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Arizona版 - 宾州两名随身带枪的民主党众议员与劫匪交火 (转载)
有些华人连Dorner的家属都不如 (转载)兲使都有颗玻璃心,没抢到钱泪沾襟 (转载)
Despite Obama Shutdown, Parks Service to Allow Illegal Alie (转载)Las Vegas Schools Want to Teach Five-Year-Olds About Mastur (转载)
民猪党老黑众议员说美国宪法有400年了 (转载)俄亥俄CCW平民以一敌三, 击毙两持枪劫匪(视频) (转载)
video of Chicago offduty cop defending against armed robber (转载)NY左逼脑残开始鼓励妇女带面纱 (转载)
猪党参议员候选人把自己和老布什联系在一起 (转载)Armed Restaurant Customer Thwarts Alleged Robber (转载)
Chicago: Four Dead Among at Least 36 Shot in Chicago in 36 (转载)捷克举行反穆斯林游行:穆斯林是恶魔 (转载)
加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)宾州两名随身带枪的民主党众议员与劫匪交火
If you watch lots of porn, your brain will be smaller (转载)宾州两名随身带枪的民主党众议员与劫匪交火 (转载)
话题: flynn话题: democrat话题: jammie话题: robbers话题: gunfire
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 宾州两名随身带枪的民主党众议员与劫匪交火
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 16 17:26:28 2014, 美东)
Gun-Toting Democrat Fights Off Would-Be Robbers, Exchanges Gunfire
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
We can only imagine their party will call for immediate expulsion since we
all know carrying guns is bad for you.
Those would-be robbers picked the wrong politician.
A Pennsylvania state representative exchanged gunfire with a pair of
criminals late Tuesday night, according to a report.
Reps. Marty Flynn, D-Scranton, and Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, were
approached by two gunmen with bandanas covering their faces about 11 p.m.
near the 200 block of Herr Street in the state capital of Harrisburg,
Capitolwire reported.
Flynn, a former prison guard and MMA fighter, was also armed when the
crooks held them at gunpoint from a few feet away and a third suspect
watched from a vehicle, according to the news service.
We guess self-defense is fashionable as long as you’re a pistol-packing
1 (共1页)
宾州两名随身带枪的民主党众议员与劫匪交火 (转载)猪党参议员候选人把自己和老布什联系在一起 (转载)
出生证明认证 (宾州)Chicago: Four Dead Among at Least 36 Shot in Chicago in 36 (转载)
季前赛好多电视上都没有啊加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)
[合法用枪3/20] Clerk trades gunfire with robbersIf you watch lots of porn, your brain will be smaller (转载)
有些华人连Dorner的家属都不如 (转载)兲使都有颗玻璃心,没抢到钱泪沾襟 (转载)
Despite Obama Shutdown, Parks Service to Allow Illegal Alie (转载)Las Vegas Schools Want to Teach Five-Year-Olds About Mastur (转载)
民猪党老黑众议员说美国宪法有400年了 (转载)俄亥俄CCW平民以一敌三, 击毙两持枪劫匪(视频) (转载)
video of Chicago offduty cop defending against armed robber (转载)NY左逼脑残开始鼓励妇女带面纱 (转载)
话题: flynn话题: democrat话题: jammie话题: robbers话题: gunfire