

全部话题 - 话题: similary
发帖数: 3803
heing (RP大爆发!) 于 (Tue Oct 23 21:00:33 2007) 提到:
发信人: windchina (future), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 我一个半月的找工作经历(土木方向)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 24 16:39:48 2007)
近来经常到这个版上来,得到XDJM们热心帮助。 为了表示感谢,现在把我过去一个半
月找工作的经历汇报一下。 希望对后来者有一些帮助。
我五月初开始找工作,拿到五个offer,公司都是中大型以上,on-site 成功率100%。
我本来在读PhD,但三四月份发生了一些很不开心的事情。 简单地说,就是博士导师
水平太差,系里的氛围也很不好,读不下去了。于是五也初决定quit PhD,正式开始找
工作。 对我来说,这是一个很困难的决定,毕竟读PhD是我的一个心愿,虽然这个学位
下定决心后,开始写简历,修改简历,然后把简历放在网上。monster.com 和
careerb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2451
Please read the articles posted in www.xys.org
You can find the answers to most of your questions...
Actually, Xiao is not the first one who has this idea. There was similary
experiment on cats around twenty yeas ago, and the result was not promising
at all. Since that such idea died out for many years. However Xiao is the
first one to try this idea on human being without any solid evidence from
animal studies. How crazy it is!
发帖数: 273
来自主题: Military版 - Two Boeing737s make emergency landing
both has similary prolems, airpressure is too low
发帖数: 273
来自主题: Military版 - Two Boeing737s make emergency landing
both have similary prolems, airpressure is too low
发帖数: 369
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 某大公司面试题
so you have a set of (query => list of search results with "Click" info),
and he want to find the similarities between queries, right?
The first straightforward one is, if Qa => Cx, Qb => Cx, then Qa is similar
to Qb.
Furthermore, the Query and URLs can form a graph, with edges defined as
E(Q, URL) where Query lead to a URL. The URLs can be connected if they
are returned in one query using certain weighting strategy.
After this simplification, we can run an all-source shortest path
in this graph... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Living版 - 又黄了一个房子, 被rejected了
similary in cities of the south, a house with four season cooling rooms is
more expensive.
because it saves your AC fee.
发帖数: 383
正在填485表格:List your present and past membership in or affiliation with
every organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society or
similary group in the United States or in other places since your 16th
birthday. 不知道这里要不要填曾经加入的学术组织,比如说ACS, AAAS等
发帖数: 66
I am sharing my experience with you since i am looking for another job as
1. i told during the interview that "no sponsoring will be needed but i
might need a letter to verify the employment stating it is a full time
position and it is in the similar occupational classification as my current
job." basically not a penny from them regarding me porting the green card
application and i bear full risk of potential rejection if any. Just tell
them everything you think you might need from them, an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 如何控制 impluse move?
打了几个Micro 的MTT, 几乎每个都进了钱圈, 可只是小钱.
几乎每次最后一把牌, 都有些冲动.
比如, SNG, final two HU and even chips. I was at BTN and had AJs. The
opponent 2X. I 3X on top. The opponent furhter 2X on top of that. It is
almost all in to him (I covered him slightly). I did not think a second and
just put him all in. And he turned out to have AA.
_________when he 2X at the second time, I at most had a coin flip and mostly
_________dominated. I did not go through this.
Another turny, similary thing happened. I have top pair(K
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 做下来第一把
hohoho, they are GUts. AQ vs AJ, AQ get two pairs, AJ hit gut strai.
AK vs AQ, similary.
发帖数: 3382
来自主题: WebRadio版 - Difficult Men
breaking bad说什么了?
有没有说跟pulp fiction的关系?
发帖数: 647
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 佛法不是泛神论
梵我合一is different than being one with Buddha in your mind, deeds and
speech. there are similarities but there are critical differences, it is
just a way to lead us to the wisdom of Buddha. there are millions of ways of
attaining Buddhahood. just because there are similaries, then we say they
are the same, is not logically sound.
发帖数: 997
It should work. Just be aware that you will have two possible recombination
events: in one event, the middle fragment is used and therefore you
insertion will not be introduced; in another, the fragment on the side is
used and you will have the desired allele with you insertion. You have
to have a genotyping strategy that can distinguish these two events. You may
also increase the length of the homologous fragment on the side to maximize
your chance of success. This is actually very similary to
发帖数: 421
来自主题: CivilEngineering版 - 我一个半月的找工作经历(土木方向)
This success surprises me. I will get my PhD next summer. After one month
hunting, I only got several campus interviews, no further feedback. Career
center and some recruiters said my resume and interview are good. I have 3
years of experience at large scale construction project before as assistant
project manager. It seems that most companies have little interest. Similary
, other PhD students (even American) in my program face the similar
在 heing (RP大爆发!) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 337
来自主题: CivilEngineering版 - 我一个半月的找工作经历(土木方向)

发帖数: 4
来自主题: Mathematics版 - some thoughts
The role played by science in human being's development is obvious, and
China's lack of it, especially in modern times is puzzling. But once you
take a deeper look at some scientific developments in recent history,
including those in early twentith century in both China and Japan, the
importance of leading figures immediately manifest itself.
One might argue the importance of "tradition". But so called "tradition" is
essentially another expression for dominant leading figures, its community
and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Physics版 - some thoughts
The role played by science in human being's development is obvious, and
China's lack of it, especially in modern times is puzzling. But once you
take a deeper look at some scientific developments in recent history,
including those in early twentith century in both China and Japan, the
importance of leading figures immediately manifest itself.
One might argue the importance of "tradition". But so called "tradition" is
essentially another expression for dominant leading figures, its community
and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 239
来自主题: PoliticalScience版 - 上海市委书记陈良宇被免职
Although anti-corruption and legal issue are important considerations,
another crucial factor might be the "balance of power" in top leadership.
The news might be good for political scientits anyway. It adds another case
for the study of "elite politics and top leadership" in contemporary China.
I am sure that some China observers would do comparative case studies in the
near future---both of the two "Chen"s were poliburo members and party
chiefs of a leading Chinese city. What might be similari