p*****e 发帖数: 58 | 1 html is for formatting data for web browsers,
xml is for data representation,
xsl is for transform or tranlate xml data into html format or vise versa,
xsl is xml, so all rules that apply to xml apply to xsl too.
javascript is for any computation that html, xml, or xsl may need.
for example, you can use javascript to calculate the value of some xml, (or
html) node from values of other nodes in the same document
in html, javascripts are all used to handle user actions.
, |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 2 最近遇到选方向的问题,实在有点烦恼,想请大家给点意见,谢谢!
我是物理转到计算机的,导师是做自然语言处理和information retrieval的。他好像
是对Deep Learning很感兴趣,想让我读一下文献然后搞这个方向。可是,我感觉这个
作也是个问题。 工业界4年以后不知道会不会有人用这个东西,如果这段热过去的话,
导师手下还有一个搞机器翻译的,他自己也搞information retrieval的东西。我如果
1。Deep Learning 靠谱么。
。谢谢大家了。 |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 3 关键是你老板是做NLP和IR的,如果改行做ML,一方面给不了你太多指导,另一方面你
毕业去找工作他也帮不上什么忙。另外Deep Learning只是neural network的一个马甲
你还是老老实实跟你老板做NLP和IR,倒是可以应用一些Deep Learning的最新的进展。 |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 4 谢谢了,老板也不知道真么想的,他好像认识那几个搞Deep Learning的人熟不熟就不
概要搞个一两个月吧。是应该答应他,然后读一堆Deep Learning的东西呢还是一开始
就干脆找个NLP具体的方向比如MT或者Sentiment Analysis的东西去看看呢? |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 5 说的没错
不过物理出身的做deep learning之类的也有优势(至少简历上的优势)
看lz的自我期望了 |
l***i 发帖数: 289 | 7 另外这个Jeff Dean就是搞出来MapReduce和Bigtable的人,大牛。 |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 8 我总感觉可用的数据量变得很大了以后,
另外就是要开拓应用领域 |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 10 谢谢大家,心里踏实一点了。尽量先看看导师有没有Deep Learning 应用到NLP 或者
IR 的项目吧。他手下好像有个人在搞这个,直接去问问那个人我能不能帮他做? |
l***i 发帖数: 289 | 11 这个在一定意义上是对的,G用的许多ML算法都是很基本的,效果也非常好,因为
training sample都是billion级别的,一般要几千台机器跑MapReduce才处理的完。不
过貌似语音图像之类的需要tune feature的,Deep Learning效果好的很多。 |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 14 最近遇到选方向的问题,实在有点烦恼,想请大家给点意见,谢谢!
我是物理转到计算机的,导师是做自然语言处理和information retrieval的。他好像
是对Deep Learning很感兴趣,想让我读一下文献然后搞这个方向。可是,我感觉这个
作也是个问题。 工业界4年以后不知道会不会有人用这个东西,如果这段热过去的话,
导师手下还有一个搞机器翻译的,他自己也搞information retrieval的东西。我如果
1。Deep Learning 靠谱么。
。谢谢大家了。 |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 15 关键是你老板是做NLP和IR的,如果改行做ML,一方面给不了你太多指导,另一方面你
毕业去找工作他也帮不上什么忙。另外Deep Learning只是neural network的一个马甲
你还是老老实实跟你老板做NLP和IR,倒是可以应用一些Deep Learning的最新的进展。 |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 16 谢谢了,老板也不知道真么想的,他好像认识那几个搞Deep Learning的人熟不熟就不
概要搞个一两个月吧。是应该答应他,然后读一堆Deep Learning的东西呢还是一开始
就干脆找个NLP具体的方向比如MT或者Sentiment Analysis的东西去看看呢? |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 17 说的没错
不过物理出身的做deep learning之类的也有优势(至少简历上的优势)
看lz的自我期望了 |
l***i 发帖数: 289 | 19 另外这个Jeff Dean就是搞出来MapReduce和Bigtable的人,大牛。 |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 20 我总感觉可用的数据量变得很大了以后,
另外就是要开拓应用领域 |
g*******2 发帖数: 22 | 22 谢谢大家,心里踏实一点了。尽量先看看导师有没有Deep Learning 应用到NLP 或者
IR 的项目吧。他手下好像有个人在搞这个,直接去问问那个人我能不能帮他做? |
l***i 发帖数: 289 | 23 这个在一定意义上是对的,G用的许多ML算法都是很基本的,效果也非常好,因为
training sample都是billion级别的,一般要几千台机器跑MapReduce才处理的完。不
过貌似语音图像之类的需要tune feature的,Deep Learning效果好的很多。 |
l*******s 发帖数: 1258 | 26 你就不能用deep learning把MT和IR结合到一起吗?
既然你在欧洲,搞搞MT挺好的,欧洲搞这玩意挺热的 |
w***f 发帖数: 903 | 27 Big Data 和 Deep Learning 的形势完全不同。 前者再怎么说有大量工业界的应用需
Deep |
c******t 发帖数: 31 | 28 I am using a input file tranlated from EXcel slk file.
But, when I could not find way to use "VALUE LABLES" command to assign a
to the string variable.
Do I need to specify the width of variable. How to do it?
Thank you. |
W******c 发帖数: 23 | 29 Gang of Four book
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented
by Erich Gamma,John Vlissides,Ralph Johnson,Richard Helm,
In Chinese. I do not like the tranlation. Anyway, it is
You need Chinese Acrobat reader.
Enjoy!! |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 30 not google ‘翻译’,而是'google tranlate' |
b*******8 发帖数: 39 | 31 收到一套数据,可能是pseduo-merohedraltwinning data.不知道有没有高手给指点下,如何确定是否twinning data(没有phase的前提下)?
另外是关于pesduo-tranlation symetry 与twinnig 的关系,怎么来区分? |
M*****a 发帖数: 76 | 32 Yes,Demanding Curve is working here. If it too low, I can refuse to do it.
Thank hotniu's concern, let' what they called "tranlation campany" to take
care this business. By the way, 40 hours may not finish and polish the paper
. I need 100 hours. |
e****l 发帖数: 204 | 33 请问大家有么有用过质粒提取公司的服务啊?
我最近要提取约1000个质粒,之后用于 in vitro protein tranlation.
因为质粒的浓度和纯度要求都较高,实验室里用的 High throughput 方法提的不大合要
谢谢。 |
w*e 发帖数: 740 | 34 SCIENCE SIGNALING
e*****t 发帖数: 642 | 35 好奇,在公司做tranlational medicine到底做什么? |
z*t 发帖数: 863 | 36 其实steve本来就是医生,搞搞是自然的,不过木有他的bisulfite treatment现在DNA
那USC的Peter Jones呢?貌似他现在同样在弄tranlational medicine |
W*********n 发帖数: 775 | 37 sorry for my misunderstanding.
Yes, you are right, I need to find the Translation Start Site or region
around CDS starting point.
Now, I have found the Tranlation Start Site, and also I can make sure the
downstream coding sequences after the TSS. So now I need a comfirmed 5'UTR
sequence, at least some of the sequence near the TSS. Do you think the
unstream of the TSS in the gemome is 5'UTR ? or at least we can make sure of
a samll seuquence before the TSS?
I seed the Coding sequence and 300bp up... 阅读全帖 |
t*******h 发帖数: 51 | 38 Actually, it is common in USA school, quite different from Chinese style. When
I study as a MS in China, my boss always push us to tranlate our data (in
fact, just very very small amout of data) into a paper no matter if these data
are double checked or not. By the way, since it is short of enough experimetal
facility (e.g. STM, TEM), you can only did these characteriztion once. You
know, the number of papers is so important inssure in China related to your
boss and your graduation.
But a quite |
w********e 发帖数: 762 | 39 you can call local, American tranlater is good too |
w********d 发帖数: 13 | 40 The book Godel, Escher and Bach has a complete tranlation in about three years
ago. I bought one, it costed about 50 yuan. It is supposed to be a better
translation. And its subtitle is changed from 一条永恒的金带 to
since 一条永恒的金带 was said to be confusing in Chinese. The other day,
I even found it in online bookstore Hanlin
BTW, even the Chinese language is not easy to understand bad translation?),
I guess it will be pretty hard for us to read it in English. |
f******r 发帖数: 2975 | 41 I just bought :)
and read Mr. Fox to my girl
I have to say the Chinese tranlation of this book is nice too |
j****m 发帖数: 3137 | 42 来自主题: _PerfectMoms版 - 一声叹息阿 Zan myself one down, before lele era, i even sametime tranlated Hong Lou
Meng TV series to LD, plus drew a complicated chart to show him the
relationship among 4 big families |