

全部话题 - 话题: tts
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发帖数: 544
来自主题: Stock版 - 老油,去过TTS的店吗
详细我: SPO 24.25的价位,圣诞节一过回到20块 钢钢的。
Tile Shop's After-Hours Rebound Evaporates -- Market Talk1 days 14 hours 59
minutes ago - Dow Jones News
8:51 EST - Investors apparently don't seem assuaged yet about Tile Shop's (
TTS) denial of accounting allegations made by a short seller--which sent
recently weakened shares tumbling 39% before a late-afternoon halt. Shortly
before the closing bell, the retailer issued its respond, but trading didn't
resume by session-end. Shares did jump after-hours, finishi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
来自主题: Stock版 - TTS和LL
Daniel Yu, head of research at Gotham City , also short attacked EBIX
I do not believe him, therefore, I think TTS is definitely an opportunity.
The only thing not sure is where is the bottom for TTS. Using EBIX as an
example, Daniel Yu attacked EBIX a couple times; he will probably do the
same to TTS.
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