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BMU版 - Application to pharmaceutics---Help!
Ask for help again!药学专业的请教
Is there any students from Pharmaceutical Science 95'?有没有药学的XDJM?报个名,我先!
药理的95都谁来了?Postdoctoral Position available
who's from pharmaceutical chemistry 95?国内的药学院毕业好像可以在美国转为药剂师?
学药剂的师哥师姐帮帮忙.Pharmaceutical sciences???
话题: am话题: university话题: uconn
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 56
Dear friends,
Does anybody know application condition about Pharmaceutics? I am in USA now
and I am applying to Pharmaceutics. I haven't gotten any information now. It
seems that many people have gotten offers in BBS(bbs.pku.edu.cn or
www.smth.org). I am worried so much.
The schools I am applying to are University of Maryland, University at
Buffalo, Temple, Uconn and Rutgers.
Anybody can give me some information?
Thank you very much!
发帖数: 473
你应该试试medicinal chemistry

【在 w******d 的大作中提到】
: Dear friends,
: Does anybody know application condition about Pharmaceutics? I am in USA now
: and I am applying to Pharmaceutics. I haven't gotten any information now. It
: seems that many people have gotten offers in BBS(bbs.pku.edu.cn or
: www.smth.org). I am worried so much.
: The schools I am applying to are University of Maryland, University at
: Buffalo, Temple, Uconn and Rutgers.
: Anybody can give me some information?
: Thank you very much!

发帖数: 3882
For Uconn, u applied for the Pharmaceutics Graduate Program in Dept of Pharm
aceutics in School of Pharmacy?
I am not familiar with this program. I only know Pikal may be doing sth that
will help u to find a job in Pharmceutical companies. No idea about other
professors in this program.
uconn usually sends offers late, such as in March or April(I think most univ
give offer at this time).

【在 w******d 的大作中提到】
: Dear friends,
: Does anybody know application condition about Pharmaceutics? I am in USA now
: and I am applying to Pharmaceutics. I haven't gotten any information now. It
: seems that many people have gotten offers in BBS(bbs.pku.edu.cn or
: www.smth.org). I am worried so much.
: The schools I am applying to are University of Maryland, University at
: Buffalo, Temple, Uconn and Rutgers.
: Anybody can give me some information?
: Thank you very much!

发帖数: 56
Thank you!
I have to be patient. : )

【在 B*******e 的大作中提到】
: For Uconn, u applied for the Pharmaceutics Graduate Program in Dept of Pharm
: aceutics in School of Pharmacy?
: I am not familiar with this program. I only know Pikal may be doing sth that
: will help u to find a job in Pharmceutical companies. No idea about other
: professors in this program.
: uconn usually sends offers late, such as in March or April(I think most univ
: give offer at this time).

1 (共1页)
有人在rutgers吗?who's from pharmaceutical chemistry 95?
Is anybody now a pathologist in US?学药剂的师哥师姐帮帮忙.
Anybody in Memphis,TN? need help!建个通讯录把
Ask for help again!药学专业的请教
Is there any students from Pharmaceutical Science 95'?有没有药学的XDJM?报个名,我先!
药理的95都谁来了?Postdoctoral Position available
话题: am话题: university话题: uconn