jews (7.9) and atheists/agnostics (7.5) came out
much more strongly in their understanding of world religions, which
accounted for 11 of the survey questions. They were also strongest in
correctly answering questions about the role of religion in public life.
Among the findings, here are some I find particularly interesting:
* 53% of the Protestant respondents couldn’t correctly identify Martin
Luther as the force behind the Protestant Reformation.
* 43% of the Jewish respondents did not know that Maimonides, one of the
most revered rabbis in history, was Jewish.
* 47% of the total respondents knew that the Dalai Lama is Buddhist.
* 38% of the total respondents correctly correlated Vishnu and Shiva
with Hinduism.
* 27% of the total respondents correctly answered that most of Indonesia
’s population is Muslim (the country is also home to the largest Muslim
population in the world).
* 36% of the total respondents correctly answered that comparative
religion classes are allowed in public schools.
* The most common correctly answered question: Do U.S. Supreme Court
rulings allow public school teachers to lead their classes in prayer? 89%
correctly said no.
* The most common incorrectly answered question: Are public school
teachers allowed to use the Bible as an example of literature in a secular
context? 67% incorrectly said no.
发帖数: 4361
Atheists and agnostics know THE KNOWLEDGE OF religion better than believers
最后呢,给个小评论 - 撒旦从来都不说赤裸裸的谎言,他最拿手的就是在90%的事实基


【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: gshjj (各输己键), 信区: Military
: 标 题: Atheists and agnostics know religon better than believers
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 4 14:19:18 2010, 美东)
: In his 2007 book, Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know-
: And Doesn't, Boston University professor Stephen Prothero claimed, "
: Americans are both deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion."
: While he supported his argument with solitary findings from public opinion
: polls, he pointed out that at the time of writing his book, there was not a
: comprehensive, national survey evaluating religious knowledge among American

发帖数: 2570


【在 A*********e 的大作中提到】
: 标题这样改一下恐怕才是符合所谓的调查实际的
: Atheists and agnostics know THE KNOWLEDGE OF religion better than believers
: 其实这样的文章根本不能说明什么,原因有两点
: 1呢,信仰本身就不同于宗教。宗教是一种从人出来的活动和行为,信仰是个人直接跟
: 神沟通
: 2呢,信徒对宗教的知识根本就不跟信徒的灵命程度大小成正比,对知识知道的多的信
: 徒,在基督里的生命反而很小这也是经常见到的情况了
: 最后呢,给个小评论 - 撒旦从来都不说赤裸裸的谎言,他最拿手的就是在90%的事实基
: 础上,混杂进去那么一点点谎言和质疑,呵呵。。

发帖数: 40861
so, christian do not even have to read bible.


【在 A*********e 的大作中提到】
: 标题这样改一下恐怕才是符合所谓的调查实际的
: Atheists and agnostics know THE KNOWLEDGE OF religion better than believers
: 其实这样的文章根本不能说明什么,原因有两点
: 1呢,信仰本身就不同于宗教。宗教是一种从人出来的活动和行为,信仰是个人直接跟
: 神沟通
: 2呢,信徒对宗教的知识根本就不跟信徒的灵命程度大小成正比,对知识知道的多的信
: 徒,在基督里的生命反而很小这也是经常见到的情况了
: 最后呢,给个小评论 - 撒旦从来都不说赤裸裸的谎言,他最拿手的就是在90%的事实基
: 础上,混杂进去那么一点点谎言和质疑,呵呵。。

发帖数: 25615


【在 g***j 的大作中提到】
: so, christian do not even have to read bible.
: believers

1 (共1页)
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"God in America", PBS special this week (ZT)How to Persuade a Christian to Become Atheist
世界主要信仰的人口分布How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian
Re: 为这两段把巴掌拍破,啪啪啪啪啪啪。。。。。。无神论的真正出路在哪里? (转载)
Atheists & Agnostics - ColbertStephen Prothero 談八種主要宗教
话题: correctly话题: agnostics话题: answered话题: american