

全部话题 - 话题: sinkinson
发帖数: 1138
We have this teacher who is friend with Andrew Sinkinson, and once he told him
(Andrew Sinkinson): " I was watching your Foxtrot video at blackpool last
night...', and Andrew Sinkinson said "What? was I off time again?"
发帖数: 168
@@ Somehow, I heard my name called from far far away... I am semi-retired
from dancing for years.
$80+ per class is normal for a good teacher in the bay area. Vaidas once
told me (several years ago) that Shirley Ballas' charged $250 per class. It
might be higher now. Well, she is Shirley... :)
BTW, I finally had a chance to learn from one-and-the-only Andrew Sinkinson.
The majority people in this quickstep lecture were the local folks dancing
at the amateur senior championship category, plus me ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 168
@@ Somehow, I heard my name called from far far away... I am semi-retired
from dancing for years.
$80+ per class is normal for a good teacher in the bay area. Vaidas once
told me (several years ago) that Shirley Ballas' charged $250 per class. It
might be higher now. Well, she is Shirley... :)
BTW, I finally had a chance to learn from one-and-the-only Andrew Sinkinson.
The majority people in this quickstep lecture were the local folks dancing
at the amateur senior championship category, plus me ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 168
You guys gotta see these clips from the Come Dancing, which include
Donnie & Gaynor in the 80s (Must see!)
John Wood (Did M...... 跪求 a chance to watch him in order to 热泪盈眶?)
Andrew Sinkinson in 92 (Beautiful dancing making you speechless)
Chris and Hazel in 92 (Chris has not changed much after 15 years!)
Marcus Hilton in 93 (My idol)
My coach Jurga in 95 when she was a college student
and more!