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发帖数: 1107
来自主题: Parenting版 - 天冷了如何穿衣服
how old is your boy? If less than 2, wear an onesie, also called bodysuit (
assuming he is not potty trained)
If he is potty trained, wear a short sleeve of long sleeve T shirt that he
wore this summer. 比较贴身的,稍微长一点的,更好,应为能护到肚脐。
发帖数: 1107
来自主题: Parenting版 - 天冷了如何穿衣服
How old is your boy, is less than 2-3 and not potty trained, wear an onesie,
also called bodysuit. If he is potty trained, wear a short sleeve or long
sleeve T shirt that he wore this past spring and summer, as long as it cover
several inches under the belly button, it would do
发帖数: 6923
When we first brought our baby home, we were stricken with terror. Would the
baby suddenly stop breathing? What if she choked? Did the other people on
the road always drive this dangerously?
As the days wore on, the fear ebbed. Okay, we could keep the baby alive. But
what were we supposed to do with her? She stared into space, showing no
particular interest in our efforts to sing or dangle toys in front of her
face. "Look, baby, look at the monkey!" Nope. Just vacant stares, and then
some crying... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
The Kids Called Her Stupid: Part 1 of 4
They walked the aisles at Old Navy, Ross and outlet stores. Dawn paused over
clothes that appealed to her style. Gray, black, purple shorts, sundresses
and shirts. She kept her distance from anything yellow or pink.
The 17-year-old had never shopped like this before.
She was always looking for a bargain.
Shirts, shorts and flip-flops. She worried about the prices. Robyn Putnam,
her guidance counselor at Burns High School, caught on.
Putnam first knew Dawn ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
- - - - - - - - - - -
She wasn’t worried about being the new kid at Governor’s School. She knew
it wouldn’t be like middle school.
Those years were her worst.
Dawn owned two dresses in middle school. Most days, she wore the burgundy
striped one with a black flower stitched at the bottom. Her grandma didn’t
make her shower every day. Some days, she forgot to brush her hair.
Girls would tease the cute boys in class by saying that Dawn liked them.
“People thought it was funny when the guys w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4919
One large study of the subject, by researchers at the University of Buffalo
in 2006, analyzed more than 60,000 fatal crashes and found that passengers
in the middle back seat were 86 percent more likely to survive than those in
the front seats, and 25 percent more likely to survive than those in the
other rear seats.
But the study also found that about half of all adults in the middle back
seat neglected to wear seat belts. They wer... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7299
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: Nehalem (Nehalem), 信区: Joke
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:37:08 2013, 美东)
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: Military
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:41 2013, 美东)
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:29 2013, 美东)
(CNN) -- A Colorado school's ruling over a transgender child has sparked
questions that could affect schools all over the country.
Which bathr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3319
1. Introduction
My interest in studying creativity was inspired by the frustrations that I
felt as a student, then as a professor. I wanted to know how I could
encourage creativity in myself, my students, and my colleagues.
Politicians, industrial managers, academic administrators, and other leaders
often say that innovation is critical to the future of civilization, our
country, their company, etc. But in practice, these same people often act as
if innovation is an evil that must be suppressed,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 268
来自主题: Parenting版 - 72-73度睡觉穿什么啊
We have been using this http://www.amazon.com/HALO-SleepSack-Lightweight-Wearable-Blanket/dp/B008VWVSQO/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1369925988&sr=8-17&keywords=halo+sleepsack
since she turned to 1.
it was 73 in her room last night and she wore just the sleepsack, no under
shirt, no socks.
发帖数: 865
来自主题: Parenting版 - 人生的追求
honestly, 我不觉得说不要强迫孩子练琴很装。我以前转过一个ABC中国孩子
I had similar experiences with my mother when I was learning piano. She
would sit with me for hours, correcting every little mistake I would make
and pressing me repeatedly to get the song right. It was terrible and
oppressive. Eventually I would perform to her satisfaction, and after years
passed I attained a near-concert-p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1404
By Carlina Duan, Magazine Editor
Published February 2, 2014
When I was eleven, I was called a Chink by three boys at a water park. I was
wearing my favorite blue Nike suit, had just gotten my first period a month
before, and adored my fish tank of silver guppies, which swam mercilessly
back and forth through a sleeve of cool water each night.
I didn’t understand race, and I didn’t u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9
来自主题: Parenting版 - 我喜歡word wisely 3000
一個朋友在美國多年,他推薦了這個word wisely 3000,可以團購,不貴。我想既然母
些法制電視劇不那麼難懂了,因為那些法官嘴裡說的那些文縐縐的詞好多都在wo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
In 2005, a 20-year-old Zimmerman was arrested and charged after an
altercation with a police officer. The same year, his ex-fianceé filed a
restraining order against him and accused him of domestic violence.
On Zimmerman's Myspace page, he spoke about what he didn’t miss about his
former home in Manassas,Virginia,
“I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of
the street, soft ass wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint
around (what are you provin, that y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
MADISON HOLLERAN’S FIRST SEMESTER at Penn was tough, despite her 3.5 GPA.
She had a big, close social circle in high school, a support system built
from childhood. That chapter of Holleran’s life can still be seen online —
playing sports, singing with friends, dancing with her old teammates on a
hotel bed.
Those bonds aren’t forged overnight at a new school. But Holleran was
probably a lot more popular in college than she believed. The new friends
she made remember her stopping, repeatedly, anyw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
A 13-year-old Ohio girl of Chinese descent was continually assaulted,
bullied and harassed online by white students before she killed herself, a
new lawsuit claims.
The demographics of the Fairfield City Schools show a racial breakdown of 86
.7% white, 9% black, and 1.6% Asian. Clearly, students of color can be made
to feel isolated and vulnerable.
The lawsuit alleges Emilie was bullied for the better part of three school
years because of her association with a group of white students who wore
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7460
来自主题: Parenting版 - 亚裔男娃如何融入美国社会?
And my grandparents explained that folks in these parts, they didn’t like
show-offs. They didn’t admire braggarts or bullies. They didn’t respect
mean-spiritedness, or folks who were always looking for shortcuts in life.
Instead, what they valued were traits like honesty and hard work, kindness,
courtesy, humility, responsibility, helping each other out. That’s what
they believed in. True things. Things that last. The things we try to teach
our kids.
And what my grandparents understood was that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2415
来自主题: PennySaver版 - Rite aid的尿布丢(3/4-3/6)
I think no need to prepare size n.
after I came back from hospital, my baby already started to use size 1.
she wore size n only for a 2 or 3 days and were all supplied by the hospital.
she was born 9 lbs 4 oz.

发帖数: 266
all my relatives, friends, former coworkers, anyone you and I know, are
still woring and alive! :)
how much do they earn? who cares! As long as they each have a family and
kids, and enough income to make a living.
Life is to live, not to compare against each other. Period.
Have a nice week!, nevetheless, it is Sunday night now.
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Returnee版 - 回国 - sky is UNLIMITED!

I heard "sky is only the limit", something like that.
But, I prefer to say "sky is unlimited", closer to my "traditional thought".
Btw, I have been woring in the aerospace field, hahaha
发帖数: 19471
1. expected return on retain earnings is higher than opportunity cost of the
same amount of cash for investors. this means investors believe the company
can put that cash to work and make more $ than they can do with that money
in some other investments.
2. dividend income is generally subject to a higher tax rate than capital ga
ins. in other wored, the US tax system encourages a higher retention rate of
发帖数: 3292
He always brought home milk on Friday.
After a long hard week full of days he would burst through the door, his
fatigue hidden behind a smile. There was an icy jug of Tuscan Whole Milk, 1
Gallon, 128 fl oz in his right hand. With his left hand he would grip my
waist - I was always cooking dinner - and press the cold frostiness of the
jug against my arm as he kissed my cheek. I would jump, mostly to gratify
him after a time, and smile lovingly at him. He was a good man, a wonderful
husband who al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18523
来自主题: Stock版 - 现在MM的技术相当的了得
the piston's skin almost wore out.....
发帖数: 18251
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: Military
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:41 2013, 美东)
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:29 2013, 美东)
(CNN) -- A Colorado school's ruling over a transgender child has sparked
questions that could affect schools all over the country.
Which bathroom should be used by a child who identifies as a different
gender from his or her body? Where's the line ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6660
Claim: The nurses' protective gear left their necks exposed
After expressing concerns that their necks were exposed even as they wore
protective gear, the nurses were told to wrap their necks with medical tape,
the union says.
"They were told to use medical tape and had to use four to five pieces of
medical tape wound around their neck. The nurses have expressed a lot of
concern about how difficult it is to remove the tape from their neck,"
Burger said.
发帖数: 6660
"The nursing staff said that they were directed to wear standard or generic
hospital gowns that are flimsy and could be permeated or ripped.
They also complained that they were advised to use surgical masks, not the
plastic welder-type shield mask considered a best option.
And while they wore protective gloves, parts of their heads and necks
remaine exposed, she explained"
候不一样接触... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15421
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: tomnjerry (tom jerry), 信区: Military
标 题: 达拉斯护士真可怜:两天没protective gear
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 16 01:23:44 2014, 美东)
Report: Texas Ebola Nurses Had No Protective Gear For Two Days
Hospital workers were intensively exposed to the first U.S. Ebola patient
without wearing protective gear for two days, according to The Dallas
Morning News.
Between Sept. 28 and Sept. 30, medical professionals treating Thomas Duncan
wore only gowns and scrubs in the interim. Duncan was suf... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24893
【 以下文字转载自 StephenKing 俱乐部 】
发信人: StephenKing (金博士), 信区: StephenKing
标 题: 不系安全带,John Nash今天车祸死了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 24 11:17:59 2015, 美东)
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Born June 13, 1928
Bluefield, West Virginia, U.S.
Died May 23, 2015 (aged 86) [1]
Residence United States
Nationality American
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Alma mater
Princeton University
Carnegie Institute of Te... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Stock版 - Trade 'wore' is good & easy to win
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Stock版 - Trade 'wore' is good & easy to win
going down hill, men

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Stock版 - Trade 'wore' is good & easy to win
发帖数: 11530
Stop t f trade 'wore'
Bring back Jobs from his grave
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Immigration版 - Immigration_Right_2007: San Jose Rally Report
More than 100 Chinese and 350 Indians joined the rally. It was a HUGE success
and a BIG hit to bay area!
This morning before the rally, not many people came to the carpool spot.
Surprisingly, there was big Chinese crowd outside the city hall, some with
their kids, or even parents, not to mention hundreds of Indian peers from IV
. Most of group members wore a yellow plastic loop around their necks which
helps to identify themselves. Besides, each member had a chest group tag,
saying “Immigration
发帖数: 804
来自主题: Immigration版 - 联邦政府要关门, USCIS会受影响么?
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The countdown to a possible government shutdown is on.
If lawmakers don't pass a funding extension by March 4, the government will shift to performing essential operations only. That could mean that government workers would stay home, national parks and museums would close and cleanup at toxic waste sites would stop.
It's difficult to predict how the cur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2467
来自主题: EB23版 - 希望晚点出VB
I took it off because I wore the green dress last year but I didn't green
last year! I need to do something opposite to get green I guess.....
发帖数: 11175

Google Inc.'s search sites in China abruptly stopped working Tuesday, but
the explanation for the outage shifted as the day wore on. The Internet
giant first blamed itself, citing a technical change, but later reversed
course and pointed to the heavy hand of China's "Great Firewall"—even as
service appeared to be back to nor
发帖数: 1311
I want sth more durable...
just bought a pair of slippers from C&K a couple months ago
wore it like 10 times
the color started to peel off, became very ugly :(
发帖数: 6973
That is the title of a report today in Chosun Ilbo, English edition http://english.chosun.com.
The first word, Chosun, is Korea, the way Chinese--but not Taiwanese--call
Noth Korea. "Ilbo"--where the first letter is capital "I" and the second,
lower case "L"is Korean for "daily" newpaper.
word: A "gauntlet" is a metal glove warrior wore in Middle Ages. To "Throw
Down Gauntlet" means to challenge.
My comment:
(1) I am surprised that South Korea considers Taiwan a competitor. Korea
thinks its ge
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - First Lady Wore Jason Wu Dress, Again
(1) Oblique View:
Cathy Horyn, Michelle Wears Kooky Cardigan to Covent Garden. New York Times,
Apr. 2, 2009.
(2) frontal view:
(a) Alisa Gould-Simon, Michelle Obama Shocks with “Kooky” Cardigan. Black
Book, Apr. 3, 2009.
(b) Booth Moore, All the rage: Michelle Obama's edgiest fashion statement
yet. Los Angeles Times Blog, Ap
发帖数: 14763
来自主题: Boston版 - 丹佛电影院枪击12死50伤。

这样的话 "好人"打死的 一定比"坏人"打死的还多 好人自己也难免被其它好人打死 因
为现在目击者不仅坚持说有自动武器 还坚持有多个杀手.按照这个判断,就意味着打死
不过你还算比较客观的啦 知道不一定黑暗里回击就可以把凶手打死 广大rednecks都相
信一个人就能还击击毙凶手, 这就比较搞笑了.凶手不仅全身装甲,还是等催泪弹散开后
才开枪,满脸是泪,气都喘不上来,还想打中一个黑暗中一身黑的凶手?Keep YY'ing吧,
He was dressed head-to-toe in black bullet-proof gear, including helmet,
vest, leggings and a groin and throat protector. He wore a gas mask, goggles
and black gloves.
He threw tear gas into the crowd to disorient moviegoers
发帖数: 2950
来自主题: Boston版 - 请推荐修车行或者私人修车
说是rear brake pad and rotators wore out.
都换了新的,labor fee花了160, 一共480.
发帖数: 523
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13249
John Nash MIT 数学教授,住在Boston
Personal life
In 1951, Nash went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a C. L. E
. Moore Instructor in the mathematics faculty. There, he met Alicia Lopez-
Harrison de Lardé (born January 1, 1933), a naturalized U.S. citizen from
El Salvador. De Lardé graduated from M.I.T., having majored in physics.[4]
They married in February 1957 at a Catholic ceremony, although Nash was an
atheist.[11][12] Nash experienced the first symptoms of mental illness in
early 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 453
来自主题: Carolinas版 - 14th Chinese restaurant robbed at gun point
JAMES ISLAND, SC (WCSC) – Charleston police are investigating an armed
robbery that occurred at 10:15 Thursday night at the Dragon Gate Chinese
Restaurant on James Island.
According to authorities, two black men entered through an unlocked rear
door of the restaurant with handguns.
One suspect was wearing an orange t-shirt and the other suspect wore a white
t-shirt. No one was harmed.
Police have made no arrests and continue to investigate thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5431
来自主题: Chicago版 - 顶不住了,太冷了
i only wore one and left my snow shoes in the office.
At the end, i really wanted to chop my feet off and throw them into
发帖数: 2265
Buffalo Grove gas station robbed at gunpoint
February 17, 2011
By RONNIE WACHTER r******[email protected]
Two men armed with a handgun robbed a Buffalo Grove gas station early
Thursday morning, police said.
The robbery took place at 1:10 a.m. at Mobil, 1248 N. McHenry Road.
Two men with dark bandanas covering their faces entered the station,
displayed a black semiautomatic pistol and demanded money, according to a
Buffalo Grove police report. They took $50 from the register, the lone c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
Mine is wore out and need one now. Last time I got Nike from Dick's.
Not tons of choice (there are not tons anywhere). But it is ok.
发帖数: 11267
来自主题: Chicago版 - a joke
Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale
, he bought them and wore them home. Walking proudly, he sauntered into the
kitchen and said to his wife, “Notice anything different about me?”
Margaret looked him over. “Nope.”
Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back
into the kitchencompletely naked except for the boots.
Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, “Notice anything
different NOW?”
Margaret looked up and said in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
Good reasoning.
However, I would like to point out two facts:
1) Those Chinese graduate students coming to the U.S. were poor in terms of
wealth when they stepped on the land of the free. But they were not poor in
terms of education. Almost everyone had a B.S. degree from a respectable
college in China. The advantage of having a degree from Beida or Tsinghua
would be an asset for some of those foreign students. It could be argued
that their solid training in a respectable college in China hel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13236
来自主题: Chicago版 - 郊区老中萎缩大叔要喷血了
U. of I. reaches out to 600 freshmen from China
The hotel elevator doors opened and Yiwei Huang stepped out, ready for his
college orientation.
He held his mother's hand as he approached the registration table.
He pored over the rows of name tags, each belonging to a future classmate,
until he spotted his own, printed with both his familiar Chinese name and "
Allen" in parentheses — the name he will go by when he enrolls later this
month at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
U. of I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 466
We wore ski padding all over our body, so we are good and very enjoy.
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