m**e 发帖数: 12 | 1 Just bought a brand new macbook pro from ebay with sealed box, but when I
checked the its warranty by the
serial No. in apple website, it shows there is no record found. What is the
problem? Is this mac book pro from
some illegal channels? Thanks | s*********e 发帖数: 2076 | 2 你 倒霉了。。。 苹果 偶尔也会出错,
机器出产的时候没有 等级条形码,所以机器就没有记录,
一般可以拿到你购买的店铺 去RENEW 一下就可以了,我做了
这么成千上万台苹果也就碰到了过一次,到店铺 重新刷一下就好了,
但是你是EBAY 买的就没有办法了,,,只能指望机器不要坏,
不然 APPLE CARE 都加不上。。。可怜的人啊。。。 |