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Apple版 - ATT earnings report: iPhone exclusivity is over
估计过一阵抱怨的是流量成天嚷着要Verizon iphone的人看看这个先
要买iphone4的注意了财富杂志采访 Verizon CEO,确定明年初期发布 CDMA 版的 iPhon
iPhone购买经历(续) (转载)Verizon special event 1-11-11 in NYC
请教iPhone 3GS升级ios4.0.1后激活的问题verizon iphone不如att的是
Preparing for Shipment靠, 至于的么....
移动市场10大最烂技术: (转载)国内用ipad2买AT&T还是Verizon
问问iphone 4的问题Which iPad 2 3G version is better for China: GSM or CDMA?
话题: iphone话题: at&t话题: earnings话题: att
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6682
You can tell a product ranks high in the public consciousness when something
like this is news: AT&T's quarterly earnings report makes it sound like the
telecom may finally lose its iPhone exclusivity deal. While a class-action
lawsuit recently confirmed the handset was originally locked to AT&T /
Cingular for a full five years, the company's Q2 SEC filing has the company
making a considerable number of familiar excuses why AT&T's cellular
business will thrive even "as these exclusivity arrangements end." While the
iPhone isn't mentioned by name, it's hard to imagine sentences like "We
believe offering a wide variety of handsets reduces dependence on any single
handset" could refer to anything else -- but before you start defecting to
Team Red, know there's nothing in there that suggests a date, much less
proof of the fabled CDMA iPhone.
1 (共1页)
Which iPad 2 3G version is better for China: GSM or CDMA?zt福布斯:iPad将像iPod一样统治市场
用iphone,现在加入那个计划好?verizon or att?Preparing for Shipment
土人问Ipad2买回国用移动市场10大最烂技术: (转载)
iphone 4S rumors: 800万像素;不用4G网络;Qualcomm芯片问问iphone 4的问题
估计过一阵抱怨的是流量成天嚷着要Verizon iphone的人看看这个先
要买iphone4的注意了财富杂志采访 Verizon CEO,确定明年初期发布 CDMA 版的 iPhon
iPhone购买经历(续) (转载)Verizon special event 1-11-11 in NYC
请教iPhone 3GS升级ios4.0.1后激活的问题verizon iphone不如att的是
话题: iphone话题: at&t话题: earnings话题: att