

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Aviation版 - India Moon probe "vital star sensor" 'malfunctions'
BBC: India Moon mission is 'mixed success'ISRO: Chandrayaan-1 enters Deep Space
LIVE: Chandrayaan-1 launch - First Indian mission to the MoonISRO:Chandrayaan-1’s Orbit Closer to Moon (转载)
Video: India's Moon Mission (转载)印度的卫星轨道补回来了,第四次变轨达到预订轨道了。
India Moon probe ready for launch印度卫星发回照片了。。。
Chandrayaan-1 Mission Profile from ISROISRO: Chandrayaan-1 enters Lunar Transfer Trajectory (转载)
Chandrayaan-1India's Moon Probe On Track For Lunar Orbit
ISRO: Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft’s Orbit RaisedChandrayaan-1 Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit (转载)
India Celebrates Launch of First Moon Probe印度的月球卫星进入工作轨道了 (转载)
话题: india话题: moon话题: sensor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1233
India's first mission to the Moon has experienced a technical problem, India
's space research officials say.
A sensor of the unmanned Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft has "malfunctioned" and
steps have been taken to ensure it is able to continue its work, they say.
But the possibility remains that the mission may have to be cut short.
Chandrayaan-1 was launched last October and is regarded as a major step for
India as it seeks to keep pace with ot
1 (共1页)
印度的月球卫星进入工作轨道了 (转载)Chandrayaan-1 Mission Profile from ISRO
印度月球探测器过热。。。 (转载)Chandrayaan-1
Science报道Chandrayaan-1无法精确定向。。。ISRO: Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft’s Orbit Raised
旧闻:Indian Moon Orbiter Fails AbruptlyIndia Celebrates Launch of First Moon Probe
BBC: India Moon mission is 'mixed success'ISRO: Chandrayaan-1 enters Deep Space
LIVE: Chandrayaan-1 launch - First Indian mission to the MoonISRO:Chandrayaan-1’s Orbit Closer to Moon (转载)
Video: India's Moon Mission (转载)印度的卫星轨道补回来了,第四次变轨达到预订轨道了。
India Moon probe ready for launch印度卫星发回照片了。。。
话题: india话题: moon话题: sensor