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Astronomy版 - Incredible Shrinking Planet May Become Liquid Lav
questions每日一图 月球上的东方海
Stargazing from Orbit[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zzAstronomy Picture of Day: London at Night
Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense MatterSOHO通讯中断:它将如何影响日常生活?
Re: 太阳同步圆轨道?Astronomy Picture of Day: Voyager at 90 AU
The Milky Way Eats One of Its Own [zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 15 Panorama
Review Board Endorses Pluto-Kuiper Mission(2)Astronomy Picture of Day: Blue Saturn
Astronomy Picture of Day: star cluster in motionAstronomy Picture of Day: Saturn's Storm
话题: planet话题: liquid话题: lav话题: incredible话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1285
Orbiting very close to a Sun-like star, a huge, searing hot planet has been
discovered to be rapidly losing mass. It might eventually be stripped
entirely of its gas envelope, leaving behind a liquid core of lava.
The discovery was made by noting an extended and fleeing envelope of hydrogen,
the first firm detection ever of that basic element in the atmosphere of a
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn's StormRe: 太阳同步圆轨道?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Earth from SaturnThe Milky Way Eats One of Its Own [zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Spirit Rover on MarsReview Board Endorses Pluto-Kuiper Mission(2)
Astronomy Picture of Day: A Hole in MarsAstronomy Picture of Day: star cluster in motion
questions每日一图 月球上的东方海
Stargazing from Orbit[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zzAstronomy Picture of Day: London at Night
Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense MatterSOHO通讯中断:它将如何影响日常生活?
话题: planet话题: liquid话题: lav话题: incredible话题: may