k*******n 发帖数: 5546 | 2 光玩长枪耍酷了,加上对手枪兴趣不大,近1年也没静下心来认真打一打,我发现退步
很明显,握枪,扳机控制和follow though还好,track front sight烂得一塌糊涂,射
但想想,手枪练习也不能放松啊,抛开家防的反应时间不说,万一真被brake in,我们
慢射,回忆一下基本功。然后练习50组double tap,1张靶纸5组,一共打100发。每个
目标两枪,然后目标转换,间隔约1-2秒. 最后偷偷练习一下reload from empty.
现在我弃.45换了9mm,非常想练练tripple tap和rapid fire, 这样我可以感觉一下自
己的控枪和精度的平衡到底如何,在真需要rapid fire的时候,是以2发为一个小单... 阅读全帖 |
h**********n 发帖数: 394 | 3 背景:2012六月份时我侥幸以很低的价格从Buds Gunshop 拍到了一把当时新上市不久
的FNS-40。本来对这把枪的了解仅限于2012 SHOT Show, 只是当时价格实在太有诱惑力
,所以决定吃一次螃蟹。这篇review 的目的就是在这一年之际将我对FNS-40 的印象整
理出来,并且将FNS-40 与其它几种我使用过的Striker-fired 设计予以横向比较(
Walther PPQ 9mm & .40SW, Glock 19 Gen3 9mm, Caracal F&C 9mm).
I. 人机功效 Ergonomics 4.5/5 分
去适应一个不属于你的设计?从人机功效的角度来看,FNS-40 的设计是很成功的。FNH
把一个 compact size 的 slide 装到了一个 full size 的 frame 上,使得FNS-40
1) 握把角度 & 轮廓: FNS40 采用... 阅读全帖 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 4 这个战术问题倒不是太大。 uky至少2个mismatch. 还有transition game. 重要的是
外线空位投篮的打开。 打不开Wvu就开始double team, tripple team了。 随着比分被
拉开,coach cal不敢轮换阵容,就把主力长时间亮场上,下半时追赶的时候,就没体
才有double team. WVU其实不是外线球队,下半场的3P是他的真实水平,但是炸鸡已经
顾不得那么多了。扩得很大,这样就为跑传切拉开了空档。如果我是coach cal,我还让
他投,我打zone. 他妈的,你投死我,算你本事,我认了。结果了,人顶人,没体力,
wall 被对方打爆。 都是上篮。 |
G******s 发帖数: 1530 | 5 down 26:41 at half
maybe they should try use some tripple options like their football team does |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 6 应该说自从鸡玩以后,我充分认识到ACC的魅力。看泰勒那sharp的眼神,和灵活的脚步
以及躲闪,还有一干线人更是人挡杀人,神当杀神。 今年看球只看ACC. ACC各队都很
Clemson, Parker + 特勤队, 以ACC第5,第6的水平,差点掀翻SEC老大Auburn. 不是
FSU, 自从金宝fish上台以来,拨乱反正,已经给SEC昔日龙头老大gator some color c
NCSU,小快灵,去年一度全胜领跑ACC. 今年前途更是不可限量。
GT. tripple option, 主力QB是不是今年复出了。 全年凭借残阵打得SEC劲旅Bulldog
找不到北。 不是最后时刻想到对方老朋友马力特正在火山口,急需这场内战降火,可
NC, 在客场打得我田找不到北。 本人头像就是那场比赛以后,utk教练滑稽的笑容。
Duke, utk 传奇进攻教头cutliff指教,进攻犀利。
还有数只强队,老牌劲旅如uva, maryland等等都是很有特点。今... 阅读全帖 |
d********g 发帖数: 11948 | 7
按状态,10-2 fair
Miami和Michigan只能算trap game 这周末看看Toledo的high temp offense我盖如何应付
防守倒是不太担心,担心进攻 包子人没经历过大赛的考验啊
我觉得主场对wisky应该能拿下,MSU更是应该没话说才对 Nebraska不好说,但应该不
会太烂 感觉NU的进攻颇有些tripple option的味道 |
g*********d 发帖数: 8125 | 8 no way...
that is a tripple option team... |
b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 9 连JT都每年从FL挖几个4*, meyer没问题。另外,只要能赢,
打100% empty backfield, 100% tripple option球迷也不
其实很多时候OSU/UF抢的是同样的人。比如那个"die for you"
的,比如现在这个ryan shazier, 还有很多现在UF打球的,我
名字记不住了,但是当年也是我丐的追求对象 |
b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 10 第一个TD really shouldn't be a TD. deseparation throw into tripple coverage.
miraculous |
D***h 发帖数: 148 | 11 Even though it's just like IRS tripple taxing to punish a DUI'er, NCAA does
have the authority. But yeah, they are just doing it for the sound-bites.
psu |
b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 12 这个逻辑,就是assume同样多的钱,换给其他任何公司都做不出这个成果。really? 那
为什么不支持政府给全民医保而不是让私人保险公司来做呢?共和党不是一直argue, w
ho can do the job better? private companies or the government?
再说多少都有个度,要不干脆再double, tripple军费得了。用这个理由justify 军费
就和教师工会不停要求涨工资一样, it's never enough |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 13 沃田也防不住 红鸟的tripple penetration阿! 礼拜二打包回家了 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 15 这个和真正懂篮球的熊猫饭,大嫂抱,阿团等人差距还很大。 |
G****e 发帖数: 487 | 16 it's dribble penetration ............ |
o*****t 发帖数: 227 | 18 I took a friend climbing last weekend and wrote this to him afterward. I
want to post it here just so this could reach a bigger crowd, This post
could sound boring and be a waste of your time, but if it can prevent one
accident, I guess that time "wasted" will be counted as worthy. Thanks for
I came back this weekend and then realized there's one thing I
didn't emphasize enough out there. Which is the importance of safety.
By taking you into trad climbing, I introduced some powerf... 阅读全帖 |
f*****o 发帖数: 2526 | 19 关键是,要变戏法似的组合,有些pairs,有些tripple,有些就quadruple了
quadruple那个,算全包了。。。分数能的多。 |
l*******o 发帖数: 669 | 20
I also tried the LHR training, so far it worked quite well. With 140 HR, I
went from 8:50 in Aug to 8:20 now. More importantly, I trippled my mileage
in 2 months (from 20 to 65) with no injury. |
f*******n 发帖数: 5241 | 21 跑步机也可以是主流啊。Christopher Bergland,三次tripple
iron triathlon(Ironman每项距离三倍)获胜者,24小时在跑步机
机上完成的。 |
R*****s 发帖数: 41236 | 22 TRIPPLE IRONMAN, OMG!! 真是野兽无极限啊。。。 |
f*******n 发帖数: 5241 | 23 也赞LZ,跑步学业两不误。
玩tripple ironman的那哥们,Christopher Bergland,自称26岁自学学会的游泳,
还说什么“you can teach old dog new tricks“。我心说,26岁算哪门子的old dog
。:) |
C*****H 发帖数: 7927 | 24 I was planning to buy a polar ft7 at around $60
now it became forerunner110 $99 + garmin transmitter $40 + polar strap($20)
The budget went almost trippled :( |
W*N 发帖数: 1354 | 25 Have my racquet for about 5 years, only played for one summer 5 years ago,
and then started again this summer. It is Prince Tripple Thread bandit,
quite light and oversize. The frame gave out a loud noise when I was hitting
a backhand topspin yesterday during a game.
Looks like that I would need to buy two more racquets now. Friends suggested
that I should buy something heavier and even balanced. Any suggestions? |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 26 tripple break points时的二发ace不叫mental clutchness。Single break point
,k |
t*********d 发帖数: 3398 | 27 play money
10000 buy-in 90 players
头两局很快输光, 第三局到24, 手上AQo, flop tjk,没有flash draw, 我all in,
另两个跟了, 一个9,k, 一个10,j, 当时心中狂喜, 以为要tripple了。
然后turn来了一个k, 我还在狂喜中
然后, river又来了一个k
昨天晚上又打了几把, 两次10000 buy-in的中途出局。
没chips, 就去250 buy in 90 人的, 搞了一个第二, 很有成就感。
不过发现250 buy-in的和1000 buy-in的玩家水平, 不是在一个水平线上, 差距很大。
现在计划搞几个10000 buy-in的第一后, 再上点真钱试试。 |
W********m 发帖数: 7793 | 28 not zero risk, but it is all about risk and reward ratio right?
2 years ago, I remember clearly may 5th 2009. I deposited 200$ on FTP, (
thanks to yost, I always thought playing poker on-line is illegal before
that.. How I wish I had started playing when I was still in school). Never played one hand of Holdem in my life before that. After down 100$ for the first month, I managed to make profit every other 23 months. Now I am sitting on 30k profit. No other investment other than the 200$ I deposi... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 29 REHAB on youtube.
as soon as i found out that Amy Winehouse had passed away, looked up this? v
ideo and wrote down the number of views: 3,106,353 ... they have already alm
ost trippled in the past few days, now that everyone has found out the news
of her death.. kinda sad that she had to die for her video to get this many
views... |
a***e 发帖数: 1627 | 30 打算下个月去disney玩 不知道哪里可以买便宜的票
听说tripple A 有折扣 但不知道怎么弄
不知道大家都在哪里买票啊 对乐 我是去florida orlando 和老公和小孩
包子答谢喔 |
A***d 发帖数: 4037 | 31 原来有inputking ...
赞好deal! 其实最爽的是tripple points的时候开卡 15% + 3%*3 |
p*******y 发帖数: 18288 | 32 tai zan la !
duo xie ni ba ta ding shang lai!
你的部分tripple顶级赞! |
R*****d 发帖数: 615 | 33 来自主题: PhotoForum版 - 旧金山扫街 在一个陌生的城市拿着相机朝路人扫射,感觉很high。
A group of bikers ready for a morning ride.
Catch me if you can - Daddy Daycare Gone Wild
Cory from Boston. He lived in San Francisco for 3 years. He may had enough
beer, but he was sincere when he was telling me how great the city is.
The dog hates paparazzi
Italian Boys
Restaurant in the street
The people in San Francisco are the best views I got from this trip.
His stock price must have trippled this morning.
Nice legs
Nice Les
Street Concert
She's got a charm I'm a... 阅读全帖 |
f**k 发帖数: 906 | 34 fork, 弃尼(DC)为加,上了20D,为的是高ISO和low shutter speed.乘着tripple
rebate的东风,买了50F/1.4,和 XXH, TAMRON 28-75 F2.8。 后来用套头挣了4K刀。
于是很幸运地上了17-40, XBIS。 从此以后便成为坚定的C+原厂红圈L头FAN。喜欢拍
下和本版一些ID交了些朋友。:) |
h*b 发帖数: 1191 | 35 不是打击你,ebates还曾经给我tripple CB,然后又全部cancel,最后it把它赖到了恶
霸头上 |
S*M 发帖数: 10832 | 38 没去过。。。
你们那里说不定很多拉丁美女 |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 39 hooters跟女僕咖啡廳一樣,要看店啊,質量很難說的~~~ |
s**********s 发帖数: 4255 | 42 要多给tips,谁会带个coupon去还。。。
俺们这边都是白的和黑的。。 |
h*******e 发帖数: 8370 | 44 buy 10 hooters girl, get 10 free? |
b*******s 发帖数: 6139 | 47 我们这里有,但是从来没去过,不知道是不是Family Oriented和Kids Friendly... |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 49 哈哈,那個槍看起來好輕啊,沒有我們的新娘辛苦~ |