Dealer推ResistAll NG2,one time payment $499,说可以防止弄脏/损坏座椅等内饰
,另外也有exterior coating防刮蹭,做这个的话有七年warranty。大家有做过的么?
ResistAll NG2 is our latest and most advanced exterior and interior
protection. The science behind ResistAll NG2’s exterior protection takes
advantage of positively-charged particles to combine with the negatively
charged surface of a vehicle. A wet exterior facilitates the movement of the
positive charge, enabling it to attach to and spread over the negatively-
charged painted surfaces through electrostatic attraction. The protectant
also includes nanoparticles, which create a hydrophobic high gloss finish.
ResistAll NG2 interior protection contains an antimicrobial agent that
prevents odors caused by mold or mildew as a result of food or drink. It
also contains inhibitors to prevent fading from UV rays.