

全部话题 - 话题: rigali
发帖数: 764
Former Catholic high school principal suspended following abuse allegations
Sexual acts performed on boys aged 12 and 15
The Philadelphia Inquirer/July 29, 2008
By David O'Reilly
Cardinal Justin Rigali has suspended the former principal of Roman Catholic
and St. Pius X High Schools pending an investigation into allegations he
sexually abused a minor many years ago.
Until his removal last week, the Rev. Gerard J. Hoffman, 63, had been
serving as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish
发帖数: 2249
来自主题: USANews版 - biden堕胎言论招两主教批评
Two prominent U.S. Catholic bishops said Tuesday that Democratic vice
presidential nominee Joe Biden contradicted church teaching by saying in a
weekend interview that determining when human life begins is a "personal and
private" matter of religious faith he would not impose on others.
The statement from Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop William Lori said Biden
, who appeared Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," is the latest case of the U
.S. Catholic hierarchy correcting a Cathol