

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet SW3 Passes the Earth
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppGetting to Know Comet Borrelly [zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsRe: 池谷-张彗星的位置
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxy & CometRe: Any portable good telescope?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet over Krakow彗星观测指南
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia关于百武的更详细的报道〔space.com)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaugNew Comet: SOHO-422
More about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661Comet Borrelly: Dry and Hot[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the MistAstronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and Moon
话题: comet话题: earth话题: passes话题: wachmann
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Passes the Earth
Credit & Copyright: Thad V'Soske (Cosmotions.com)
Explanation: Rarely does a comet pass this close to Earth. Last week,
dedicated astrofilmographers were able to take advantage of the close approach
of crumbling 73P / Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 to make time-lapse movies of
the fast-moving comet. Large comet fragments passed about 25 times the Moon's
distance from the Earth. The above time lapse movie of Fragment B of Comet
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 ov
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
CONTOUR Prepares for Launch[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaug
Astronomy Picture of Day: Color of UniverseMore about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661
2002 Edgar Wilson Award(详细报道)Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppGetting to Know Comet Borrelly [zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsRe: 池谷-张彗星的位置
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxy & CometRe: Any portable good telescope?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet over Krakow彗星观测指南
话题: comet话题: earth话题: passes话题: wachmann