T*****g 发帖数: 424 | 1 初为人父,还在学习很多东西,最近有个问题请教下各位!
是做了“first trimester screening Blood Test”(因为这个项目显示大概时间是10
-14周),主要目的是“assess risk of Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18 as well
as heart defects”。检查结果还没出来。
医生完了之后问我们要不要做“second trimester screening Blood Test”,主要目
的是“assess risk of Down's Syndrome, Trisomy 18, neural tube defects and
abnominal wall defeats”.
下次产检是一个月以后,因为他们不确定这个项目我的student health insurance是否
cover,今天特地问了一下保险公司,他们说不cover genetic testing for maternity.
所以现在有点不知道该不该做这个检查... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 2 老师不干了~Two teachers, two cities, second year.
Monday, July 27, 2015
A fond farewell
Having just sent my resignation to the nyc dept of ed, I breathe a huge sigh
of relief and allow the past few years of memories to flood my current mind
. I've heard before that after a break-up, your brain allows you to keep the
happy memories, but the negative ones are stored away somewhere else. You
want to remember the good times, so much so that those negative memories
seem to fade in comparison and you start... 阅读全帖 |
k**i 发帖数: 10191 | 4 AAA一年$49,FREE SECOND MEMBER,划算吗?看广告上说,AAA MEMBER在Walmart和GAP
购物还有10% OFF,这个是买什么东西都可以吗?结帐的时候出示一下就给10% OFF?
如果这样,也太划算了吧。。。谢谢~~ |
m******e 发帖数: 1293 | 5 if he has more than 1, he can give more than 1 second offer too |
q***i 发帖数: 1207 | 6 这个应该是 less than one micro second。。。 |
s**********r 发帖数: 218 | 7 ft,Target 12/07 13 minutes 9 seconds 2,000
13分钟我都抢不到,太路色了。 |
b******y 发帖数: 9224 | 8 最近听说second life走下坡路了,有人给分析一下为啥么? |
w*****e 发帖数: 748 | 9 看看Croquet的发展,就知道second life这类东西注定火不起来。或许再过1-20年,硬
能会真的像facebook一样火。 |
g8 发帖数: 3784 | 11 Economy Grew 2.4% in Second Quarter, Slightly Less than Analysts Were
Expecting |
d*****d 发帖数: 10658 | 12 最近看到BLMN,日线或周线图上挺符合cup-handle,second stage形态的,就等它在超
了?)?现在情况下应该是留还是割呢?多谢指点! |
g***c 发帖数: 11523 | 13 正常犹太人干的
不过还好,要是70多时second IPO
估计无数人倾家荡产了 |
s******Y 发帖数: 2085 | 14 The first down, your change to win is 90%
The second one, half and half. |
r*****e 发帖数: 7853 | 15 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长), 信区: Joke
标 题: America First, Netherlands Second!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 26 21:42:33 2017, 美东)
Who said lefties ain't cute?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 13 |
发帖数: 1 | 16 没准他说的是他自己的second worst
: |
C******r 发帖数: 179 | 17 Nobody answer this question since I posted last week.
I found the answer by myself today, and I want to share with people who have
encountered the same situation.
First, he is eligible for treaty benefit starting from the day when he
entered U.S. on his first J-1 visa in 2007. It doesn't matter if he used the
treaty or not. 2007 counts toward his 3 year (aggregate)in terms of the
treaty benefit.
Second, in order for his treaty benefit to apply, he needs to go back to
China and stay for at least |
p******m 发帖数: 61 | 18 我有一全职工作,和一兼职self employment job。使用home office for the second
job,请问能否claim home office deduction。
一个类似例子就是利用业余时间做ebay sales,能否claim home office deduction。
多谢! |
w******e 发帖数: 38 | 19 Some lawyers told me I can apply for I-485 with the second J1 and the J1
needn't be waived again. Who can help confirm?
Thanks |
f**u 发帖数: 170 | 20 There is a report on my second authored paper. I plan to use it as an
important evidence to support the claim of media report. Is it OK?
What is your suggestion to handle the non-first author paper? |
W*****s 发帖数: 684 | 21 The first paper is in press now. And the second one needs revision.
Hopefully, can submit four drafts soon within 2 months.
first |
w****u 发帖数: 1078 | 22 Can I also talk much on papers that is second,third author, just as those
that I am the first author.
I have 5 first-authored ones to talk about, should I also talk those ones? -
-Those papers have almost the same impact factor as the first-authored ones,
but different research topics, different findings. |
d********e 发帖数: 1334 | 23 请问要求second review的文章,文章号码变了,可以算是单独的一次吗?谢谢
review少啊,能多攒一个算一个了,555 |
v****g 发帖数: 214 | 24 我的情况,EB2, TSC, PD 09/26/2006. 今天手痒,给800打了电话,最后终于和second
level supervisor 谈上了,supervisor人很耐心,她告诉我他们在洛杉矶,他们的信
息也很有限,他们只能看到USCIS的UPDATE,还可以替我们做SR。 他们是没有办法替
网上没有更新,好像他们可以看到,就这些 了。我的感觉,只要案子没批,打了电话
也没用。 |
A****y 发帖数: 76 | 25 pat pat
我pd 08月的
second |
v****g 发帖数: 214 | 26 做了SR, 很快又回信,只是告诉我,案子在TSC,
second |
b*****u 发帖数: 1556 | 27 考虑这些措施的优缺点和timing。请大家补充/更正。详细操作步骤见置顶文章。
SR - Service Request:必须current后才可以做。建议current后等1-2周再做。做后
必须等30天仍然没有消息才可以follow up。有个例反映有可能捅马蜂窝(导致RFE),
Second Tier Officer: informational而已。往往可以得知case更详细的状态。好像没有推动
Congressman:很多人report管用。不大清楚什么timing最合适。 |
r****e 发帖数: 3109 | 28 wait for 2 weeks. call second tier officer to get info and then contact
senator to push for action.
是面对面)。 |
p********7 发帖数: 849 | 29 Second Tier Officer的电话怎么打呀?和做SR的电话一样的吗? |
E**********7 发帖数: 495 | 30 你这个不错了,我打了这么多次,每次都问了一堆问题,没有一个知道Background
Check是不是clear了,还有是不是被assigned to IO. 看来没有遇上传说中能看到内部
系统的second tier officer阿。
前几次的没口音,今天的是印度口音。:( 占领了IT业以后又占领了移民局?
officers |
D**********e 发帖数: 91 | 31 I am holding a full time H-1B now, and may get a part time job in a
different company in a few months. When I apply for a second part time H-1B,
do I need to submit my application before the quota is used up for this
year? Thanks! |
c********a 发帖数: 2829 | 32 NO QUOTA NEEDED FOR YOUR SECOND H1B.
1B, |
i**c 发帖数: 90 | 33 Sydney Airport has welcomed the launch of a second daily A380 Sydney-
Singapore service from Singapore Airlines this Sunday.
The 471 seat A380 will replace the existing 278 seat B777-300ER on the SQ231
/222 service.
The extra 193 seats provided on each flight means that 140,000 extra seats
to and from Sydney will be available each year. |
s******n 发帖数: 99 | 34 Second Letter From Beijing
17 Dec, 2006
Some say Japan economy, after over a decade's recession, is finally getting
out of the bottom. Some say it benefits greatly from China's growth. Some
say the diplomatic relation between the two neighbors is also warming up.
After all, how cold can it further get?
I don't know the answer to any of these questions. I don't see any sign of
ice-break about the bilateral relation, at least from the grass-root level.
Last Sunday I went to the Century Theatre for |
a**r 发帖数: 12 | 35 Can we get tax free on second-hand car purchase on Aug14-15?
Thanks! |
n********e 发帖数: 82 | 36 I want to buy a second-hand bicycle, please contact l********[email protected]
Thank you |
s******3 发帖数: 1767 | 37 本来家里有两辆车,刚卖掉一辆,所以现在这个2nd car parking permit不需要了
可以用到明年8月底,PV里任何second car的车位都能停 (包括street parking),其中离Birck
较近的2nd car parking车位就在A permit车位的边上。这个permit买来的时候一年$150,谁想要
的话just make an offer,想短期租一下也可以。
s******[email protected] |
l***j 发帖数: 3977 | 38 让户主买second car parking
gmail. |
n*******f 发帖数: 56 | 39 就是户主说second car parking permit现在管理很严格。因为是转租,户主的ld在外
透露一下都准备了哪些材料呢? |
t*******l 发帖数: 14 | 40 我想问问如果本科四年在国内读的英语专业,研究生想在美国读tesol(teaching
english as a second language)是什么大致行情?哪些学校好? 以后如何发展?在
t***********[email protected] |
w*******g 发帖数: 70 | 41 $50
可在PV路边或停车场内标记有"SECOND CAR"的车位趴车
有意者请联系 y******[email protected] 谢谢 |
a****5 发帖数: 37 | 42 Second-hand book for sale: Calculus
Calculus: Early transcendentals,7E
Purdue university discounted custom edition
with enhanced webassign homework access
by James Stewart
If you have interest please contact John at z********[email protected] |
p**********u 发帖数: 15479 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: beefcurtain5 (beefcurtain5), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: murder in second degree in illinois
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 1 23:54:35 2013, 美东)
what's the maximum sentence on that? |
p*******n 发帖数: 4824 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 PhotoProcessing 讨论区 】
发信人: pentaxian (宾得), 信区: PhotoProcessing
标 题: 85 years in 40 seconds。。。蓝颜易脑。。。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 31 10:37:28 2011, 美东) |
d******n 发帖数: 12850 | 45 Time
Saturday, June 25 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ
Dear Tennis Gang,
Now that summer is in full swing, let's reserve our date on June 25th for
the second 2011 outdoor event before the July 4th break!
Please dig out those dusty rackets and get ready for more actions on the
Looking forward to seeing you back on the courts! |
d**l 发帖数: 897 | 46 sorry, actually it is 118 sec one time. it is not 58 seconds. |
d*****e 发帖数: 7368 | 47 happy ah.
First trip, spend one and half hour to take the lesson,
then finish the green.
Second trip, finish all trails:)
Now ski loses its chanlengging la, will switch to
snowboard. And seems all the teenagers are playing
snowboard now, so need to learn snowboard in order to
teach my future kid:) |
r****r 发帖数: 23 | 49 替朋友问:在La Jolla附近哪里有免费second english learning class?谢谢! |
t******r 发帖数: 414 | 50 家里老人来到美国之后,很大的热情学习英文,自己是天天背单词,
上网找材料,请问有English As a Second Language给老人家
我们住在san jose,miltpitas和santa clara交界的地方,请
大家多给些信息,谢谢 |