a********n 发帖数: 102 | 1 去了也会受打击的,根本没人听
t**********g 发帖数: 920 | 2 就是有点好奇,为什么没有stanford或者Berkley这种学校的教授学生到AWWA和WEFTEC
做报告,偶尔有点点缀就是UT-Austin或者Georgia Tech,这些学校的老师学生搞科研
不关心行业动态?还是有其他的会议可以参加?或者他们参加了我没有看到? |
a*****a 发帖数: 1038 | 3 Perhaps their research topics are completely out of touch with hot issues at
water industry. If there are no sessions opening for their topics, their
conference paper will not be accepted. Or maybe they even did not submit
them. The reason that so many folks from Georgia Tech attending the AWWA
conference in Atlanta is that their professors do not pay their traveling
cost, such as air fare and hotel.
b****g 发帖数: 395 | 4 我们组去年参加的WEFTEC(Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition &
Conference)会议论文获奖了“Rudolfs Industrial Waste Management Medal”。
请行家解读,谢谢! |
x******0 发帖数: 1058 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 Environmental 讨论区 】
发信人: xyz32310 (I like traveling), 信区: Environmental
标 题: [转载] 喷水地球工程方法清除空气污染来解决中国城市的雾霾
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 11 14:38:15 2014, 美东)
更搞笑的是论文还被发在所谓的国际著名科学杂志《Environmental Chemistry
(小标题:“喷水地球工程方法清除大气污染来解决中国城市的雾霾... 阅读全帖 |
s******y 发帖数: 431 | 7 大家好, 我们是在上海做供水智能管理设备和系统系统的初创公司,9月底会来参加芝
加哥举办的WEFTEC 2015, 这个一个水行业的大型展会。需要在当地找1,2位SHOW
STAFF,负责进行客户沟通等工作。 最好是CIVIL或者环境专业的学生或者专业人士。
展会的日期是9月27,28,29 3天。如果哪位有兴趣的请站内联系,待遇面议,谢谢。 |
p*****h 发帖数: 5 | 8 一个人实在没意思,希望大家有机会能在一起聚聚
我周六到san diego |
m*l 发帖数: 507 | 9 如果你看两眼会议论文就知道为啥了。
,没多少研究价值。 |
a*****e 发帖数: 2503 | 10 there is one time AWWA had one conference in SA, TX, none of the professors in our department wanted to go there because they did not want to meet industry guys. However, they invited them and SA/TX is close to my university.
Finally they decided to send the youngest, female, newly joined Chinese professor in
our department to that conference and all the relative senior professors did not
want to go there and give a presentation. And she told me that I might not see something with "academic valu |
t**********g 发帖数: 920 | 11 有意思,我知道有些教授也从industry拿钱的,能拿NSF的毕竟不多啊。我觉得研究能
professors in our department wanted to go there because they did not want to
meet industry guys. However, they invited them and SA/TX is close to my
professor in
did not
see something with "academic value" there.
in top university like Standford will not consider these industry/vender
oriented conference.
different routes. Sometime they look down each other. One of my coworkers,
who is a relative important guy |
o**e 发帖数: 542 | 12 工业界搞研发的也有看不起学术界的,有次一个总工跟我讲,我们的研发都是很
serious的,好像学术界在他眼里都是瞎混 |
a*****e 发帖数: 2503 | 13
I used to think it like this too.
But later when I talked with some so called famous professors, I felt that
they felt those "industry money" cannot prove themselves and they would
prefer to be a little poor than getting money from some assocation/industry.
One young professor once said something like your professor could easily get
money from industry but he did not want to......
It seems that some "good" universities prefer some fundermental research.
For me, I have no idea. I am not a profes |
a*****e 发帖数: 2503 | 14 one of my senior classmates turned to be a faculty recently. He phoned me and
said two funny things
1. He went to GM and had an interview there, he felt that those research
engineers there knew much more than he knew. He said what he had done seems
really naive in those research engineers eyes.
however, two of his papers were cited over 500 times, pretty good citation. And he is only 31, published these papers 3-4 years ago. So I suppose there would be more citation in the future which means aca |
r****x 发帖数: 3613 | 15 什么叫做real stuff啊,怎么定义
of |
a*****e 发帖数: 2503 | 16 I suppose he means something could be used in real world.
His research is related with nano. |
h*****k 发帖数: 744 | 18 工业界的funding, 目的性很强,或者说, "功利性"很强, 要求短期内就出"实用"的结果
. 这也容易理解, 开公司, 就是要赚钱, 哪能象NSF那样做"散财童子".
俺也知道一个例子, 类似于anisole师兄的第二个故事, 不过那个教授(成名很早了)后
来做的研究都很浅, 因为之前的积累, 和公司的关系不错, 能从公司拿到钱. 他一直都
有博士生毕业, 但俺感觉这些学生做的是"测试"工作, 而不是"research". |
t**********g 发帖数: 920 | 19 我在WEFTEC上遇到一个公司的一个小头目吧,后来给他follow up,他说可以去办公室
得很奇怪,没什么聊的? |
t******1 发帖数: 2 | 24 想找位同行一起计划行程、活动安排。。。哪位有兴趣欢迎回帖和站内留条!谢谢~ |
Q*6 发帖数: 210 | 27
Are you attending the EXHIBITION CONFERENCE there?
I heard about the conference. Could you give further detail? |
m***g 发帖数: 53 | 28 WEFTEC归来,发现印度人势力确实很强大,Degremont一堆印度人,做到manager级别的
其他consulting啊,director, VP级别的印度人也不少
中国同胞见得还真少 |
g*******g 发帖数: 1164 | 30 一年前就deadline了。而且不能发别的期刊。 |
b********6 发帖数: 585 | 31 我是说有人投了没有
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.20 |
b********6 发帖数: 585 | 34 AWWA conference and exhibition 饮用水方面比较大的会 和污水的WEFTEC对应 |
a*****a 发帖数: 1038 | 35 WE only have bi-monthly local chapter meetings for BCEES. Normally we have
annnual board of trustee meeting to elect new president and approve new
board certified environmental engineers in September or October. But in the
recent years we do set up a booth in the ACE, WEFTEC or WQTC meetings. |
x******0 发帖数: 1058 | 36 这人怎么这么SB,有点工程概念吗?他知不知道,要达到他所说的效果,需要消耗多少
更搞笑的是论文还被发在所谓的国际著名科学杂志《Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry Letters》上发表了题为“Water spray geoengineering to
clean air pollu... 阅读全帖 |