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Aviation版 - North Korea's satellite launch may have been a partial succ (转载)
South Korea to launch its first rocket August 19Lunch talk: Recent dev. of energy technologies in China and career dev. in energy area (free pizza)
[BBC] South Korea launches first rocket文风卖疯了
Live blogging of South Korea's first space rocket launchLT100 (1) - Biggest appreciation to my crew
三胖被川普耍了zt有本好书the poker mindset:essential attitude for poker succ
North Korea asked for only a partial lifting of sanctions at summit with Trump, its foreign ministerquestion about satellite antenna.
How to find the kth biggest number in a BSTask for an easy question, please help me!!
DS 160 is working although it says on maintenace?I have an easy probability question, please help me!!
纽约打指纹 walkin succesGasolin - Masser af Succes
话题: korea话题: north话题: succ话题: partial话题: satellite
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 37
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: burke (burke), 信区: Military
标 题: North Korea's satellite launch may have been a partial success
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 6 09:06:44 2009)
Actually, the 2nd and 3rd stages were separated. The only problem was that
the 3rd stage did not function well and blew up. The payload was lost.
My April 2 2009 prediction is still correct.
1 (共1页)
Gasolin - Masser af SuccesNorth Korea asked for only a partial lifting of sanctions at summit with Trump, its foreign minister
[转载] 《雅比斯的祷告》自成为畅销书后, BTW Could Mr BM add me in the club?or just let uHow to find the kth biggest number in a BST
[出售]from IL. 2*PS4@450 or 440/eaDS 160 is working although it says on maintenace?
为何不能partial refund? (转载)纽约打指纹 walkin succes
South Korea to launch its first rocket August 19Lunch talk: Recent dev. of energy technologies in China and career dev. in energy area (free pizza)
[BBC] South Korea launches first rocket文风卖疯了
Live blogging of South Korea's first space rocket launchLT100 (1) - Biggest appreciation to my crew
三胖被川普耍了zt有本好书the poker mindset:essential attitude for poker succ
话题: korea话题: north话题: succ话题: partial话题: satellite