

全部话题 - 话题: sually
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: History版 - Mathematics in Babylon
Edward Rothstein, Masters of Math, From Old Babylon; A precursor to the
theoretical flowering of Greek math. New York Times, Nov. 27, 2010.
(a) Pythagoras (c. 570- c. 495 BC)
(b) The report states, "But Neugebauer, and then his many students and
rivals, also showed how sophisticated Babylonian mathematics was and how
many similarities existed to later Western systems ?if, that is, you coun... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26311
来自主题: Money版 - amazon payment failed什么原因啊
request to withdraw $1000.00 to your bank account was not successful. This u
sually happens if the bank is unable to accept electronic transactions.
发帖数: 1035
来自主题: Working版 - [bssd]问问大家意见
then your 3rd party will take commission out of your pay from the company. u
sually 20% or more.
发帖数: 4692
the drug used by Ramirez is hCG -- human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is a wo
men's fertility drug typically used by steroid users to restart their body's
natural testosterone production as they come off a steroid cycle.
A source with intimate knowledge of steroids told ESPN that a male athlete u
sually uses HCG after a cycle of steroids because steroids often shut down t
he testosterone-making ability of the testicles. HCG restores their capacity
to make testosterone. The source said that some m
发帖数: 11319
New Keltec rifles are very hard to find. They're made in small batches and u
sually hoarded by the dealers for a premium.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL 100 牌局鉴赏
hand 1 i check raised all in, and he snap folded.
My only question is whether he will put in anther bet if I check called turn
. My read is that he has 2 high card + crappy draw in this hand or just a
small pocket pair. If he will put in another bet then i should check call turn for sure, but I feel theyu sually won't on a 3 bet pot unless they make their draw.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL 100 牌局鉴赏
no, if he snap folds here, check check will be the river action.
he knows his stack size well.
this hand shows again check raise on turn is a strong signal, hehe.

call turn for sure, but I feel theyu sually won't on a 3 bet pot unless they
make their draw.
发帖数: 33
i have to clarify:
i will not say journals in CS are more valuable then confs in research itsel
f. i seldom read journals, because if there is anything interesting, there u
sually has an short version in conf. after all, it takes quite a long time t
o hear any feedback from a journal. everybody likes confs, we can travel to
different countries, right:)
i know it is ridiculous to say such thing like journal > conf, but this is h
ow they score them. For hundreds of faculty candidates, committee ha
发帖数: 493
Those are vertical spacing commands that depend on the current font size.
\bigskip is usually the same as the current \vspace{\baselineskip}.
\medskip is sually the same as 0.5*\bigskip.
\smallskip is usually the same as 0.25*\bigskip.
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Mathematics版 - Mathematics in Babylon
Edward Rothstein, Masters of Math, From Old Babylon; A precursor to the
theoretical flowering of Greek math. New York Times, Nov. 27, 2010.
(a) Pythagoras (c. 570- c. 495 BC)
(b) The report states, "But Neugebauer, and then his many students and rivals, also showed how sophisticated Babylonian mathematics was and how many similarities existed to later Western systems if, that is, you count... 阅读全帖