y**********u 发帖数: 6366 | 1 RMS感觉更像是个教主,真正做的事情还比Linus少很多。。。 |
S***d 发帖数: 1802 | 2 看不了html email, 就是垃圾。现在只有象RMs的这种傻子才坚持用不能看Html的email
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
D***h 发帖数: 78 | 5 GNU/Stolen?
Richard Stallman has his bag stolen in Argentina
As a conference curator and fellow argentinian, and due to the lack of any
reports in English, I thought I’d share a brief summary of a very
unfortunate occurrence: Richard Stallman, father of the FSF, had his bag
containing his laptop, medicine, money and passport stolen after his talk at
the University of Buenos Aires on Friday, June 8.
http://www.devthought.com/2012/06/09/richard-stallman-robbed-in |
n******7 发帖数: 12463 | 7 你跟我说的有偏差
贡献的东西,而不是刻意迎合市场。但是这样也让本来可以大众的东西变小众了。 |
s*********h 发帖数: 413 | 8 不知道为什么, 在visual studio (standard) 版本上调通并能运行的C++程序, 到
了professional 版本上能够rebuild, 却是怎么也不能run, 总是提示我缺这个或者那
个文件。 为什么呢?
比如, 我"ctrl+F5", the error is "Debug Assertion Failed! Program: C:\xxx\
xxxx\xx.exe File:f:\rms\vctools\vc7libs\atlmfc\src\mfc\occont.cpp Line 950"
真的搞不明白, 请指点。。。
谢谢! |
d***q 发帖数: 1119 | 9 这样说 rms 绝对是Loser啊, no wife, no money, no house |
m******t 发帖数: 635 | 10 我觉得写程序更像下围棋,需要下苦功背定式,打谱,也需要大量的实战对付无理手,
Mozilla可能更合适。 |
c*******v 发帖数: 2599 | 13 RMS spoke out about the policy of github several days ago.
In last three decades, as I saw, may people criticized MSFT.
" 啤酒盖子几十年前怎么对付Netscape的,都没人记得了是吧?"
is not true.
The Netscape case and the Borland case were quite important.
Those cases were remembered by many mature professionals. Also, from which,
lots of lessons were learnt. |
c****t 发帖数: 19049 | 14 companies reply on cat modeling because regulators buy it, not because cat
modeling is better. AIR, RMS, EQE models are all garbage if you know what
exactly they are doing internally.
if you are a student track actuary, you may not want to pursue a cat
modeling career. and companies ususally don't recruit actuaries to do cat
modeling - totally different skill sets. cat modeling requires sql
operating and programming the most; and other data handling skills.
actuaries usually help in analyzin |
s*******0 发帖数: 3461 | 15 一家 财险建模咨询的公司(主要业务)
问题: 一家mall 里 有的penny的总数 不能问人 只能估算
sponsor h1b
wish helpful |
S******Y 发帖数: 388 | 17 我也面过,问我的都是简历上的问题
前几天那个RMS的比较奇怪 |
r********n 发帖数: 40 | 18 是统计吧,相关性问题。
输出数据是什么?AEP OEP? 到了这个阶段再加入policy比较麻烦了。再前面ELT阶段加
这个软件都替你算好了,你用的着自己算吗? |
k********s 发帖数: 320 | 19 1. If you use external lockmass (lockspray)- which gives you better accuracy
than internal lockmass, then you don't need to recalibrate.
2. If you don't use lockmass but rather use Leu or other reference standards
to adjust Veff, and if the change of Veff is very small, then you don't
need to recalibrate - according to Water's engineer. However, based on my
experience, fresh calibration does give you improved accuracy - not dramatic though.
3. What is your RMS from calibration?
4. What's the acc |
C*S 发帖数: 1658 | 21 1. Typically PhD degree is required only for faculty SE position.
2. Very few, if any, structural firms that explictly look for SE PhDs.
3. SE PhDs do find jobs in structural firms, usually at a level that require
only MS degree at most.
4. There does exist some firms that, at least in their advertisement, prefer
(or do not discourage) PhD applicants. Personally I do not know if this is
really the case or only a faked advertisement for someone's green card application.
The following are some fir... 阅读全帖 |
p***e 发帖数: 472 | 22 i am not sure if i understand your question clearly. anyway, the following
is some difference between US and China residential 3-phase voltage:
Frequency: 60Hz vs. 50Hz
line-to-line voltage rms: 208VAC vs. 380VAC
Note, for some appliances, you will see three prongs from the outlet plug.
But they might not be three-phase power since they are actually single phase
supply with opposite phases. For example, phase a, neutral, and another
phase a out of 180 degrees. in this way, the voltage betw |
c******k 发帖数: 1140 | 23 查了光谱分析仪的手册,它提供三种方法 (见图):
1. Envelope method
2. Threshold method
3. RMS method
如果是single mode peak, 三种方法得出的值差不多。但如果是 multi mode peaks,
测出的光谱宽度就有些区别。 想知道一般说来,用哪种方法测光谱宽度好些?谢谢 |
c******s 发帖数: 197 | 24 100V 40A RMS的电流,用FR-4的板子,1oz的copper(双面,外加表面推焊,加过孔散热
谢谢 |
s**g 发帖数: 66 | 25 Sensitivity is determined by system noise, i.e. noise spectrum density
integrated over noise bandwidth.
Oscilloscope is a broadband system,500MHz in your case; while spectrum
analyzer is a narrowband system, realized by mixer + high Q filter (BPF),
resolution bw (noise bandwidth) typically between 100Hz and 1MHz. Although
the two systems may have comparable noise spectrum density by design, the
rms noise you mentioned above could be significantly different due to the
noise bw.
This difference co |
a******t 发帖数: 75 | 26 一般来说,AC和DC电流在EMC计算上一个比较好的关系是3:1.
也就是说,如果一段传输线,用金属的EMC计算公式能传输1mA DC电流,那么它能传输3mA
(rms value)的AC电流。
50ohm |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 27 较劲不较劲是load 不load each other.
如果电源2的ouput impedance + 串联的resistor load电源1,(which i think not po
ssible,but i might be wrong), 会改变电源1的行为,那么就是问题。
1个电源能给asic供电,它的output impedance应该比asic大不少。
所以就像电源1 load 2个high impedance的电阻。
虽然我不知道楼主的问题的意义何在,比如是想观察rms value还是怎么的,但我不认为
他的办法达不到他想要的结果。 |
l***g 发帖数: 1035 | 28 don't trust oscilloscope for small dc signal. use a true rms meter on the mV
scale. |
b*****e 发帖数: 1193 | 29 window filter是频域上的,
to evaluate power, u may also try RMS. |
d*****n 发帖数: 184 | 30 电面完了发个题过来做让过两天发回去,tmd现在ee都和cs一样做题了
没有spec,这算是开放题?即使最简单的结构,如果板子和软件都要做两天有人能搞定么?这种题目的是什么? |
g******u 发帖数: 3060 | 31 我觉得这题目出得不错,考的就是综合能力。设计个电路一天,写程序一天,调一天差
不多了。当然做题就可以简化一些, 画个图,写个程序流程,花不了两三个小时。
要是除了mcu能再加其他IC,市场上有rms to dc IC,否则可以把算法嵌入在mcu里,也
很简单。然后再做个display. |
l***g 发帖数: 1035 | 32 rms 有算法的. 其实就是要你做个bipolar high voltage sensing using op-amp + ad
c sample + algo. 2 days enough for concept design and key parts selection, n
ot for actual pcb or sw.
定么?这种题目的是什么? |
a****l 发帖数: 8211 | 33 我现在手头的一个项目,就是一个mcu,就有一个测rms的功能,一群人折腾了一年多了现
在还没彻底搞定,或者说还没搞出一个满意的结果,各种方案总有各种各样的问题. |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 34 加窗对频谱泄漏改善(降低旁瓣)的讨论好像很多也很容易,但对幅度值高度(RMS谱
时域加窗对信号的功率是有影响的,通常由于把边缘的信号人为的fade out了,所以应
谢谢! |
b********E 发帖数: 121 | 35 用频谱仪测的时候, 一次RBW 500KHz, 一次600Khz. 结果看不出明显区别。 其他设备
[dBm] [Watts] [Volts]rms [Volts]p [Volts]pp
20 0.100E+00 2.236 V 3.162 V 6.324 V |
b********E 发帖数: 121 | 36 数值积分是附件中的意思么? 这样积分出来的不是 peak而是RMS的power吧?
我不是楼主啊,我不关心辐射~ 不过现在软硬件混合设计在强势回归,CS得人也要做
FPGA,设计PCB,RF transmitter,考虑EMI, 多懂一点没坏处嘛~ |
a**********y 发帖数: 233 | 37 卖点是 DVS,这个是cpu能从sleep mode到全服状态工作的省电的关键。
不同的电压,对应不同的电流。 10 Amp/μsec 这个是在0.3v,还是在1.57v。产品介
绍没说,如果能在任何电压下都能达到这个slew rate,就比较牛。
第二个,12 A的电流是什么电流,平均电流,peak电流,rms 电流,同样是在什么电压
ouput ripple 非常好。只是不知道是在什么电压下。
如果实在pwm的控制下,3M的freq 不算高,0.47 uH的电感对我来说非常小了。freq 应
顺便求一下 PMIC工作推荐。正在找工作在。 |
B*****r 发帖数: 78 | 38 我的本意是学术讨论,但没想到你蹦出来人身攻击。因为这个问题在面试官给出的假设
情况下(ideal cap),不是能简单说清楚的。况且面试官的解释能量耗散是说不通的。
发信人: chickenkill (turkey), 信区: EE
标 题: Re: 两个电容并联问题,面试官给出的解释
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 15 02:47:12 2014, 美东)
容我爆个粗口,刁难个p,这是switched cap最基本的问题,redistribution charge
发信人: chickenkill (turkey), 信区: EE
标 题: Re: 两个电容并联问题,面试官给出的解释
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat M... 阅读全帖 |
w********u 发帖数: 90 | 39 请问各位大神, 白噪声符合泊松分布(from wiki),那么其噪声功率应该是
和其signal 成正比。 那么电流为 I (A) 的白噪声功率应该是 sqrt(I)(A) in rms.
可是书上说 Inoise=sqrt(2*q*I*B), B:bandwidth ,
怎么理解里面的2*B ? And, also does it mean at infinite bandwidth, noise is
also infinite?
困扰我很久的问题,谢谢! |
f******z 发帖数: 14 | 40 大概年底毕业吧,我有拖延症,磨蹭到现在才开始找……麻烦楼里有经验的前辈给点指
的,就是用matlab,C跑跑,算下flow,nutrient 在river network的
我大概主要还是想找做modeler或者environmental consulting的吧,我现在知道的就
。或者有什么城里的post-doc职位推荐么?先谢谢帮忙! |
w*h 发帖数: 286 | 43 从加速度传感器中已经测得加速度的时域信号,如何求得速度和位移的均方根(RMS)
望振动大侠门指点。 |
h***s 发帖数: 35 | 45 Hello Buddies,
Do anyone know this company? How much will pay for principal engineer?
Thanks. |
j*******2 发帖数: 309 | 46 try calibrate function in {rms} package.
calibrate(fit,B=N) |