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Apple版 - [合集] sigh, IPAD大起, IPHONE4大落....
sigh, IPAD大起, IPHONE4大落....IPAD什么时候出二代?
Apple大反攻: Apple.com/antenna/弱问,买IPAD和不带plan的iphone4要排队什么的吗
有iphone 5的消息么?也来说说Ipad 2
求助;为什么我下载的游戏在IPAD玩不了FaceTime 可以直接连接国内用户吗?
iphone4 的运行速度是不是会和ipad差不多?买了ipad 2发现用不过来怎么办?
还是IPAD质量比较好iPhone 4S的天线问题解决了[据说]
话题: 7db话题: db话题: end话题: ipad话题: iphone4
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19743
weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长) 于 (Wed Jun 30 21:54:59 2010, 美东) 提到:
很无奈, 本来IPAD是个很风险的东西, 结果大热; 相反, IPHONE系统应该很成熟了,
我想了一下, IPAD这个东西实际很奇怪, 他没有专门的FUNCTION, 你拿他画画, 看书,
玩游戏, 看书, 或者实在不堪看毛片, 所有的功能都是你定义的. 但是由于IPAD的
新颖性, 你可以用很不同的方法实现你定义的功能, 比如, 躺在床上用各种体位看
毛片. 于是我们很满意.
IPHONE就不同了, 功能已经预先定义好, PHONE, 如果这个出问题, 整个系统会受到
很大的怀疑, 至于那些锦上添花的东西, 由于没有下层建筑的支持, 就成了很虚无缥
在长叹一个. 还是跟乔总的桀傲不驯的性格有关系.
microbe (天涯思君不可忘) 于 (Wed Jun 30 21:56:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
No logic. iPhone is much more complicated than iPad.
What's in iPad? Bigger room with fewer components. Where is the engineering

weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长) 于 (Wed Jun 30 21:58:43 2010, 美东) 提到:
IPAD风险不是技术上的, 是市场操作上的. 那么多NETBOOK, 没有点胆量不赶跳的.
fatboat (極品飛車) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:12:48 2010, 美东) 提到:
rodney (||) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:23:06 2010, 美东) 提到:
newgumin (新股民) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:25:23 2010, 美东) 提到:
ipad has no competitors so far.
ip4 is in hurry given the antenna issue. i think it's because apple see
Android pressure. they must hurry up to lock the users.
newgumin (新股民) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:36:19 2010, 美东) 提到:
apple made a successful brain-wash: users are thinking ipad is different
from netbook.
in my view, it's just an enlarged itouch with 3g enhanced. there's little
innovation inside.
pandamalone (0000~史前圣灵猫熊) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:37:33 2010, 美东) 提到:
weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:42:14 2010, 美东) 提到:
用户体位感受不一样了. hoho.
ttflee (fleeer) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:52:10 2010, 美东) 提到:
IPad 实际上逊于netbook,最多就是残杀不太成功的MBA的空间
aaaty (阿fan提) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:52:13 2010, 美东) 提到:
No. I believe it is just not enough QA and Apple got too confident with its
industrial design. Aesthetics of industrial design often win over pure
engineering. But WTH, it is part of Apple's core value. Apple did make great
stuff before. Apple also made beautiful failed products before. This is
just Apple.
aaaty (阿fan提) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:52:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
have you actually used one? Used one for 10 hours at least?
pandamalone (0000~史前圣灵猫熊) 于 (Wed Jun 30 22:54:13 2010, 美东) 提到:
newgumin (新股民) 于 (Thu Jul 1 00:17:00 2010, 美东) 提到:
sure. so i know the lethal flaws of these two products.
xuansu (xsu) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:06:01 2010, 美东) 提到:
Not really. The signal loss is not outrageously severe compared to HTC's
Nexus One. 24db vs 17db.
What makes this problem appears shocking is iPhone's signal bar covers only
23db with the last 4 bars. So if you had only 4bar or barely 5 bar to begin
with, you will see the dramatic effect of bars disappearing one by one.
Even if they had the similar level of signal loss as HTC's phone, you'll
still see a loss of at least 2-3 bars.
leopardo (云豹宝宝) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:08:07 2010, 美东) 提到:
but QA should have found that it you touch it in certain way, you can lose
connection, and the data speed is dramatically reduced?
xuansu (xsu) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:19:52 2010, 美东) 提到:
they must have deemed it an acceptable compromise when the antenna design
offers much better signal clarity when the signal strength is not reduced
below connection threshold.
In fact, had they changed how the signal bar is calculated before releasing
the product, nobody would have noticed anything but much clearer calls and
better range than anything that came before.
Corinthian (Diogenes门下一走狗) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:24:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
newgumin (新股民) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:52:10 2010, 美东) 提到:
n1 is already old while ip4 is new and hyped to sky.
newgumin (新股民) 于 (Thu Jul 1 02:52:46 2010, 美东) 提到:
NCat (ruki) 于 (Thu Jul 1 04:30:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
HLS (SLS) 于 (Thu Jul 1 07:53:05 2010, 美东) 提到:
ft, you think 7dB different is not big? it translates to 5 times difference
in signal strength, dB is in log10 scale.
xuansu (xsu) 于 (Thu Jul 1 10:34:58 2010, 美东) 提到:
7db at the low end isn't significant in the big picture. probably just
means a mile or two less from the tower. plus, iPhone's much longer antenna
compensate for the lower signal strength
P836 (大同利益) 于 (Thu Jul 1 12:37:29 2010, 美东) 提到:
I have to say that you definitely are not a person working in communications
area, not even EE area. You have no idea about the signal requirement for
communications. No idea on S/No, etc. But you drew your assertive
conclusions so easily -- is the rest of the world fool or are you?
I feel sad for those engineers who fight and work very hard for only 1- 2 dB
improvement in system performance.
You are not only an iPhone fan but an i-diot fan. :-(
xuansu (xsu) 于 (Thu Jul 1 17:26:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
if you yourself know anything about signal noise ratio, you wouldn't have so
quickly dismissed apple's design choice as defective.
paperkitten (YYZW) 于 (Thu Jul 1 18:02:36 2010, 美东) 提到:
I have to say, you have no clue on wireless communication and antenna.
Plus, your have some problems in thinking logically too.
happyness (choice is an illusion) 于 (Thu Jul 1 18:19:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
I don't get it. I think iphone 4 is much hotter than iPad.
kayaker (霜晨の月) 于 (Thu Jul 1 19:33:36 2010, 美东) 提到:
关键是苹果是个皮包公司,under the hood的技术根本不懂,比如RF,比如display,
happyness (choice is an illusion) 于 (Thu Jul 1 19:39:59 2010, 美东) 提到:
Actually Apple is very strong on the tech stuff. They really know what
should be under the hood and how to make them work. Their recent A4 chip
is a strong proof of their ability beyond board/system/OS design.
trandora (Trandora is not Fedora) 于 (Thu Jul 1 19:52:06 2010, 美东) 提到:
这个例子不怎么样。现在最新的说法是 Apple A4 实际上就是贴牌的
Samsung S5PC110。
xxcyq (刘惜君 我很快乐) 于 (Thu Jul 1 19:52:30 2010, 美东) 提到:
ipad 和 iphone 一代一样,都是划时代的产品。
HLS (SLS) 于 (Thu Jul 1 21:28:18 2010, 美东) 提到:
do you know the typical cell size in urban area? a mile or two. So "a
mile or two less from the tower" moves you from cell edge to right in
front of the tower. 7dB difference is 7dB different, there is no such
saying as lower end or high end, as a matter of fact, at the high end, 7
db less might be ok, for example, drop from 100 dB to 93dB is not a big
deal. (numbers are exaggerated but you get the idea).
1 (共1页)
iPhone 4S的天线问题解决了[据说]有iphone 5的消息么?
苹果的巅峰(或Jobs的巅峰)---- iPod? iTunes? MacOS X? iPhone 3G? iPhone4? iPad?求助;为什么我下载的游戏在IPAD玩不了
请教iphone和ipad的问题iphone4 的运行速度是不是会和ipad差不多?
扛摔又扛泡,nexus 7对比ipad (转载)还是IPAD质量比较好
sigh, IPAD大起, IPHONE4大落....IPAD什么时候出二代?
Apple大反攻: Apple.com/antenna/弱问,买IPAD和不带plan的iphone4要排队什么的吗
话题: 7db话题: db话题: end话题: ipad话题: iphone4