a****3 发帖数: 11741 | 2 It's watchable. I watched 3 episodes so far.
:如果不好看,就关版。勿谓言之不预也. |
H******7 发帖数: 34403 | 4 不能再高了。男主尤其烂,很装B的样子,又整天虚张着嘴,看着就想迎面一拳。跟那
委委道来。这样一来,皮特他们就输得裤子都不剩 |
a****3 发帖数: 11741 | 5 同意对男主角的评价。太特么弱了!要体力没体力,要脑瓜没脑瓜的样子。 |
发帖数: 1 | 6 险象环生的骗啊!简直就是开脑洞以及教育你如何骗人的神奇电视剧。
活下去的了。这个正好相反,但我也喜欢。 |
s********a 发帖数: 1447 | 7 他们家的卡很sneaky 而且 比正经的credit card还严格很多 说一不二的
就算你那个月没买东西 你也要查查有没有balance
一不小心 就给你报道credit agency去
我自己就因为开了这个破卡 credit score 损失很多点
反正 我是不建议用 而且 他家东西 也不怎么样 |
y*****8 发帖数: 18140 | 8 你家的fence不能放兔子么?猫真的比狗厉害?这个没想到。总觉得猫比狗sneaky。
要是只猫多好 |
a*o 发帖数: 25262 | 9 CNN 刚发表这文章, very interesting..中文没找到。
How your brain makes moral judgments
By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
This image shows differences in brain activity between people who judge an
act wrong and others who say it's not wrong.
(CNN) -- Imagine a CEO wants to profit from a venture that, by the way,
involves emitting pollution toxic to the environment, but she doesn't care
because the goal is profit.
Is the CEO intentionally harming the envir... 阅读全帖 |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 12 lightroom了而已,离成品还早着呢。。。。 |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 13 没错XD
不过也不算初步后期,lightroom里面挨个preset试决定整体色调而已~ |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 15 哈哈哈差不多~
不过马上我就又开始偏好另外一种更花时间的后期。。。。 |
N**i 发帖数: 3857 | 17 上哪看大图,2里的第二排第二张很不错。
4里的第二排第一张蛮喜欢的。其他太小没法细看。 |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 18 没大图~
所以说是永远的sneak peak啊,大部分都还在等PS啊~
2里的第二排第二张倒是今天刚做出来~ |
N**i 发帖数: 3857 | 23 现在小女孩都幻想拍这样的照片,想做business,要是20多分钟一张功夫太大了点。 |
a*********x 发帖数: 7174 | 24 那种的lightroom出来后PS随便磨个皮瘦个脸三五分钟搞定XD
反正她们觉得自己好看就行了,看不出来PS三分钟和30分钟的区别XDDD |
a*f 发帖数: 5682 | 26 摘抄一些段落
When you overexpose your film, you are exposing for the shadows, which
guarantees detail in the darkest parts of your image. Overexposing doesn’t
kill your highlights, though. It is almost impossible to have blown
highlights with color negative film.
This freaks digital shooters out, as you’ve been taught to err on the side
of underexposing your digital images. Underexposed film images look like
crap. Und... 阅读全帖 |
x****y 发帖数: 1853 | 27 我一般是直接拍,然后向对方微笑点头表示Hi. 街拍最不该就是sneaky.
尴尬程度嘛取决于在哪拍。我发现西方国家的人比较open. 在中国和一些亚洲国家人往
往比较resistant.我在国内试过多次被人骂的。 |
s**x 发帖数: 77 | 28 好像是个很好的deal,No tax for most states, free shipping. 请指点能否入?多
From CPW:
EF 85mm f/1.8 USM for $299 BuyDig eBay (Likely Not “Refurbished”)
Another sneaky listing from BuyDig via eBay? They have the EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
“manufacturer refurbished” for $299.99.
But the listing details give the catalog number as CN85USM, and the part
number as 2519A003. The catalog number matches the brand new item on BuyDig
’s site, and the part number is also the brand new part number (refurbished
part is 2519A007, f... 阅读全帖 |
g*******a 发帖数: 1383 | 29 you always can be logical, rational, humane and blah blah
hey screw that, and this war is now GREAT!! nuke these fucking
sneaky arabic trash to stone age! |
g*******a 发帖数: 1383 | 30 well i'm from dalian so i'm soccer nuts
finally find a solid reason to slaughter this sneaky race |
a***y 发帖数: 19743 | 31 open letter to One Little Indian:
I believe your company knows about what Bjork did in Shanghai. What she did
has consequences. Being an enemy of all the Chinese people is not a smart
move. I have been customer of your record company for along time. I am
deeply upset and hurt by her sneaky act.
When she wish good luck for individual or nations in the battle for
independence, she should care more about those who will die in those wars.
It does not cost anything for her to say those words. But go |
a*****e 发帖数: 44 | 32 the man looks like a sneaky dude, I can't believe she had no idea what kind
of person he was? Or maybe she was just chasing money. |
d****y 发帖数: 59 | 33 爸爸说对于这种人就不要理,他做生意碰的多了
上午写了一封信作为感谢给他,没想到他回了一封辱骂字眼的信。 我彻底失望了,我
Please make sure to translate this e-mail and forward it to your Father.
I have never worked so hard for someone so unappreciative and disrespectful
in all my life. You completely wasted many hours of my valuable time.
You were not honest with me. You are a sneaky, dishono |
s****7 发帖数: 2507 | 34 williby
San Francisco, CA
White women won't take White guys sh!t anymore. She gets the house, car,
bank accounts,(younger guys), the vacation home, alimony and child support.
The new age white woman.
On the other hand, the Asian woman is submissive (or generally viewed as
such). She seeks to maintain the ideal lifestyle, i.e., home, car, husband,(
or the all-american image). Regardless of the hardships (of the relationship
) she endures to maintain this image. The white woman will file for divor... 阅读全帖 |
h*l 发帖数: 807 | 35 keywords:
" co-defendant told police the son of former California Assembly Speaker
Fabian Nunez had boasted that his dad would get them out of trouble."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger's decision during his final hours in office to reduce
the manslaughter sentence of Esteban Nunez from 16 to seven years sparked
criticism that he was doing a political favor for an old ally."
SAN DIEGO—When Esteban Nunez was arrested after a stabbing death in 2008, a
co-defendant told polic... 阅读全帖 |
p*********w 发帖数: 23432 | 36 中英文艾未未微博选登(2009.6~2010.7)
Ai Weiwei( @aiww )Tweet Quotes 1 (June 2009—July 2010)
1. 孩子们肾结石、大头娃娃、被拐卖、被活埋、被开苞、被毒害,但是要让他们保持
1. It does not matter children suffer from kidney stones or abnormally big
heads, and it does not matter children have been abducted, buried alive,
poisoned or lost their virginity, what matters is they remain mentally pure.
June 10, 2009 12:30:31
2. 我郑重的宣布,一个开骂的时代开始了,我们要轻声的骂死敌人。
2. I solemnly declare that here comes a name-calling era, and we would curse
the enemy softly ... 阅读全帖 |
h*****n 发帖数: 2415 | 37 这种论调反驳过好多次啦,本人有家有口,忠诚于家庭。对你这种人是夏虫不可语冰。
It is hard to resist for any man if some woman spread their legs and invite
the men to f-ck.
it doesn't mean these East Asian Women (including Chinese) are really better
. it only shows they are cheaper with no basic morals and dirty sluts.
these East Asian/Chinese women are such Racist sluts full of STD, they are
actually doing criminal activities in North America and therefore should be
denied access to America.
there are no ot... 阅读全帖 |
c*****r 发帖数: 388 | 38 Pretty sneaky huh?
例如我知道城市和夫妻俩的姓名,怎么像李开复那样查房子信息?谢谢 |
A**********o 发帖数: 996 | 39 看看网上鬼女开骂了
watchoutfortheseyellowsluts says:
December 17, 2013 at 10:06 pm
Yes Asian women in general have no morals and that’s not news.They pretend
to be innocent when they are actually with no morals.They will spread their
legs easily,especially if the men is White.They pretend that White men are
the ones with a yellow fever when it’s actually them who are obsess with
White men.
Some of them will married any ugly White men in the hope of having White
babies.I think karma is funny because most ... 阅读全帖 |
m*********7 发帖数: 5207 | 40 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: moonflower7 (teddybearmom), 信区: Military
标 题: 为什么必须砍掉Kid's Round Table这个节目?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 31 15:02:30 2013, 美东)
有人说让ABC保证此类事件不再发生。好啊,ABC promise不说杀中国人了,下次说解雇
我觉得,... 阅读全帖 |
A**********o 发帖数: 996 | 41 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: AustinDuoduo (通吃岛小小牛), 信区: Military
标 题: 鬼子把中国女人骂惨了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 17 22:51:39 2013, 美东)
watchoutfortheseyellowsluts says:
December 17, 2013 at 10:06 pm
Yes Asian women in general have no morals and that’s not news.They pretend
to be innocent when they are actually with no morals.They will spread their
legs easily,especially if the men is White.They pretend that White men are
the ones with a yellow fev... 阅读全帖 |
P*C 发帖数: 6109 | 42 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: AustinDuoduo (通吃岛小小牛), 信区: Military
标 题: 鬼子把中国女人骂惨了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 17 22:51:39 2013, 美东)
watchoutfortheseyellowsluts says:
December 17, 2013 at 10:06 pm
Yes Asian women in general have no morals and that’s not news.They pretend
to be innocent when they are actually with no morals.They will spread their
legs easily,especially if the men is White.They pretend that White men are
the ones with a yellow fev... 阅读全帖 |
p*******e 发帖数: 286 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: pantyhose (pantyhose), 信区: Military
标 题: 即使是今天的北京,白妞仍然被中国人争相合影,向发现宝藏一样br />
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 18 01:53:38 2015, 美东)
[–]ellaminnowp 256 points 15 hours ago*
Interesting story. My husband and I took our honeymoon to China. We landed
in Shanghai and walked around looking at the skyline as the sun was setting.
I noticed someone walk in front of me, stop and "take a selfie"...
Obviously with me in the... 阅读全帖 |
i*****a 发帖数: 7272 | 45 某党从来就是心虚,其实正大光明的讨论有什么不行?SNEAKY LIKE A RAT... |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 46 为嘛都大写?
某党从来就是心虚,其实正大光明的讨论有什么不行?SNEAKY LIKE A RAT... |
m*******g 发帖数: 7050 | 47 我的脑子里经常有很多东西方文化的conflicts,有时候就同一个问题两者听上去都对
1. 中国人对人的描述是行为,西方人对人的描述是intention
2. 中国人对人的判断是intention,西方人对人的判断是行为
“好人”可能就是一个passive aggressive的psycho path,或者一个表面温文尔雅的
文化里面对人的判断miss out了一大片有心理障碍的人,一群行为和intention不符合
,而西方人会用那个人做事的动机来描述,比如 he isn't sure what he is doing。
或者 ... 阅读全帖 |