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Belief版 - 爱,很特殊吗?(回 blessing 和 Unforgivable)
[合集] 请教一下Evolving Ideas: Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?
[合集] 转帖一个关于精神传销的请参阅PBS的Evolution Library
[合集] 我没有信仰Re: Talk.Origin December Feedback is up now (1)
[合集] Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is a satirical parody religionIs evolution a fact or a theory? (Z)
[合集] 林语堂的信仰之旅与今日中国群体文化认同 (z)Modern thoughts in evolution as Neo-Darwinian (Z)
Jobs refused early surgery for cancer - biographer (ZZ)Stickleback快速平行进化:所谓宏进化问题的破产 (转帖)
Re: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.挑战进化论的基督徒,你们错了,因为进化论根本不是信仰的障碍
Re: 最后简单谈谈进化论[合集] 基督教的问题在于他们的神是恶神,其实就是撒旦
话题: love话题: human话题: blessing话题: evolution
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
love is a result of evolution. it originated from kin selection among
mammals. we carry it in our genes, just like we carry other human traits:
curiocity, aggression, tendency to social, etc.
but love is a luxury comparing to the needs like to live and to survive.
thanks to our civilization most of us don't have to worry about these too much
nowadays. but people in the ancient past did and during those periods love
was simply a lower priority.
and there are many things that can make one's life
发帖数: 303


【在 c********y 的大作中提到】
: love is a result of evolution. it originated from kin selection among
: mammals. we carry it in our genes, just like we carry other human traits:
: curiocity, aggression, tendency to social, etc.
: but love is a luxury comparing to the needs like to live and to survive.
: thanks to our civilization most of us don't have to worry about these too much
: nowadays. but people in the ancient past did and during those periods love
: was simply a lower priority.
: and there are many things that can make one's life

发帖数: 8
what i meant was that love came from evolution instead of being given by some
supreme beings. due to man's intelligence, love was purified from its original
selfish form to something that people can worship. why? because we need that
to survive. this is our way to conuter another evolution result; aggression.
history studies showed that during human's early periods, only tribes that
practice religions survived. so we can also say that in stead of human knowing
picked religion as a survival meth

【在 z******a 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得说爱是基因决定的就和说某些人天生(基因决定)就有犯罪的倾向
: 说法一样荒唐。进化论是解释生物的演变的一个强大的理论,不过要是把
: 它给无限扩大化解释一切那就危险了。

发帖数: 8
i think u misundertood me when i say "love is a result of evolution". what i
was referring to is the origin of love, i did't meant to say that one can
definitively dertermine one's love by examing genes.
also, i've mentioned in another post that human love has undergone
purification and elevation from animal love. but this process is a result of
human's own intelligence, not a gift from god.
let me explain a bit further. i think what makes human unique from all
animals is human's ability to ac

【在 z******a 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得说爱是基因决定的就和说某些人天生(基因决定)就有犯罪的倾向
: 说法一样荒唐。进化论是解释生物的演变的一个强大的理论,不过要是把
: 它给无限扩大化解释一切那就危险了。

1 (共1页)
[合集] 基督教的问题在于他们的神是恶神,其实就是撒旦[合集] 林语堂的信仰之旅与今日中国群体文化认同 (z)
[合集] 突然想到了一个问题. Do I really believe in evolution?Jobs refused early surgery for cancer - biographer (ZZ)
【真神開示】為什麼今年必須選 ObamaRe: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.
evolution (Z)Re: 最后简单谈谈进化论
[合集] 请教一下Evolving Ideas: Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?
[合集] 转帖一个关于精神传销的请参阅PBS的Evolution Library
[合集] 我没有信仰Re: Talk.Origin December Feedback is up now (1)
[合集] Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is a satirical parody religionIs evolution a fact or a theory? (Z)
话题: love话题: human话题: blessing话题: evolution