w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 1 Hey everyone
got an email saying 3 day sale in store and online.
I was scanning through the deals and saw the complete series of Always Sunny
in Philadelphia.
You get Seasons 1-5 and the Christmas special in the box set. Its 39.99
through the sale. Also FS and guaranteed delivery before Christmas!
hope this helps some people out
heres a link Always Sunny:
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Complete Season 1-5 Plus A Very Sunny Christmas [13 Discs] - DVD/1283768.p?id=2... 阅读全帖 |
b********a 发帖数: 5418 | 2 标题党一个。
朋友指出,这猫吃的可能比他... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 3 小星的眼神是纯洁无助的,像一潭一眼可以看到底的清泉,我以为所有的小鸟都是友善
的面带笑容的天使。直到昨天Sunny 的到来。
Sunny 长的跟小星几乎一模一样, 头顶上有一个红点, 也是浑身的绿色。 稍微的不
同, Sunny 眼睛周围有一圈白色的毛, 着让我总觉得Sunny 的眼神比较阴沉。小星的
翅膀有红色深蓝的羽毛, 这只没有。 小星的尾巴是square shape,这只是长长的细条
。 还有, 小星比 Sunny至少大个两号, 不过Sunnye 身手的灵活程度远不是小星可以
比的。 呵呵。
在车上的时候, Sunny 不停的爬上爬下,不停的叫, 他想出去。
到家后, 总算折腾的没力气了, 刚一打开笼子门, Sunny 冲了出来, 重重的一头
撞上推拉门。 再飞到窗户前,迅速的钻进百叶窗的缝隙。。。外面的天空。
好不容易停在一个perch 上了, 我放一个玉米在手上, 慢慢放到Sunny 面前, 没有
任何warning 的叫声, Sunny 狠狠的一口咬在我的无名指上。
daddy 说Sunny 折腾了一天, give him some time, leave him alo... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 4 (CNSNews.com) - Sunni Muslim terrorists committed “about 70 percent” of
the 12,533 terrorist murders in the world last year, according to a report
by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
The information comes from the 2011 NCTC Report on Terrorism, which is based
on information available as of March 12, 2012.
“Sunni extremists accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks
and fatalities for the third consecutive year,” the report says. “More
than 5,700 incidents were attributed ... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 5 最近没怎么写鹦鹉成长日记, 有朋友问我最近小星和sunny的近况,呵呵,讲讲他两的
最近这两宝贝早晨要等着我一起吃早餐,喜欢吃面包。 我把面包切成一条一条的放盒
子里,每天吃一点点,一片面包可以吃三天。 刚开始需要我拿着给喂, 现在两鸟都自
己抓着吃了。通常是他两站在椅子背上, 如果吃完了或者面包掉地上了, 两鸟会很温
柔的叫一声让我知道, 这样我可以 帮他们捡起来。 一般吃两小块, 两鸟就心满意足
邻居给了些自家院子结的石榴。 这两星期每天下午我回家第一件事, 我们三在厨房台
子前,面对面坐着, 你一粒我一粒,一起吃石榴。两鸟很喜欢石榴, 连籽都嚼碎全吃
了, 一点不浪费。 鸟鸟的代谢很快, 大概十分钟就清水一样的BB出来。 这时两鸟就
我从来不刻意较他两说话,所以这一年也就学会“宝贝, starry, I love you." 几个
词. 最近发现两鸟都学会说sunny了. 因为sunny 是个淘气鬼, 我每次叫sunny 的语
气是严肃的. 现在两鸟说sunny这个词, 也是短而急促,一副训话... 阅读全帖 |
c****e 发帖数: 9482 | 6 我有一种很旧的mp3 英文碟在车里,昨天翻出来听到了这首歌之后, 就一直想找出歌
名。 google了几句记忆里的歌词居然没找到, 听力太差哈 :P
今天早上安装了手机的shazam 音乐识别软件, 找出来了。。。
from wiki: The song tells the story of a woman named Sunny who burns down her house to escape her past...
Sunny came home to her favorite room
Sunny sat down in the kitchen
She opened a book and a box of tools
Sunny came home with a mission
She says days go by I'm hypnotized
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Sunny came home with a list of names
... 阅读全帖 |
i***s 发帖数: 39120 | 7 图1:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图2:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图3:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图4:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图5:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图6:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图7:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗
图8:F奶师范乳神 晓茜sunny内衣写真卖萌挑逗 |
s*l 发帖数: 9421 | 8 九十年代末在广播里常听到一首歌曲Sunny Came Home. 当时觉得特别好听,百听
,结果当年此歌获得了Grammy Award for Record of the Year。此歌歌手Shawn
顺道找到了当年另一首特好听的歌曲,Where HaveAll The Cowboys Gone?by
Paula Cole。此歌在当年的Grammy上惜败给Sunny came home。
Sunny came home to her favorite room
Sunny sat down in the kitchen
She opened a book and a box of tools
Sunny came home with a mission
She says days go by I'm hypnotized
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Sunn... 阅读全帖 |
P*******i 发帖数: 10965 | 9 好听
我有一种很旧的mp3 英文碟在车里,昨天翻出来听到了这首歌之后, 就一直想找出歌
名。 google了几句记忆里的歌词居然没找到, 听力太差哈 :P
今天早上安装了手机的shazam 音乐识别软件, 找出来了。。。
Sunny came home to her favorite room
Sunny sat down in the kitchen
She opened a book and a box of tools
Sunny came home with a mission
She says days go by I'm hypnotized
I'm walking on a wire
I close my eyes and fly out of my mind
Into the fire
Sunny came home with a list of names
She didn't believe in transcendence
It's time for a few small repairs she said
Sunny came home with a ... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 10 10/8/2011
下午给sunny的小台子换报纸, 两个小宝贝都站在上面的树枝上吃东西. 可能sunny 走
得里小星太近了, 小星立马开啄。 sunny 吓了一跳, 一着急 就跳到我手背上了.我
带着他试着在房间里走了一圈, talk to him, calm his down. sunny居然没飞走. 我
感动的要死, 写下来纪念.
没有白照顾这小鸟一个月, 原来以为是一个白眼狼, 不过现在好象越来越懂事了,刚来
时sunny 等不及,爱跳到厨房台子上, 现在知道妈妈不喜欢, 会忍住了,跟小星一起站
在旁边的枝头. 直到我准备好了食物, 拿着鸟碗边走边说:“ starry, sunny, come"
。 两个小宝贝会跟着一起飞到daddy的书房,这间阳光好, 他们喜欢呆。但这个得转个
90度的弯,以前两只都直飞不会转弯,“乓” 的一声撞墙上.赫赫。 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 11 11/09/2011
我必须承认在我不在的时间, 鸟爸把小鸟们照顾的很好, 甚至比我做的好以至于我有
些妒忌。我离开的时候很担心小鸟门吃不好, 准备了很多蔬菜水果切成小粒,嘱咐劳
工每天一定要给小鸟们吃, 不然他们会便秘。 对我的唠叨鸟爸都是不耐烦的挥手,“
知道了知道了, 你快点走。” 我回来后, 鸟爸得意样样的说,“ 蔬菜水果要一次
只给一样, 玉米就是玉米,青豆就是青豆, 苹果就是苹果,吃完了才给下一样,瞧,
现在他们连白菜都吃了。” 我想是理。 我在的时侯, 怕他们饿着, 啥都给一点,
结果两个宝贝都只挑自己喜欢的吃,大部分都是甜的好吃的, 看到他们吃剩的东西,
我会很献媚的说:“哦宝贝你不吃这个啊,那妈妈在给你一点那个吧。 ”
鸟爸从一开始就说我偏心starry, 对sunny是后妈。 一直以来我都狡辩说谁叫他来第一
天就咬我一口。 以前小星欺负sunny 时, 我会很有耐心的跟小星说:宝贝你要nice
to sunny. 这次回来发现sunny 其实也会趁势反击。 昨晚两个宝贝在地板上玩,
sunny 追着小星尾巴上狠狠咬了一口然后就飞奔逃离。 我气的手一挥就一巴掌扇过去... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 12 最近每天晚餐时, 得把两鸟的移动perch (用一个旧的落地灯改装的)搬过来放在桌旁,
两鸟端端正正的站在上边等开饭,这样就是family dinner , 否则两鸟在笼子上大叫抗
议, 我想他们在说"你们在吃什么, 我也要."
根据观察, sunny 喜欢吃煮熟的米饭.可以自己吃一个小碟子的量. 鸟爸说" he is a
Chinese bird.". 小星不喜欢饭粒粘在嘴壳上的感觉, 只要吃青菜. 这样每天作菜时
得给做一小分没有放盐的给小星. 没见过的水果得看着我先吃一口, 咬一小块, 得让他
小星还是一样的懒, 如果可以利用爸妈带他到笼子或者窗前,一定不要自己飞. sunny
还是独立, 不让摸他的羽毛, 高兴时会让摸摸嘴壳,会握握手. 生气吃醋时会hiss 我。
以前我说"sunny, come"
, 他就跟着满处飞. 自从三周前剪了翅膀, sunny 变小狗了, 喜欢在地上溜达, 我就常
说" sunny puppy, come here. "
这个照片是两鸟比较和谐的时候, 绝大多数时候小星都觉得sunny 是个annoying
little... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 13 10/02/2011
今天天气好, 试验给两个宝贝洗澡. 用了一个spray bottle装满水. 像书上说的一样,
先给小星洗, 用花生把他引诱到厨房台子上. 先试探的小喷了一下, 小星吓了一跳, 马
上飞到笼子顶上去了. 这家伙狡猾狡猾的, 知道我得站到凳子上才够的到他. 来回折腾
了几次, 小星比较适应了,甚至让我拉开翅膀给喷喷. 洗完当然要给吹风,小星闭这眼睛
whine 啊whine. 过后奖励五颗瓜子安抚, 赫赫.
接下来给sunny洗. sunny 站在他的小台子上, 我一走过去, sunny 习惯性的走到另一
边. 我也先试着小喷一下. 好笑的事情发生了, , sunny 立马精神来了, 头都扬起来了
, 这小家伙平常被小星欺负的只会低着头. 我再喷, sunny自己居然迎着喷雾走过来了.
这下我知道他喜欢洗澡了. 小家伙完全high 了, 左右脸换着来, 浑身毛毛也蓬松起来,
转过去转过来, 见或抖抖羽毛, 高兴的不得了. 最后实在是落汤鸡了, 才不得不 stop.
然后自己飞到窗前perch,(湿的飞不高, 赫赫) 晒太阳,梳理羽毛, 这小日子太舒服... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 14 01/17/2012
1: 圣诞聚餐的时候, 七岁小侄子很严肃的说, i can't eat broccoli cuz I am
gonna die. 小孩妈也很严肃的说, then go die then . 大笑, 我家小鸟们超级喜
欢broccoli, 自己用小脚抓着啃的精光。 连chinese broccoli也喜欢的不得了。喜欢
吃菜芯, 现在绝大多数菜都白水煮了给鸟们一点。 鸟们还很喜欢吃墨西哥牛角辣椒
,分特, 闻着都辣,现在都专门去墨西哥店给买了, 带手套切那个得切成细
长条, 要不然starry 抓不起来。
2: 发现两鸟还挺挑食的。 一般的苹果梨子啥的, 吃的大大咧咧, 掉的满地都是
也不捡起来。 但是吃韩国梨会吃的很节俭很干净,最后就碗里留点磨碎的渣,可能还
3:连着三天都把藏在简单puzzle 里的花生给掏出来了, 看见两鸟合作, 用脚往反方
向拉开让花生掉出来,团结真是力量。 换了复杂一点的puzzle, 昨天看见打开了, 但
还没把花生给弄出来。 今早走的时候看见两个掏的不亦乐乎, 希望下午回去没有花生
, ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 15 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Six Pack Seasons 1-5 plus It's a Very
Sunny Christmas DVD $76.99 at Bestbuy.com. Its a preorder that will be
released 9/14. This is the cheapest that Ive found. Amazon, and Walmart is $
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/It'S Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Six Pack (13pc) - DVD/1283768.p?id=2144582&skuId=1283768&st=its always sunny&lp=7&cp=1
2144582&skuId=1283768&st=its%20always%20sunny |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 16 Was looking to pick up the Always Sunny seasons at Best Buy for $10 when I
noticed this item was available. It's basically a box set that includes
seasons 1-5 PLUS the Always Sunny xmas special.
Best Buy was selling it for $76.99 so I did some digging for a better price.
Noticed that Barnes and Noble are selling it online for $69.99 which seems
to be the best price from a reputable online retailer.
However looking for an online coupon code for barnesandnoble.com I stumbled
across the followin... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 17 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Complete 4th Season [3 Discs]- DVD
9.99 free shipping
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Complete 4th Season [3 Discs] - DVD/9486996.p?id=2003096&skuId=9486996&st=its
-+DVD/9486996.p?id=2003096&skuId=9486996&st=its" rel="nofollow" target="_
blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'thread', 'click', '2423443 - its-
always-sunny-in-philadelphia... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 18 my little pony Sunny Daze So soft is now $6.99 on Amazon Reg. Price $18.99+
FS for Prime
So Soft Newborn Sunny Daze loves to laugh and play all day. Soft and sweet,
your Sunny Daze pony figure loves to go on adventures with you and cuddle
with you anytime. At bedtime, she needs extra love and care and you can rock
her to sleep and give her a pacifier. Press her foot and she'll say, "I'm
tired," to let you know when it's time f... 阅读全帖 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 19 9/18/2011
今早两个小宝贝在窗前晒太阳。 这个是sunny的小豪宅,上面有个小台子可以玩。 这
几天观察下来, 发现小星其实是alpha , 一定要站在上面的枝头, sunny
站下面低的。小星的医生给说过的, pecking order. 老大要站上面。
偷窥到sunny 给小星献媚,凑到小星面前低着头,小星会轻轻啄sunny的前额那块红斑
。 两个小东西好笑死了, 还勾心斗角的。 |
S***a 发帖数: 257 | 20 我没说文章有效期就一年啊,但是不做你这领域的肯定慢慢就忘了啊,至少你不会记得
趣。 sunny,你的感觉是对的,我做的就是你说的两大恶毒门派里的免疫,呵呵。不过
希望sunny以后拿基金顺利。 |
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 21 Miss a big time of Sunny...anyway, big big CON! and then GO sunny, for
science, for tenure..and for the humanity:))
BTW, I think one of the reasons Sunny is doing great is his direction as
well...it is not just about his having a science paper...the time I knew his
direction, I felt compeled:) to colloborate with him some day... |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 22 9/22/2011
sunny 来了十天了。 基于sunny 是个吃货, 小星也从suuny 身上学会自己吃饭了。
小星昨晚只吃了两口formula, 就一定不要吃了,自己飞回perch , 在自己的碗里吃青
豆跟玉米,也喜欢啃梨,剥瓜子花生也越来越在行。 我居然有微妙的失落感, 宝贝长
sunny 爱玩水。 喝水的盆子被当成了洗澡盆, 不满足, 昨天居然飞到daddy 的鱼缸
上, 看了半天, 然后一头扎进水里, 被湿淋淋的捞了出来。 |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 23 10/04/2011
小星站在perch上, 一个爪子抓住花生, 津津有味的啃。这时候看见我准备再给他一个
花生, 立马把爪子上的那个扔了,脖子伸到老长, 要新的要新的。
sunny 刚来时, 警惕性很高。 虽然爱吃,但是要是食物放在正常鸟碗里,应该是太深
, 不方便他边吃边看四周,sunny就不要吃, 所以到现在sunny也用浅的小狗碗 。反观
小星, 完全不知道世道险恶,每次开饭,站在枝头撅着屁股,头埋进鸟碗里,欢乐的
挑食, 碰到喜欢的瓜子花生, 还快乐的叫上两声。 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 24 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia : Complete Season 1-5 Plus a Very Sunny
Christmas from barnesandnob le.com is currently $74.99 with a coupon for 15
% off (K8F7F4C) it comes to $63.74 + tax and Free Shipping. So far this is
the best deal I have found.
Link: Link:
Coupon (15% off): K8F7F4C
Total: $63.74+tax
a********e 发帖数: 3771 | 25 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: andyzzdlee (麦地之一看二慢三通过), 信区: NewYork
标 题: $500 Big sunny chill bedroom in bensonhurst
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 27 12:37:00 2009)
Big sunny chill bedroom on a second floor of a townhouse. Great for
summertime, but hope for long term rent.
One roommate needed. You are expected to be honest, easygoing and have
stable income. Student preferred. You will share the whole floor with 2 nice
, easygoing, and humorous male students.
The room faces the street, and has very larg |
C****o 发帖数: 994 | 26 Bensonhurst超大朝南光猛靓房。安静,环境优美,深色光亮木地板。140多wft。有独立的大walk-in closet和带锁的门。在townhouse二层三房两厅中,客厅把该房间和另外两房隔开。
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: CrazMo (sunset hudson), 信区: NewYork
标 题: $500 for a huge sunny room in Bensonhurst GREAT DEAL
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 30 17:05:32 2009)
Big sunny bedroom on a 2nd floor of a townhouse. Long term rent preferred.
Professio |
n********5 发帖数: 3 | 27 关键字: NO FEE !! Beautiful,bright and sunny,2nd (top) floor modern 2 BR condo with additional one bedroom and half bath in the attic
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 9 11:20:25 2015, 美东)
NO FEE !! Beautiful, bright and sunny, 2nd (top) floor modern 2 BR condo
with additional one bedroom and half bath in the attic. Rent INCLUDES HEAT &
HOT WATER. Nice size rooms with GREAT CLOSET SPACE. Ceiling fan in 1
bedroom. 2 OFF STREET, DEEDED PARKING INCLUDED. There are laundry facilities
in the back of the building... 阅读全帖 |
n********5 发帖数: 3 | 28 关键字: NO FEE !! Beautiful,bright and sunny,2nd (top) floor modern 2 BR condo with additional one bedroom and half bath in the attic
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 9 11:23:12 2015, 美东)
NO FEE !! Beautiful, bright and sunny, 2nd (top) floor modern 2 BR condo
with additional one bedroom and half bath in the attic. Rent INCLUDES HEAT &
HOT WATER. Nice size rooms with GREAT CLOSET SPACE. Ceiling fan in 1
bedroom. 2 OFF STREET, DEEDED PARKING INCLUDED. There are laundry facilities
in the back of the building... 阅读全帖 |
l********5 发帖数: 413 | 29 刚刚问过ob office的护士,说不论是前置胎盘还是sunny face up都不一定要破腹产。
可是网上查出来说sunny face up很难顺产,有经验的姐妹们给说说? |
r*****u 发帖数: 56 | 32 I have one sunny and spacious bedroom in 3 br apartment on boylston street
available from May.
Unit locates next to the Fenway Park, and you can walk to restaurant, CVS,
bars and 24 hour super market in less than 10 min.
Just minutes to Kenmore train station, Northeastern University, Berkelee,
Simmons. Also close to Boston University, newburry street, prudential and
downtown Boston.
The room is big and sunny, facing the backbay park. Laundry's in the
basement. Kitchen and bathroom are not so big |
t***u 发帖数: 20182 | 34 第一局
sunny and tokyogirl vs yoyo
sunny and t9 vs yoyo
GG |
z*****a 发帖数: 7716 | 35 说了要写推荐已经很久了。。。领买买提的伪币薪水都2个月了吧。。
现炒现卖一下,我也是刚听的一个老乐队,Sunny Day Real Estate,
最近有他们的reunion tour。
Sunny Day Real Estate - The Rising Tide (2000)
原来bass手兼主唱在乐队解散之后参加了著名的Foo Fighters。
这张The Rising Tide整体感觉很好,风格嘛,
总之,好听! 主唱假声有点意思
算我勉强交个作业先,回头再来写我更了解一些的,呵呵 |
M******1 发帖数: 43 | 36 一直开Sunny的车,实在是手头没多少米啊,有个1.6L的就不错了,哪里还管那么多档
己制动一下,就像二档换一档时的engine brake那样,可偶的是自动档啊!而且还是加
速过程,哪里来的engine brake?估计那变速器有点问题,跟不上速度的变化,搞得现
然车就会draw back。
engine oil比较浓稠,要车跑热了就会好。可偶连跑大半天也仍旧如此啊!有懂车的知
道是怎么回事吗? |
k***y 发帖数: 217 | 37 A SUNNY DELIGHT
1 shot Triple Sec
3 shots Lemon Vodka
1 shot Club Soda
Using shot glasses in a cannery style Mason jar, pour the vodka and the
triple sec together. Then sqeeze the lemon lightly, and place it on the rim.
Fill the glass with Sunny Delight, then add a shot of Club Soda.
Shot Glass
Mixed Drinks
Price: \3, Cost: \0 |
b********a 发帖数: 5418 | 38 妈不常在家呆着,sunny每天都一个人独守空房,好可怜。大概妈也觉得sunny可怜,长
好大,they are coming to get me!还有哪里能躲,还有哪里,已经不能跑了。。。
然后这一天就结束了,妈妈睡觉了,我我我,我也睡吧。晚安。 |
d*****t 发帖数: 2761 | 39 昨天带sunny去屋后的woods里面去hiking,一开始玩的死爽,woods里面一个人都没有。
555555555555555555,吸取教训,再也不带他去hiking了。 |
C****o 发帖数: 994 | 40 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: CrazMo (sunset hudson), 信区: NewYork
标 题: $500 for a huge sunny room in Bensonhurst 多图
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 30 17:05:32 2009)
Big sunny bedroom on a 2nd floor of a townhouse. Long term rent preferred.
Professional or student preferred.
The room faces the street, and has very large and wide windows. About 11ft
×13ft, that is more than 140 sft. Big Walk-in closet in the room.
Can be furnished with a twin size bed and a desk as well as a chair, but you
can also bring |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 41 just simple
if you were using google from its birth year then already outside tg.
for example:
put key words into
the search blank of below link:
its blank
NB: nerver mind those finnish sentence if you never met them before
just click icon [Hae]
then go to next page
here please move your mouse icon to
the blank
in stead of
site: www.mitbbs... 阅读全帖 |
a********e 发帖数: 3771 | 42 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: andyzzdlee (麦地之一看二慢三通过), 信区: NewYork
标 题: $500 Big sunny chill bedroom in bensonhurst
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 27 12:37:00 2009)
Big sunny chill bedroom on a second floor of a townhouse. Great for
summertime, but hope for long term rent.
One roommate needed. You are expected to be honest, easygoing and have
stable income. Student preferred. You will share the whole floor with 2 nice
, easygoing, and humorous male students.
The room faces the street, and has very larg |
C****o 发帖数: 994 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: CrazMo (sunset hudson), 信区: NewYork
标 题: $500 for a huge sunny room in Bensonhurst GREAT DEAL
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 30 17:05:32 2009)
Big sunny bedroom on a 2nd floor of a townhouse. Long term rent preferred.
Professional or student preferred.
The room faces the street, and has very large and wide windows. About 11ft
×13ft, that is more than 140 sft. Big Walk-in closet in the room.
Can be furnished with a twin size bed and a desk as well as a chair, but you
can al |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 44 9/14/2011
sunny 是个吃货,身体迅速膨胀中,看这个吃的架, 马上就要比小星胖了。 这一
个星期下来, 一看见我,特别是一看见我拿着食盆, 自己会飞过来。 今早居然从房间
里飞出来, 到厨房台子上等我弄食物了。 但是还是不准我碰他。 daddy 说sunny
associate me with food. |
R********y 发帖数: 4018 | 45 11/03/2011
昨天才从国内回来. 到家第一件事, 包包都没提下来, 先冲进来看小鸟们. 想死我了.
两个宝贝都有一点迟疑, 不记得我了, 桑心. 不过马上就好了好像认识了. 小星现在会
发出咿咿呀呀的声音, 应该在练习vocal muscle,不像刚走的时候还是只会squak.
sunny 不怕生了, 会主动站到手上。 长胖了, 大约跟小星一样, 胸前跟翅膀羽毛出
了几个红色的点。 我走的时候都没有, 老公都没有注意到这个细节,呵呵。 还有,
两个小鸟现在可以在同一个笼子里, 站在同样高的树枝, 小星不欺负sunny 了, 真
好。 |
G*********a 发帖数: 1080 | 48 我也梦见过sunny,和赖妈一起。
sunny是大家的梦中战友啊。 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 49 One sunny day in January, 2017, an old man approaches the White House from
across Pennsylvania Avenue where he’d been sitting on a park bench. He
speaks to the U.S. Marine standing guard and says, “I would like to go in
and meet with President Obama.”
The Marine looks at the man and says, “Sir, Mr. Obama is no longer
President and no longer resides here.”
The old man says, “Okay,” and walks away.
The following day the same man approaches the White House and says to the
same Marine, “I would like... 阅读全帖 |
w*****y 发帖数: 736 | 50 We have a warm, sunny room for rent. It is one of two bed rooms apartment.
There is simple furniture(bed, sofa and small desk). $450 including water,
hot water, gas, heat, TV cable,internet. Available 1/8/2011.
Bus stop is just at the house. 9 buses to subway station for only 2-3 min.
All the residents in this 6 apartments building are Harvard MIT postdoc or
northeastern university students. |