t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 1 LG精子数量低,然后老是不在美国,下个星期又出差一整周。我刚送他去机场。因为时
轻易放弃尝试的。 |
k********h 发帖数: 115 | 2 我LG倒是一直都在,医生也没有让他冷冻,所以我们也没提出这个方面的要求。
我觉得你成功的可能性很大的。 |
W******8 发帖数: 142 | 3 I remember they can still grow. Although you don't inject anymore, there is
still residue in your body. |
s*******a 发帖数: 19 | 4 我们差不多时间。我是星期一ER。不过你的卵泡情况比我的好。我的医生告诉我>=16mm
了。 |
s*******a 发帖数: 19 | 6 是太大了,我很担心它会耐不住提前排掉。我的医生说会monitor这个卵泡,可是我想
现在每个卵泡对我而言都很重要。 |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 7 我用荷尔蒙对我心情也完全没有影响。我来例假也从来不影响心情。唯一影响心情的一
定是外界的事情。 |
y**h 发帖数: 574 | 8 预祝tigerbabe MM马到成功!生个小老虎! |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 9 多谢YEAH MM。:)今天犯困犯得很厉害,不知是不是体内激素太多的缘故。晚上午时
之后就不能喝水啦。希望明天取的卵子能授精成功。 |
W******e 发帖数: 745 | 10 MM这么多大卵泡,不用担心,并且小卵泡会长的!我打HCG那天只有4个大卵泡,医生都问是不是要改成IUI. 后来取出来有9个,6个成熟的。
祝MM好孕! |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 11 是啊,MM运气好好啊!我好羡慕你!一直感觉你能成功,但也没想到这么成功!可见关
康成长,以后我可是要问你要照片的哦。:) |
k********h 发帖数: 115 | 12 泡泡在长,今天US看的结果是左边3个,右边4个,一共7个大于10mm的。但这里的医生
且我的用药量一直都在high dose。 不知道是否对卵子的质量会有影响。 |
k**a 发帖数: 1124 | 13 you are ready to retrieve! cong!
i actually lost weight during my IVF cycle. isn't it ironic I regularly
exercise before but was never able to lose weight. But during my IVF cycle
when I didn't exercise at all and just sit and lay around all day, I lost
weight! this is what stress can do to ya, hahaha. I particularly did not
sleep well and woke up at around 6am everyday. i had two separate dreams
last night and in each one, i tested positive on HPT. holy crap. |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 14 kyra, you put too much pressure on yourself. Stress definitely causes weight
loss more than anything else. Hang in there. You are getting your HPT test
result pretty soon, right? Wish you the best!!! |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 15 kyra, 你必须RELAX。STRESS可以减肥,但不利于怀孕,不是常常有COUPLE 出去度假就
说不定老天这次就会给你一个惊喜呢 |
k**a 发帖数: 1124 | 16 well, not always true. i have been relaxed all my life and i travel/vacation
all the time, never been lucky.:)
to be honest, i'm really not that stressed. i'm just disappointed at my
i wish i can take my frozen embryos and go to somewhere else. |
T******e 发帖数: 646 | 17 cmft kyra mm...even things may not look good now, it might turn out to be
fine later...u have frozen embryos, i am sure you will be a mom soon!
btw, which one is your clinic?
coz I am in bay area too and doing the research now.
vacation |
x******g 发帖数: 22 | 18 What happened with the clinic? I've kinda decided to go with this clinic in
a few months. I've heard the good
things about it.
vacation |
k**a 发帖数: 1124 | 19 Tmachine mm, you are thinking about IVF too? I go to fertility phycicians
of northern ca. maybe I will write more about it after i get my final
result and get to the bottom of it. |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 20 可以进行到11天说明是很好啊。我的领头卵泡太大不得不摘。你很可能有10个以上的卵
子。 |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 21 今天应该TRIGER了。早上US, 1.7以上10个(其中1.8以上7个),最大的一个2.
6, 看来我的泡泡都是第二天猛长一下。希望后天ER时小的再长上来几个。 |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 23 我前天测的LINLING还是10,今天测就是8了,是不同护士测的,不知道是怎么搞的 |
k********h 发帖数: 115 | 24 恭喜恭喜。
2. |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 25 我今天有燥热的感觉,不知道是不是荷尔蒙打的太多了 |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 26 我的肚皮上打针的小红点在打GANIRELIX后突然出来了,持续了几天,后来又没了。我
觉得是STIM的缘故,腹压太大。 |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 27 我今天去US,卵泡和昨天比没有什么变化。最大的还是1。9,但还不是昨天的那个1
本来今天要TRIGER的,这样看下来还的继续STIM |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 28 今天开始BCP,要take 21天,10月18日左右开始stim。这已经是我的第五次 fresh IVF
,(never got pregnant!),过去的两年半经历了四次失败,心碎不已但还是不折不
挠,still very hopeful!:)
新的一次cycle,到NYC的CORNELL(supposely 是最好的),只求我尽力,不留遗憾。
与姐妹们共勉! |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 29 替别人养孩子是够伟大的。这种事情要摊我自己头上不知该如何反应。估计也只好怀下
走了,不知明天会不会bloating症状下去。 |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 30 我还不大清楚自己是Day3 还是Day5呢,Day3可能性比较大,因为我授精卵毕竟不是太
目前为止我跟westmore MM的前期过程一样哦,STIM 8天,取卵9只,受精6只,满神奇
的。:)非常想沾沾西多MM的运气! |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 31 我还不太懂这些GRADE的值,只有祝福MM。
到后来,就在针进去前那一刻,有点下不了手了 |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 32 刚才接到护士电话,说我今天E2是4960,太高了,不能TRIGER,先要吃药降E2。
明天去验血。看来也许昨晚不该再打针了。昨天是STIM DAY11 |
Y***y 发帖数: 60 | 33 多吃grapefruit,至少每天一个,或者喝果汁,因为grapefruit里的肌醇和卵泡的成分
stim |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 34 我之前也折腾了好久呢。今年四月约了个医生,结果老公不喜欢他总迟到的态度,
不过LG说,IT TAKES WHATEVER IT TAKES。焦虑是没有用的。所以学着不想。该咋地咋
地吧。 |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 35 好棒啊,这个数目很好,替JJ高兴。
期。嘻嘻。 |
t*******e 发帖数: 912 | 36 KIND,能取出卵就有希望,命运喜欢捉弄人你我又不是不知道。前两天没你的消息怕是
握握手,相信咱们三都能坚持走完这场IVF,没什么大不了的。 |
s**o 发帖数: 29 | 37 刚才护士打电话告诉我我的E2值已经狂飙到了3400,真是吓我一跳。两天前才600多,
,只注射Menopur 75IU 和 lupron 5IU,Stim的最后一天,加油加油! |
s**o 发帖数: 29 | 38 今天已经Stim 11天了,虽然最后一天药量减了。
早上B超,卵泡大致均匀分布在 16mm - 20mm之间。医生说,只要抽血值没有什么大问
题,今晚就要trigger了。Yay! 肚子涨了几天了,而且有点怀孕时的恶心感觉,胃口不
一个步骤。 |
t*********o 发帖数: 123 | 39 Protocol: Short.
Details: BCP one week starting the second day of cycle. 10/17 will start
stim. Gonal F 375 units+ Menopur 75 units for the first 6 days, then add
one Ganirelix per day until trigger night. |
t*********o 发帖数: 123 | 40 My profile….
Protocol: Short.
BCP 9 days starting the second day of last period, 10/3-
Mock transfer, hydro ultrasound and baseline check, Ok to
move ahead. 10/12.
10/17 will start stim. Gonal F 375 units+ Menopur 75
units for the first 6 days, then add one Ganirelix per day. |
s**o 发帖数: 29 | 41
我比你早些日子,今天已经stim 9天了。不过卵泡长得慢,本来预计明天打促排针,现
在看上去要拖几天了。 我每天打的是 200IU Follistim + 75 IU Menopur. |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 42 sorry to hear the clinic's mistakes and hope you get everything straight now
. Are you ok for 10/17 stim?
I am still wait for my A/F, if it's tomorrow I will start this Sun (10/18).
I am cycling in NYC and driving to Manhattan is such a pain during the
weekdays so I really hope to get a weekend start :)
Where are u cycling?
G/L to everyting!
thing |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 43 baobao,
I just got my A/F today and expect to start stim this Sunday, so I am only
one day behind you :) We are fighting this battle together side by side this
time ^_^
I am cycling in Cornell for the first time (after failed 4 times locally in
NJ without any pregancy :( ) Yes, I have to drive to Manhatton for b/w & u/
s, which is quite a trouble but I am willing to do everything at this point
now! I am also taking the whole week of 10/26 - 10/30 off to be ready for
the ER/ET. How about you?
Hop |
t*********o 发帖数: 123 | 44 Aybaby,
Have you got result of this morning’s blood test? Mine is not looking good,
estrogen level reached around 700 after 3 days Stim. They only wanted to
see around 150. So I am instructed to decrease G-F from 375 units to 225
units tonight. Tomorrow will have blood test plus ultrasound, hopefully the
cycle will continue after the adjustment. |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 45 Tigerbaobao,
I went in both yesterday and today for b/w and u/s of day5/day6 (start stim
on 10/18 as day3), my g-f already decreased last night from 187.5 to 150 but
continue 5unit lupron. I didn't ask for my E2 level yesterday but I peeked
this morning while waiting u/s and it looks like around 144 on day5. I do
tend to respond quickly and this cycle they drop the g-f earlier than my
previous cycles.
We had been getting up 4:30a for two days and arrive at cornell before 6;30a
trying to be out b |
t*********o 发帖数: 123 | 46 Ayababy,
Glad to know that your respond well this time.
My estrogen level today reached 1300...too high, so they decreased again of
my G-F to 150 tonight. I just hope my cycle can continue.I paid the package
, if they cancel, literally i will waste one, since attain ivf counts the
first start of the stim as one cycle...
It seems that your clinic opens much earlier than ours. But I am on the same
boat, getting up much earlier than normal.Well, have a good night and
recharge the energy for tomorro |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 47 tigerbaobao,
I am praying your cycle will continue and how long do you usually stim? Will
you be trigger soon? I feel your stress & burden by paying out of pocket
and I wish I can help by any means. I still have 2 unopened 900 unit gona-f
which I don't think I need them now.
AFM - I went to NYC again this morning again for bloodwork only. I turned
out to be monitored everyday except Monday(day4), b/w everyday and u/s every
other day. I am pleased to watched closely by Cornell though I am getting |
A****y 发帖数: 337 | 48 tigerbaobao,
我上午bw/us,下午护士电话确认我今晚11:45pm trigger, 而且明天一早6:30还要
到cornell去ER的pre-op。今晚会比较tough, 还好我下周都休假。cornell的hcg
trigger 是intramuscular shot, 而且医生根据需要order不同的dosage,有(3300,
4000,5000 和10,000)我需要mix diluent with hcg powder to get the exact
dose。 How about you?
我今天E2=2336 最大的follicle 有18mm。我stim的天数也是和我上次在RMANJ的一样,
E2 level is similar too. 希望quality 更好。
Good Luck to our trigger shots! |
s**o 发帖数: 29 | 49 你要是怕抽血,那IVF可够你受的。我前前后后抽了不下二十管血了,包括进cycle前的
检查,stim后查E2值(隔天一抽)。要做好心理准备哦! |
a**e 发帖数: 381 | 50 MM写的真好!MM一定会成功的。下次STIM时间长些,让LG多采集几次精子。你的底子很
灵!成功了一定是菩萨的功劳,没成菩萨下次会帮我! -- 大家不要笑哈,不管黑猫
白猫,啥就是好猫来着? |