F**z 发帖数: 299 | 2 Silverline Minuet 是无源的。你至少需要一个放大器,最好再上个带USB的DAC连MBP |
i*d 发帖数: 2640 | 3 active speaker是有源的意思。
你的silverline minuet不是active speaker,也不是有源音箱。 |
F**z 发帖数: 299 | 4 Silverline is quite decent. I have the same in my bedroom, driven by the
recent 团购. I am very happy with the results.
。。。见笑了 |
F**z 发帖数: 299 | 5 成色: 其中一个有个很浅的划痕, 否则的话 Mint, rosewood finish,
带original jumper及原包装
注意,这个是目前产品Minuet Supreme Plus的上一代。Silverline Minuet的产品更新
2010:Minuet Supreme
2012:Minuet Supreme Plus |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 6 Mushkin Enhanced Silverline 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3
10666) Desktop Memory $69.99 @ Newegg No Rebate!
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 8 12GB (3 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333- Mushkin Enhanced Silverline - $
199shipped @newegg
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 12 Newegg
4GB (2 x 2GB) Mushkin Enhanced Silverline DDR3 1333 Dual Channel Kit Desktop
$50 - $20 rebate
= $30 with free shipping
*starts 12 AM PST*
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 13 Current Shellshocker - Mushkin Enhanced Silverline 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM
DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model 991770 $40 before coupon
i got this on my newegg facebook page: coupon code for 15% off all memory -
$34 After coupon! cheapest I've seen for 4GB DIMM of DDR3
since the coupon code allows for stacking, multiply it by 2 or 3 (max
allowable for shell shocker) and you can get 2x4GB for $68 or 3x4GB for $102
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 14 Mushkin Enhanced Silverline 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)
Desktop Memory Model 991770
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 15 所谓的五大热 π argo lincoln silverlinings都看过了 miserables要等到圣诞了
个人还是最喜欢argo 是一种看完了就想打高分的感觉
总体来说argo是有点小沉闷的 但是故事仍然讲得很棒
小本的演技评价过了 他给自己量身定做的 也不需要太多表情的表演算是很到位
但是就是那种很不错但是不惊艳的感觉 感觉拿影帝还是有困难的
小本的导演奖跟两大获奖大导会很激烈 如果不是为了特意嘉奖 有些难度 虽然不会意外
不得不说 英语还是差劲 电影看下来丢掉了不少细节
老斯的电影不太容易难看 lincoln应该是最近几年最好的作品
首先不得不说老斯的煽情功力绝对一流 最后的时候影院抽泣声不断 笔者也很感动
linclon是个挑不出大毛病的作品 但是我个人还是更喜欢argo
两者都有些沉闷 但还是感觉argo更紧凑一些 lincoln有点过于追求“平稳节奏”了
同意版上的观点 tom lee jones表现确实非常出众 目前看到的今年最佳表演
ddl的爆发性比老tom差一些 但是仔细观察 其实ddl很多细节的把... 阅读全帖 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 17 silverline其实是builder grade的,但是比一般builder grade贵,并且质量不好。
估计HD出来的silverline和simonton 5500一样贵。
simonton 5500是中档,但是性价比最高。 |
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 18 lincoln silverlining argo lifepi lesmiserable 五片混战在所难免
本来觉得小本的导演很有希望 今天看完lifepi觉得anglee拿第二个不会意外
老斯估计怎么也会拿个提名 silverlining好评如潮 lesmiserable被hype很高
lifepi估计最佳影片希望不大。。。 |
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 19 旗帜鲜明地show立场 影片给Argo 导演给AngLee
DDL的影帝表现没有鼓吹的那么惊艳 拿影帝成色肯定是够了
在我眼里完全不如Little Miss Sunshine
导演这两年给了不少年轻人 虽然我觉得小本需要再历练历练 但是真嘉奖了也不过份
今年奥斯卡估计还是Argo, Lincoln,悲惨世界和本拉登之争
The master的后继乏力,会让Weinstein全力以赴备战SilverLining Playbook,韦恩斯
导演目前看来是小本,Bigolow和老斯之争 |
G********d 发帖数: 10250 | 20 上次已经求过一次
1.书架箱 而且可以放在书架上 我不使用stand
PSB Alpha B1
B&W 686 or 685
Paradigm Mini
Von Schweikert VR-1
KEF 103.2
Rega RS1
Silverline Minuet Supreme
我觉得水好深。。。 |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 21 Silverline Minuet is a very nice speaker and an easy load on amplifier, any
amplifier would be able to drive it well. It is great for classical music.
Linn speakers are very good for classical music. $600 would get you a spair
of really good used Linn Tukan, Ketan or even floor stands. |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 22 If your buget is $600 and has to be a bookself, I would buy either
Silverline Minuet (new) or Linn Tukan (used). Both speakers are very dynamic
and don't require you to have a super power amp to match. I have heard the
Minuet on a 3W SET amp, and the sound is just beautiful. Minuet would sound
better with a tube amp than solid state though. The Tukan is even more
dynamic but because Linn had stop making them in 2001, you would have to be
careful when buying used. They are at least 10 years old n... 阅读全帖 |
G********d 发帖数: 10250 | 23 Thank you so much for your advice.
classical music is diverse. I listen from monteverdi to schoenberg.
Probably none of bookshelves will sound great with Mahler's symphonies or
Wagner's Rings. Quite a lot of monitors/bookshelves might do well with
chamber music. With my budget(maybe below 1000 for used) and within
bookshelves, a compromise shall always be made.
Mahler might be labeled to be dynamic by listeners of old generation. But
some modern recordings of period performance of classical/baro... 阅读全帖 |
G********d 发帖数: 10250 | 24 这些书架箱子 silverline minuet, linn katan, dynaudio contour 1.3, dynaudio
focus 110, VA haydn, SF concertino domus, ...哪个低音相对好点儿? |
G********d 发帖数: 10250 | 25 dyna focus 110
45 Hz5 kHz (3 dB)
dyna focus 140
41 Hz5 kHz (3 dB)
va haydn grand
42-20000 Hz 5” Bass/Midrange Driver
sf domus concertino
50 Hz - 20.000 Hz
sf toy
60 Hz – 25.000
sf 老concertino
Frequency response: 55-20,000 Hz, + 3 dB
linn katan
75Hz to 20kHz (+/-3dB)
silverline minuet
60 - 28,000 Hz |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 26 what's ur budget?
the best small / high efficient speaker that i have ever auditioned with my
own ears is Silverline Minuet (at any price!). Its made in usa by some HK
dude. The msrp of the original version was $600, though they had risen the
price to $699 recently with an updated release... but for the value, this
speaker is hard to beat even at the new price. you can probabaly find a
used pair for aout $400 - $450 on audiogon depends on the condition...
http://www.silverlineaudio.com/modules.... 阅读全帖 |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 27 this b&w series (as well as the 3 and the 6 series) all sound muddy and un-
involved. I would not consider it. in the b&w family, only consider the 8
at this price range, i would get a brand new pair of Silverline Minuet
without a question.
Its a very easy speaker in terms of placement and performance. of course, it
is also very affordable. |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 28 Silverline Minuet is the best sub $2K (new) bookshelf...
and it costs only around $600.. built in the US by some HK dude.. |
F**z 发帖数: 299 | 30 用我卧室的silverline minuet supreme(8欧,实际灵敏度可能不道88db)试了下MA (
ipod line out->MA->Speaker)。
可惜客厅里的喇叭是4欧的,只有等配套的后级了。希望Dota再接再厉! |
d*****3 发帖数: 353 | 31
我的cd不多,主要还是320k mp3。 Denon N7 这个放cd怎么样?
要研究下书架箱了。。暂时看中了silverline minuet。。 |
F**z 发帖数: 299 | 32 找对儿8欧姆的高灵敏度音箱先用吧。
我用silverline minuet supreme连团购,小空间还可以。不过,Minuet的灵敏度还是偏
低,空间稍大的话,你还是找对儿灵敏度再高点的吧。 |
d*****3 发帖数: 353 | 33 箱子背面是这样的
四个口,上面两个是high frequency, 下面是low freqency.
暂时用macbook pro连两个箱子, 是否要一根3.5mm to rca线?两个头分别接到两个箱
子的hi frequency正/负极? |
p**********t 发帖数: 3680 | 34 不是有人给推荐了Denon N7 吗, 要功放 |
d*****3 发帖数: 353 | 35
receiver还没想好买什么,这种有源音箱不是自带功放了可以直接连laptop么? |
d*****3 发帖数: 353 | 37
明白了。。我以为active speaker就是有源的意思。。谢谢各位指点~~ |
i*********o 发帖数: 772 | 41 谢谢你回复,是silverline of anderson? 你问起,我才注意到其实这种窗户就是这样
的cheap looking.... |
y***n 发帖数: 6764 | 42 瞻仰一下window大牛,以后要常来啊 - 我们的前任买的是HD最便宜的silverline, 还
多。 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 43 silverline 有LowE,Argon Gas,不是grid的应该在160-170左右。小的可能便宜一点
p****y 发帖数: 23737 | 44 香港最有名的好学校是公立,以地区收学生,
bluefall (silverline) 于 (Wed Mar 10 23:14:07 2010, 美东) 提到:
某些同學連基本情況都未搞清楚,就開始抱怨。 列如,有同學指如何拼命賺錢入私立
,香港大部分中學都是公立,最有名的幾所傳統名校也是公立中學,例如St.Paul co-
ed, 拔萃,喇沙,皇仁,瑪麗諾,英皇等等。香港現時政界商界領袖人物基本出自公立
等,這是社交目的。 如果本身不是這個級別,又要搏命賺錢送子女入國際學校,和《
花樣男子》裡杉菜的父母沒區別。 |
h******e 发帖数: 468 | 45 请问下面这个内存和DELL T1500 Workstation是不是兼容?
Mushkin Enhanced Silverline 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333
(PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model 998768
DIMM 240-pin
1333 MHz ( PC3-10600 )
Data Integrity Check:Non-ECC
RAM Features: Unbuffered
多谢了。 |
m*****0 发帖数: 39 | 46 Never a problem.
The silverline T that passing through the area has no any crime reported in
the last three years, the BEST among all T lines.
Beside all the fancy resturant/business building, there's actually one
Building developed as apartment for rental "Seaport Lane", 97% occupancy
rate, $1800/month for one -bed apt.
all are white collar Professionals. |
a*c 发帖数: 701 | 48 Foreclosure starts in the Washington suburbs rose last month following
federal budget cuts that may have made it harder for some homeowners to pay
their mortgages, even as defaults fell across the country, RealtyTrac said.
Initial foreclosure filings climbed 144 percent from August in Fairfax
County, Virginia, and more than doubled in Prince William, Loudoun and
Fauquier counties, the real estate research firm said today. Fairfax’s jump
was the biggest in the U.S. among counties with populations... 阅读全帖 |
A**d 发帖数: 13310 | 49 这是怎么都要找silverlining的一种职业病 |
A**d 发帖数: 13310 | 50 With this silverlining, it was still Alex Smith that saved his ass
by winning NFCW so that CK could travel to Atlanta instead of
the stadium that he got 16-71 in 2 games. |