h******g 发帖数: 11250 | 1 shutterblade应该还要以吧,没买过,但也是医院一有组织有预谋的神医啊 |
k****t 发帖数: 12697 | 3 糟了. 有花痕. 他OFFER 我760 我没要. 昨天SHUTTERBLADE 有些东西10% OFF. 俺进了
两135L, $809
Dear janetzz,
1. No internal dust or haze. There are a few small marks on the
front element, but nothing that will affect image quality.
2. The barrel is in great shape, all parts work smoothly. No grit,
3. No, it does not come with pouch or hood (shade) but it does
come with canon caps of course. It is in the same shape I
purchased it from KEH.com, I believe for around 800.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
-g |
h*******e 发帖数: 8370 | 5 shutterblade也有失手的时候,嘿嘿。
一年前328 3200我都嫌高了,非要3000。
现在眼看是不可能了。 |
s*****g 发帖数: 5159 | 7 Reading the questions you will see the seller decided to keep it for a while
. He will relist it some day.
You may watch the seller shutterblade. They have quite some GX680 stuffs
recently. |
s*****g 发帖数: 5159 | 10 拿到了,准备退了,已经包好了一会儿去drop。
的只有质量问题才包退,而且描述说的是for GX680,没说具体型号。
不过既然已经退回去了,我觉得他们也应该不会enforce sale再给我寄回来,这家店和
得和气生财的道理。 |
h****m 发帖数: 405 | 11 这个shutterblade还真不是盖的,呵呵
位领导吧。 |