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Arts版 - Devil found in detail of Giotto fresco
从尘世到天堂——《加冕的圣母子》Edward Hopper's painting
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【文墨画屏】关于小朋友吃饭的绘本[转载] 国画与古筝@ Central Jersey
话题: giotto话题: devil话题: francis话题: st话题: basilica
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1822
Art restorers have discovered the figure of a devil hidden in the
clouds of one of the most famous frescos by Giotto in the Basilica of St
Francis in Assisi, church officials said on Saturday.
The devil was hidden in the details of clouds at the top of fresco
number 20 in the cycle of the scenes in the life and death of St Francis
painted by Giotto in the 13th century.
The discovery was made by Italian art historian Chiara Frugone. It
shows a profile of a figure with a hooked nose, a sly smile, and dark
horns hidden among the clouds in the panel of the scene depicting the
death of St Francis.
The figure is difficult to see from the floor of the basilica but
emerges clearly in close-up photography.
Sergio Fusetti, the chief restorer of the basilica, said Giotto
probably never wanted the image of the devil to be a main part of the
fresco and may have painted it in among the clouds "to have a bit of
The master may have painted it to spite someone he knew by portraying
him as a devil in the painting, Fusetti said on the convent's website.
The artwork in the basilica in the convent where St Francis is
buried was last restored after it was severely damaged by an earthquake
in 1997.
发帖数: 3918

【在 y*****g 的大作中提到】
: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/devil-found-detail-giotto-fresco-italy
: 114509111.html
: Art restorers have discovered the figure of a devil hidden in the
: clouds of one of the most famous frescos by Giotto in the Basilica of St
: Francis in Assisi, church officials said on Saturday.
: The devil was hidden in the details of clouds at the top of fresco
: number 20 in the cycle of the scenes in the life and death of St Francis
: painted by Giotto in the 13th century.
: The discovery was made by Italian art historian Chiara Frugone. It
: shows a profile of a figure with a hooked nose, a sly smile, and dark

发帖数: 1822

旧那个连结好像不对吧, 试试这个 ..

【在 r****o 的大作中提到】
: 呃,还是找不到呃
1 (共1页)
[转载] 国画与古筝@ Central JerseyHelp on journal Cover Art
MET dutch painting show于铁塔揽胜 La Tour Eiffel
有没有在网上买过painting copy的?perspectival picture是什么?
Point, Line and Plane【文墨画屏】关于小朋友吃饭的绘本
从尘世到天堂——《加冕的圣母子》Edward Hopper's painting
幸福的魂靈 (圖)What ART is?
My updated painting gallery芝加哥艺术博物馆(11)
抽象画应该如何欣赏??Some works in the summer's painting class
话题: giotto话题: devil话题: francis话题: st话题: basilica