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Beijing版 - MTA涨了 (转载)
<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)纽约地铁票,多久之内换地铁或换车免费啊?
北京地铁到底有多挤?MTA正式宣布: 今晚7点停止地铁, 巴士服务
what is给你们看看为什麽警察要捉那些卖MTA swipe的人
我真的渴望一个北京市户口 (转载)多余的metro卡可以退回balance吗?
话题: mta话题: new话题: york话题: go话题: agency
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发帖数: 6993
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: biggu (大牯), 信区: NewYork
标 题: MTA涨了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 7 11:55:00 2010, 美东)
By Martin Z. Braun
Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- New York’s Metropolitan
Transportation Authority raised monthly unlimited bus and subway
fares to $104 from $89. The agency also increased seven-day
unlimited MetroCard prices to $29 from $27.
The MTA, whose 8.5 million weekday riders make it the
busiest U.S. mass-transit system, also boosted ticket prices on
its railroads. Long Island Rail Road commuters will now pay from
5.5 percent to 11.5 percent more; those on Metro-North Railroad
will pay from 3.8 percent to 14.3 percent more.
The increases will take effect Jan. 1, the agency said at a
board meeting today. They are part of an initiative approved by
the governor and Legislature last year aimed at raising revenue
by 7.5 percent next year.
The agency had also considered ending passes that offer
limitless riding.
“An overwhelming majority of transit customers told us
that keeping 7-Day and 30-Day passes that provide for unlimited
travel is preferred to a capped pass,” wrote Jay Walder , the
MTA’s chairman and chief executive officer, in a letter to the
agency’s board this week.
The MTA’s $12 billion budget has suffered because a payroll
tax in New York City and seven other counties that was adopted
as part of a 2009 bailout hasn’t met projections. The state also
cut more than $140 million in MTA aid to help close its own $9.2
billion budget gap, leaving the agency with a $900 million
MTA has cut service, trimmed its workforce and reduced
overtime. It raised fares for single rides on buses and subways
to $2.25 from $2 last year.
Cost Savings

The steps will save the MTA $380 million this year and
generate $500 million in recurring savings starting next year,
the MTA said.
The agency will vote on raising tolls on major bridges to
as much as $7 from $5.50 later this month. The one-way toll for
the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Brooklyn
may rise to $14 from $11 for drivers paying cash.
The increases would raise more than $400 million for the
MTA next year, Walder said in his letter to the board.
For Related News and Information:
Most read muni-bond stories: TNI MUN READ
On New York City transportation: NYTP
On New York and transportation: TNI NY TRN
On the New York state legislature: SLLN
发帖数: 6993
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<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)纽约地铁票,多久之内换地铁或换车免费啊?
北京地铁到底有多挤?MTA正式宣布: 今晚7点停止地铁, 巴士服务
what is给你们看看为什麽警察要捉那些卖MTA swipe的人
话题: mta话题: new话题: york话题: go话题: agency