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Beijing版 - new mars samples
Nothin' on you, by 阿福, 原唱 B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars阿波罗计划演讲稿
印度火星探测器传回的最新火星照片sometimes dealsea is very funny (转载)
中国2020年登陆火星Science Fiction - The Martian Race
no one care the new pd?NASA Finds Message From God on Mars
solar radiation and running performanceMeasuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zz
期待MartianMars's Underground Reservoir[zz]
话题: mars话题: rock话题: crater话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 669
A new site being explored by the Mars rover Opportunity has yielded soil
samples unlike any examined before on the red planet and that appear more
favorable for life, scientists said.
Opportunity, the indefatigable robot that has been exploring Mars for seven
and a half years, arrived three weeks ago at the edge of a 22 kilometer (13.
6 mile) wide crater named Endeavour and has been sending back images of the
surrounding environment.
The first rock it examined is a flat-topped object about the size of a foot
stool that apparently was cast up by an impact that left an impression the
size of a tennis court on the rim of the crater.
Called Tisdale 2, the rock "is different from any rock we've ever seen on
Mars," said Steve Squyres, a Cornell University scientist who is the
principal investigator for Opportunity.
"It has a composition similar to some volcanic rocks, but there's much more
zinc and bromine than we've typically seen," he said at a news conference.
The observations and measurements taken by the American Martian orbiters
leads scientists to believe that the rocks on the rim of the crater contain
clay minerals that form in wet conditions and which are less acidic and
possibly more favorable for life, they said.
A bench around the edge of the crater resembles sedimentary rock that has
been cut and filled with veins of material possibly left there by water,
said Ray Arvidson, another member of the team who is from Washington
University in St Louis, Missouri.
During the past two weeks, researchers have used an instrument attached to
Opportunity's robot arm to identify the elements that make up the rock.
1 (共1页)
Mars's Underground Reservoir[zz]“consistent
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Nothin' on you, by 阿福, 原唱 B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars阿波罗计划演讲稿
印度火星探测器传回的最新火星照片sometimes dealsea is very funny (转载)
中国2020年登陆火星Science Fiction - The Martian Race
话题: mars话题: rock话题: crater话题: said