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发帖数: 3662
来自主题: Biology版 - Xiaole Shirley Liu at Harvard
Lily Jan
University of California, San Francisco
One potential postdoc appeared to pay more attention to whether studies—
both his and ours—were published in high-profile journals than to the
content of the studies themselves. This left us unsure that this very
accomplished young scientist was right for our lab—though it's always
difficult to gauge based on brief interactions. On the other hand, our
experience has been very good with postdocs who came without flashy
publication... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3662
来自主题: Biology版 - Xiaole Shirley Liu at Harvard
Lily Jan
University of California, San Francisco
One potential postdoc appeared to pay more attention to whether studies—
both his and ours—were published in high-profile journals than to the
content of the studies themselves. This left us unsure that this very
accomplished young scientist was right for our lab—though it's always
difficult to gauge based on brief interactions. On the other hand, our
experience has been very good with postdocs who came without flashy
publication... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 539
Obviously you're an idiot clueless of the history, development and
future trend of Chinese Medicine. Please do some research before jumping
on board and start shitting around like a two-year old. Chinese Medicine
has never ceased its innovation! True, Western Medicine invented
thousands of drugs in the past century, but some with fatal price of
human lives. I acknowledge that many western drugs had been beneficial
to society, however, many drugs had since been banned due to critical
adverse side... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Economics版 - Keynesianism (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Taiwan 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Taiwan
标 题: Keynesianism
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 8 14:01:05 2009)
(1) Peter Clarke, In the long run we are all dependent on Keynes. Financial
Times, Jan. 8, 2009.
Quote: "After dining with a group of Keynesian economists in Washington, in
1944, Keynes commented: 'I was the only non-Keynesian there.'
My comment:
(a) The writer is a historian, rather than an economist. So I am unsure
发帖数: 489

light (a
most TIA.
I am still unsure as to why you need a transimpedance amplifier.
I believe we call that a "resistor".
发帖数: 3249
Look at the reviews left after M&A news.
Jun 9, 2015
Helpful (2) “Such a shame ”
Current Employee - Anonymous Employee in Irvine, CA
I have been working at Broadcom full-time (More than 10 years)
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO
Love the company. Maturity has helped with the work/life balance. Good
benefits package. Flexible working hours and work from home policy. Base pay
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
You should try the automobile board. at least simultaneously. I am unsure if
you can claim anything, for there is something in American laws that is called
"God's act." Like Hurricane innundating New Orleans. My impression, only
impression, is that one may prove the owner, city, was negligent. In any event
, I don't know your local lregulations, but in Boston where I live, a claimant
has to file a notice (NOT the lawsuit itself) to the city and the city has
six months to investigate and decide t
发帖数: 148
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 求教 cs 怀孕体检怎样做consel
for me, I summerized 5 points,
1. need run some test on you to make sure the pregnancy(if unsure yet), the
health of your baby and you.
2. Iron supplement and Multiple Vitamin
3. Saft sex to prevent you and your baby from some potential infections
4. Quit smoking and quit drinking (not cut down)
5. regular follow-up
发帖数: 76
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - FAIL了CS, 恳求建议!!!
I am sorry to hear that and I totally understand your feeling since I was at
your situation this time last year. Gave yourself sometime to rethink your
performance in the exam, write down your unsure points which you think might
be right, then ask experts. The most important lesson I learned from my two
tests is: even though you are nervous, worried, and 10000 miles from being
a real doctor, at least behave like a doctor! I thought my second time exam
is even harder than first time, some very ve
发帖数: 237
I rarely use Apple products in my work. I felt less exciting when I tried to
look up UpToDate in an itouch mainly b/c the size of screen. I don't have
access to Skyscape yet therefore I am unsure how its knowledgeable content
is organized and displayed on a PDA's screen. I agree itouch is very
portable and it has well support from Epocrates, Skyscape, medical
dictionary/pronunciation and many other apps. As to the Epocrates Rx or
essential, even my blackberry makes me feel acceptable. But most o
发帖数: 33
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - CK: score 256.
Full time. Studied by myself. I did Kaplan books, video, q. 3-4 months
should be sufficient for 99. I wanted a high 99. Thats why I did 6 months.
I did the video first to get into the zone. 3x first aid. quick scan of the
K books. Did q-bank. In the beginning of month 4, I did UW. First round,
75%. I couldnt believe my eyes! I could have taken the exam at the end of
month 4. To be safe, I did second round of UW on the marked, wrong or uncertain
questions, 90%. Read UW note 1 extra ti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 122
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - ck kaojing
Early june, 2011 step 1: 241
July—September. 2011: go through Kaplan book and mtb2+3 once with study group---
no idea what is ck is, even at the end of reading
mid December to early jan---read secret once with the study group
early jan to end Feb ---read mtb2 internal medicine+mtb 3 other subjects---
15-20 pages a day with 1-2 friends---roughly 2 times reading in total
end feb to early march---read half secret book with 2-3 study partners
September—November, 2011: finish 70% kap... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - CS passed
I just got my CS result today: passed. I did the test in LA center. I used
the FA and went to KAPLAN training course for CS. I prepared for about 4
Experience: Super nervous on test day and made very silly mistakes. Strong
point: time management. My impression: there are not many positive PE signs
in the real test which makes you unsure about the DD, unlike in Kaplan
course, the pt has significant PE manifestations. Test result: CIS a little
above borderline, ICE high performance, SEP c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 228
来自主题: Nursing版 - About IELTS photos
Hi, there,
I am going to apply for the IELTS exam for my wife. I am kind of unsure of
two things:
1. The photo. The passport size means 2X2", right? Sh has to take it for
new, right ( no more than 6 months)? Actually, My wife has such a photo
taken two years ago for the visa and i don't think she has two much change
except the hairstyle. So Can i still use it?
2, If she has to take it for new, any one can recommend a reliable place?
发帖数: 1362
no, i was unsure. I have checked the answer with a skilled RN. She told me
that disposal enema is often use in hospital now. it should be squeezed
until it empty. but the practice I did are usegravitation. I was frustrated,
but, I choice 3.
发帖数: 746
来自主题: Nursing版 - 怎样应对工作面试!
Before the Job Interview
1) Be prepared. Bring extra copies of your resume and references. It is also
a good idea to bring a copy of the questions you intend to ask the
interviewer. Being prepared will help decrease anxiety and show the
interviewer that you are organized.
2) Know the company. You should know a fair amount about the hospital or
company you are interviewing for. If available, use the company’s website
to familiarize yourself with the company’s mission statement and history.
Unders... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 865
来自主题: Nursing版 - 帮忙扫盲一下np哦
This is from AANP:
Q. Will I be required to have a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree by
2015 to be eligible to sit for the AANPCP National Certification Exam?
A:Unsure. The concept of changing the entry-level terminal degree for
advance practice nurses from a MSN to the DNP by the year 2015 has been
under discussion for more than a decade. It is a recommendation, and AANPCP
does endorse the idea of the DNP. The implementation of such a requirement
is complex and is, therefore, not yet a ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10345
来自主题: Psychology版 - Jung's The Red Book (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 PsychoAnalysis 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: PsychoAnalysis
标 题: Jung's The Red Book
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 7 14:31:41 2013, 美东)
For more than 25 years, pioneer psychologist and seeker Carl Jung's Red Book
was hidden away inside a Swiss bank vault. A huge lovely volume bound in
red leather, also known as Liber Novus (The New Book), the book is
essentially Jung's personal journals written in calligraphy and gorgeously
illuminated during a very strange period in his life. The Red B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10345
来自主题: Psychology版 - Jung's The Red Book (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 PsychoAnalysis 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: PsychoAnalysis
标 题: Jung's The Red Book
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 7 14:31:41 2013, 美东)
For more than 25 years, pioneer psychologist and seeker Carl Jung's Red Book
was hidden away inside a Swiss bank vault. A huge lovely volume bound in
red leather, also known as Liber Novus (The New Book), the book is
essentially Jung's personal journals written in calligraphy and gorgeously
illuminated during a very strange period in his life. The Red B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 536
来自主题: Quant版 - 问题目老题目
这个题目似乎是G-research的sample exam上的。
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Statistics版 - SAS base 87% pass today
At least 50% in base 50 and 123. Many thanks to this board.
Something new or unsure:
y='234 ';
how to get 372-234-657
a. cat('-',x,y,z)
b. catx('-',x,y,z)
c. x!!'-'!!y!!'-'!!z
2 _'char'% function
data test;
input name $;
data test2;
set test;
what is the value(s) of name2?
3 where is format saved if not saved permanently?
4. FOUND function;
5 function (trch? not remembered) to cha
发帖数: 25265
来自主题: MedicalDevice版 - Institutional review board
Frequently Asked Questions About the IRB:
The following is a compilation of questions frequently asked regarding
Institutional Review Boards, human subject protection and compliance with
federal regulations. These questions are organized according to whether they
pertain to:
I. Institutional Review Board regulations;
II. Informed Consent regulations;
III. Clinical investigations involving drugs;
IV. Clinical investigations involving medical devices; and
V. Other
发帖数: 6080
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 开版一个月, 我有话要说。
常不正常。我想给他short bedbath,他就醒了,这下爆炸了,弄的我很没底气。我
过去了,我才感觉好一些。3点多钟来一个new admission,因为不熟悉Medtech,又使自

02/05. Had a boring night. One patient is passing away, and the other is
actually passing away as well. The only exciting point is to know one needs
to do urine culture, blood culture & sputum culture (intubated) if in high
fever e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6080
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 开版一个月, 我有话要说。
常不正常。我想给他short bedbath,他就醒了,这下爆炸了,弄的我很没底气。我
过去了,我才感觉好一些。3点多钟来一个new admission,因为不熟悉Medtech,又使自

02/05. Had a boring night. One patient is passing away, and the other is
actually passing away as well. The only exciting point is to know one needs
to do urine culture, blood culture & sputum culture (intubated) if in high
fever e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3799
Confused about how much protein you need, when you need it, and the best
kinds of protein? The following article answers some of the questions active
people commonly ask about protein.
Protein is a popular topic among both casual exercisers and competitive
athletes, many of whom are confused about how much protein they need, when
they should eat it, and the best kinds of protein to choose. The following
article answers some of the q... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2930
Remember that game Trine? The summer is quickly coming to a close, and we've
yet to see the innovative multiplayer platformer hit the PlayStation
Network. What happened to the game, and why isn't it out yet?
Develpoer Frozenbyte's CEO Lauri Hyvärinen spoke with GameSetWatch and
said the game has been stalled due to Sony's rigorous QA testing. "On
consoles it takes weeks, even months if the game gets stuck in the technical
quality testing stuff. It's not anybody's fault really, and it guaran
发帖数: 2930
We recently received a tip from a source very close to Sony who says that
they have been in talks with Mozilla lately about possibly porting firefox
over to the PS3. That said, our source made sure to point out that they were
unsure if any deal had actually been reached at this point, but it is great
news none the less considering the complaints Sony has been getting about
the lack of reliability with their current built in PS3 web browser.
Throwing firefox into the mix would give PS3 the ultima
发帖数: 28013
来自主题: _Hope版 - 小麦如果你觉得自己很强势
发帖数: 1635
来自主题: _LoTaYu版 - I wish that we could lose this crowd
Careless Whisper
Songwriters: Ridgley, Andrew; Michael, George;
I feel so unsure
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen and all its sad goodbyes
I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool
I should have known better than to cheat a friend
And waste a chance that I'd been given
So I'm ne... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
The Discovery Store is offering the following Blu-Ray and DVDs for $1.99
each, plus shipping:
Planet Earth Blu-ray Pole to Pole, Mountains & Deep Ocean
Planet Earth DVD Pole to Pole, Mountains & Deep Ocean
Planet Earth DVD Deserts, Ice Worlds & Shallow Sea
Planet Earth DVD Seasonal Forests & Caves
Planet Earth DVD The Future, Environment & Conservation
Go to Link:
and use the code TBDVD199 at checkout.
Unsure of expiration date.
发帖数: 60932
Sorry, first deal post, so I'm a little unsure of the formatting still, but
TigerDirect has an EVGA 9800GTX+ for $69.81 after BCB and a $30 rebate.
Price Breakdown: $134.99 - $20 (instant savings) - $30 (rebate) - %15.18 (
BCB). Next lowest I could find using the price checker was around $100.
Can't tell if this is the newer version of the card that only uses one PCIe
6 pin cable... S
发帖数: 60932
List Price: $699.99
Instant Savings: - $30.00
Price: $669.99
cashback: $102.51
= $567.48 no shipping/no tax except in IL and FL?
I think it's a good deal, but I'm still unsure. Really, I wanted to see the
reaction of this laptop cause I need some convincing to pull the trigger.
Display Type: HD Widescreen CineCrystal LCD Display
Screen Size: 15.6"
Maximum Resolu
发帖数: 60932
I received an email today that said you can print a coupon for a ream of HP
paper for $1 each, limit 2 per household. You have to be a worklife member
to get the deal. Which I did easy during the last home depot paper deal.
I have attached the image of the coupon that I was sent. I am unsure if
this coupon is tied to my account so please don't just print it and use it
if you know it will get me in trouble.
发帖数: 60932
Just went into Chick-fil-a and they are giving away a free 8pc spicy nugget.
Just tell them "I can take the heat" for your free 8pc. Caution these
things are pretty spicy!!!
I asked the Manager and he was unsure of how far this deal expands he just
knows it should be valid in the VA DC MD area. If others can chime in and
let us know if it's valid in other area. This is a deal where it's ok to
发帖数: 60932
Just went into Chick-fil-a and they are giving away a free 8pc spicy nugget.
Just tell them "I can take the heat" for your free 8pc. Caution these
things are pretty spicy!!!
I asked the Manager and he was unsure of how far this deal expands he just
knows it should be valid in the VA DC MD area. If others can chime in and
let us know if it's valid in other area. This is a deal where it's ok to
发帖数: 60932
Couldn't help but notice that there are plenty of places that offer a bonus
amount or discounted price when you buy gift cards around the year. I'm
starting this thread in hopes that we can get one centralized place to
manage all of them. I will be posting all the deals in the wiki below.
I'm unsure how how to best organize them as I know there will be a bunch. So
any suggestions would be great. I know there are a whole bunch. So if you
list/reply in the forum. Please try to add:
- Name
- Value ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Great Deal on the Jacket. Retail $148.
Timberland has free returns and I was unsure about my size so I picked up a
S and a M - getting Free Shipping!
发帖数: 60932
http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml%3B$ses sionid$NXZJDXYMVGIR2 CV0KRRQX0Q;jsessioni d=NXZJDXYMVGIR2CV0KR RQX0Q?id=P267200&cat egoryId=B70
It's back in stock today with a limit of 5 per house hold
It's still $44 / palette
Still free samples per order
Free s&h for orders over $50
good luck!
Unsure about in-store stock.
发帖数: 60932
Cheryls.com (previously named Cheryl & Co) has some great clearance items
right now
These are the absolute BEST frosted cutout cookies I have ever had - I often
send them as gifts and they have quickly become a favorite treat among
everyone I know! Personally, I can attest to everyone loving the frosted
cutouts and brownies - haven't tried the others, but they are known for
their high quality baked goods. If you're unsure, Cheryls.com does
guarantee their products, so give them a try!
I could... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
has AMC Tickets for $5 each. Unsure if they are silver or gold, but it
says all showings, so right now I am assuming they are gold.
Fine Print:
No more than 2 per customer
Must be used in one visit
Tickets are valid 7 days a week, all showings and carry no expiration date
You will receive two confirmation emails from Gotchoo regarding your order.
These emails are NOT your tickets. Please do not attempt to bring the
voucher to the theatre, they w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
I wish I would've found this coupon earlier in the day....
They've had $2.95 shipping for the past week or so, but today they also
added a 15% off coupon for Vday. The coupon code is "6pmEMlove". There's no
tax in MA, but I'm unsure of other states.
Their pricing is already discounted to begin with so cheap shipping and
additional 15% can lead to some great deals. Personally (if you care, lol),
I'm grabbing a pair of Sperry's for $40 and a pair of Asics Gel Kushion 2
for $47. They have clothing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
I just received an email from The Microsoft Store stating that now through
May 15th customers who purchase a XBOX 360 Game from THIS LINK:
will get a FREE 1600 MS POINTS card.
I see the note regarding the free 1600 POINTS on all games $29.99 and up but
am unsure about games with lesser prices.
Feel free to post your experiences as this deal may apply to games other
than those listed in the category displayed.
发帖数: 60932
Been looking for this for wife - lowest price I have seen for it.
Best Buy
Only thing unsure of is whether the above come with the 240 Microsoft points
. Amazon has the game for the same price with the points and shows that it
sells through Target
First deal post - let me know if this belongs elsewhere or needs more info.
发帖数: 60932
I do not follow the used market prices for these speakers (Note: These are
not the RF-7II, but the previous version), so I am unsure if this is a great
deal on a set of new RF-7 speakers.
I am assuming these are new because I don't think this company sells
anything used unless phoning them about a floor model.
Available in Black:
and Cherry:
Price: $769.99 each / $1,539... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Deekins.com is offering forty magazines subscriptions at $3.99, codes are
unstack able.
unsure of when codes expire. add code before check to check out the deal.
this is my first post, be eazy...
Magazine Title Coupon Codes
Entrepreneur 40for41
Shape 40for42
Automobile 40for43
Four Wheeler 40for44
ReadyMade 40for45
Budget Travel 40for46
Slam 40for... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Fantastic price on the best 2-lb capacity bread maker you can buy, period!
If you want a bread maker that makes a standard shaped loaf (not that odd
square thing with the rounded end like most cheap bread makers) this is one
of the very few that can do it.
This is a *great* machine, the ONLY machine that King Arthur Flour
recommends! They say this machine kneads dough better than any machine on
the market. They use them in their own test kitchen. Can't get a better
recommendation than that.
Link... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
I saw this deal on Amazon and was unsure if it was 2 pounds total or 4
pounds total. I talked to a Amazon rep to make sure and she ensured me it
was a total of 4 pounds of whey protein. I took the risk and ordered 1. Must
use subscribe and save to get it for $20.54 but you can cancel after you
receive your first shipment.
发帖数: 60932
来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】FREE Cookie from Subway!
Not much, but its FREE!
Here is how to get it:
Step 1: Go to www.tellsubway.com:
Step 2: Enter the Store Number. You can find it here: Link:
NOTE: The free cookie will only be available at the store you enter at this
step, so pick carefully.
Step 3: Fill out the survey as you would until you get to where it says "How
/where did you pay?" and select "Cash"
Step 4: Enter in a random date/time that has already passed. I am unsure
what fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
was traveling last week, and got this boingo offer at the airport. see
attachment. With thanksgiving around, people might have travel plans and
this might just come in handy
You need to be subscribed only for 2 months. So, in numbers you pay $19.9
and get $25 Amazon GC. Not really a Hot Hot deal for getting amazon GC but
certainly a hot deal for those with travel plans in the coming weeks.
ps: If unsure, try calling 1-800-880-4117 and co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Dell Home Outlet:
has another 20% off coupon with code 1Q6KP89RCZT4FJ for anyone who missed
on the last go around.
For those interested in the Dell Inspiron 14z specifically, there is a 25%
coupon using code T$0L4Q?CH8$LTK. I haven't compared the prices to the deal
with the Amex card so unsure how it stacks in comparison.
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