l******g 发帖数: 278 | 1 NBME form 4
1. A 22-year-old woman with asthma comes to the physician for a follow-up
examination. She feels well. She has been treated for six acute episodes of
wheezing and nonproductive cough during the past year; her last episode was
1 month ago. Her symptoms are exacerbated when she is outside during the
spring and fall. Current medications include an albuterol inhaler and
echinacea. She has smoked one-half pack of cigarettes daily for 5 years and
does not drink alcohol. She is employed in ... 阅读全帖 |
e****0 发帖数: 678 | 2 • Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes can be seen in lock in syndrome.
• Non bleeding varices are managed with nonselective beta-
adrenergic antagonists, such as propranolol.
• Sclerotherapy, endoscopic band ligation, and surgery are
indicated after a patient has a first episode of variceal bleeding.
• TIPS is a last resort in variceal bleeding unresponsive to
medical and endoscopic intervention.
• Ischemic colitis
CT—thickening of eth bowel ... 阅读全帖 |
e****0 发帖数: 678 | 3 • leukemia
child adult elderly
BM lymphoblasts 25%myeloblasts
lab Lymphocyte 5000, mature-appearing cells
• Osgood-schlatters disease
Adolescent male athletes
Traction apophysitis—quadriceps tendon put the traction on the
apophysis of the tibial tubercle where patellar tendon inserts.
A firm mass =heterotopic bone formation
Pain can be reproduced by extending the kne... 阅读全帖 |
l******p 发帖数: 71 | 4 1. A 16-year-old girl comes to the clinic because of vaginal itching for
the past 5 days. She requests that her parents not be informed about the
appointment. During the examination, she says she occasionally has
unprotected sexual intercourse and asks for oral contraceptives. Preliminary
laboratory studies show gram-negative diplococci. Which of the following is
the most appropriate next step in patient care?
A) Consult a colleague for advice about treating a minor without parental
... 阅读全帖 |
t******a 发帖数: 408 | 5 2014-May, step2 CK考经 (1).考点,drug Ad 题目
拿到CK的成绩了. 准备过程中, 从麦地和朋友得到很多的帮助. 先行者的考经为我们
后来人提供了极好的指导和参照。说实话,这个成绩离我的目标还差了一点, 有些遗
憾。 但现实生活中,要求完美常常是不现实的,只能对自己说,在给定的困难状况下
另一方面,也觉得让另一个前辈失望了。2013年在NYC,GoldUSMLE CS辅导班上课时,
有幸和这个大牛一同share a hotel room. 他是 step1, CK, 双>250的牛人。 很可
惜他没有写考经, (他绝对能为大家提供gold advice), 后来说好,如果我也达到他
的水准,“双双250”,他同意口述,由我书写考经。 如今我的表现,让他失望,只好
有所经历和教训,和大家分享。一来回报麦地, 二来希望抛砖引玉,更多的朋友能够
YOG-18年, USA PhD, full-ti... 阅读全帖 |
m******i 发帖数: 834 | 6 Tweaking a standard chemical method to make nanotubes has provided
researchers with a structure that looks just like a miniature sea urchin.
These structures, composed of vanadium oxide, roll up during the reaction to
form hollow tubes. By varying the reaction researchers were able to ‘grow
’ these tubes into spherical/radial structures which resemble the common
sea urchin ("Atomic Layer Structure of Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes Grown on
Nanourchin Structures"). [点击图片可在新窗口打开]
Nano-urchin and real se |
l*******8 发帖数: 1745 | 7 写的很好!刚开始培训,被人使唤很正常。我经常早会一结束就交代医学生他们今天要
做的事情,并指出几点前我需要哪个report. CHF病人是很麻烦,ejection fraction很
低的话,补液是不能给多。最讨厌的是CHF+ESRD on HD with no urine output的病人
,一但补液多了搞出个pulmonary edema,用lasix是不会管用的,因为病人本身就无尿
啊,只好去emergent HD,这在我co-intern身上发生过,折腾的他一晚上都没有睡好。
central line里抽血是可以但是要小心别带来不必要的感染,我不太会抽静脉血,如果
要抽血,我基本上都是从病人的radial artery or brachial artery抽血,估计抽了一
百多例以上了,就等于是做个ABG. IV access在那些黑人或胖子身上是很难打,护士
们都在病人胳膊上都打不出来,就call我,我只好做EJ line,要是我找不到EJV,就只好
喊外科来做central line了。妹妹一定要格外格外小心niddle stick,还有要做好
isolation防护 |
a*******i 发帖数: 11664 | 8 不是表面积,是junction area。说白了,传统的solar cell,入射光垂直于p-n
junction平面,wire array solar cell关键
是要做成radial p-n junction。就是说光照面积还是一样的,只是提高p-n junction
area提高carrier collection. |
D***s 发帖数: 120 | 9 我不就是这么说的吗?少子在到达junction之前travel的路径短了,复合就大大减小了
,这是他们claim的。minority carrier diffusion length是材料的quality参数,肯
他们用core/shell,也就是radial junction,这样p-n界面就在纳米线的径向上,光生
载流子也就是在径向上被collect. 只要控制纳米线直径尺寸足够小,carrier
collection length就比常规的要短了。确保直径小于少子扩散长度,复合大大降低。
他们主要是claim core/shell 结构里,光生载流子的收集方向与入射光的吸收方向垂
直了,这样就克服了soalr cell design里的一个trade-off, cell的厚度越大,光吸收
这个值,应该是非常low-q |
f*******i 发帖数: 8492 | 10 不好意思,因为我现在做一个project,需要做出RDF的图形,现在的问题是我拿到了数
RDF的定义比较模糊,希望懂这方面的人能帮我指点一下。 只考虑一维。
g(r)=density(dr)/average density 这个应该是g(r)的数学表述吧?
r dr r到dr范围间的颗粒数 r+dr整个范围内的颗粒数
0 0.2 0 0
1.0 0.2 2 2
1.2 0.2 3 5
1.4 0.2 5 10
1.6 0.2 7 17
A g(1.4)=(5/0.2)/(10/1.4)
B g(1.4)=(5/0.2)/(17/1.6)
谢谢~~ |
b*p 发帖数: 242 | 11 B
density at r relative to one ball at r=0 / average density = r.d.f |
f*******i 发帖数: 8492 | 12 不是,只是模拟一维空间内的LJ下的分子运动,然后生成数据,制作radial
distribution function的图形。
their |
t******n 发帖数: 6242 | 13 今天无聊,看到这篇无聊的文章,就给你无聊地翻译成英文吧。
A Shortcut to Galaxy Exploration
1. 问苍天情为何物?
1. Ask what love is heaven?
... 阅读全帖 |
t**********m 发帖数: 205 | 14 The joy of viXra
Posted in The Universe and Stuff with tags arXiv, astronomy, Cosmology,
Physics, scientific publishing, viXra on May 19, 2011 by telescoper
From time to time on this blog I post rants about the state of scientific
publishing, open access, the importance of the arXiv for astronomy and
cosmology, and so on.
This morning, however, I discovered an “alternative” side to the whole
business of online science, a site by the name of viXra. Mos... 阅读全帖 |
s*****V 发帖数: 21731 | 15 标准模型简史
- 作者:Steven Weinberg 译者:卢昌海 -
译者序: 2003 年, 物理学家们相聚在欧洲核子中心 (CERN) 纪念中性流发现三十周
年及 W 与 Z 粒子发现二十周年。 著名理论物理学家 Steven Weinberg 在纪念会上作
了题为 "The Making of the Standard Model" 的演讲。 这一演讲经整理后发表于
Eur. Phys. J. C34 5-13, 2004, 本文便是据此而译。 Weinberg 是电弱统一理论的
提出者之一, 亲身参与了标准模型诞生过程中一系列激动人心的进展, 因此他的这篇
文章具有很大的参考价值。 在翻译本文的过程中恰逢今年的 Nobel 物理学奖颁给了美
国物理学家 D. J. Gross, H. D. Politzer 和 F. Wilczek, 以表彰他们对 “发现强
相互作用理论中的渐进自由” 所做出的贡献。 这是物理学家因标准模型领域中的工作
又一次获奖。 标准模型虽已不再 fancy, 却枝繁叶茂、 沉稳如昔。 最后提醒读者一
下, 原文所附的参考文献实在太多, 为了节... 阅读全帖 |
l***m 发帖数: 920 | 16 solving in polar coordinates is much simpler.
place the center of the square at the pole of the coordinates, and by
symmetry use the fact that the radial and tangential components of a dog's
velocity are always equal. |
l***m 发帖数: 920 | 17 well.. in polar system you will see a dog always keeps 45 degrees between
its movement direction and the direction to the origin. So sqrt(2)/2 times
its speed is contributed towards the origin (radial speed) and another sqrt(2)/2 just keeps it circling around (orthoradial speed). If its speed is constantly 1 and a dog stands initially
at (1,1) for example so that it is sqrt(2) away from (0,0) . than after 2
seconds it arrived at the origin. |
a*********r 发帖数: 116 | 18 Here is the solution for 2-dimension. The same problem in
one and
three dimensions(for both infinite well and finite well, for
any potential
like r^k) was one of my exercises on quantum mechanics about
ten years ago.
It can be published in Physical Review if it was 75 year
In atomic unit.
The wavefunction in radial direction:
R(r)=r^|m| exp(-r^2/2)u(r)
m is the angular quantum number
Boundary condition R(a)=0.
u(r) satisfies the equation:
d^2 u/dr^2 + ((2|m|+1)/r-2r)du/dr + (2E-2(|m|+1))u=0 |
f*******i 发帖数: 8492 | 20 我先在手头有这样一组数据,模拟一维空间下,分子互相碰撞,希望得到径向分布函数
然后我利用excel中data analysis中的Histogram命令得到了在0-40(以0.1为步长)的
用以上两组数据作图,虽然图形比较接近正规的radial distribution fuction的标准
请问,在这种情况下,应该用什么方法来使得数据标准化,得到比较优化的图形? |
f*******i 发帖数: 8492 | 21 我的最终目的是想得到radial distribution function的曲线,类似于附件中的图形。
方法来处理呢?另外,如何消除运行次数,与小球个数的不同所造成的图形差异?谢谢 |
w***j 发帖数: 11 | 22 Error: Failed to compute design matrix for radial smoother.
谢谢 |
s****i 发帖数: 197 | 23 小弟目前是一二流大学在读stat phd 刚刚成为phd candidate不久, 老板是做
方向的, 最近正在拉合作 搞到一套数据 让我用classification (主要是random
forest, SVM
boosting这些啦)去套 希望看到的是用classification方法做出来的预测比用
logistic regression做出来的准确 但是小弟用R的package改parameter无论如何也做
果啊 即使用binomial的都是logistic比class的强 multi的logistic就更准了 每次见
一顿臭骂 唉~ 请问各位大大该怎样改 用何种方法或者model才能提高classification
率啊 再次先谢谢众位大大了!!
先谢谢 楼下几位大大的回答 这个问题是说的有点模糊 这套数据的response是一个
ordinal variable (0 1 2 3 4 5 五级 越大越显著 0表示没有... 阅读全帖 |
c*******1 发帖数: 240 | 24 设某个radially symmetric pdf 是f,f的富利叶变换是F,则任意两点的距离差v是个
矢量,其分布g(v)的傅立叶是F^2。r=|v|的分布是rg(r),对应的傅立叶变换是 id(F^2
把这个过程反过来就是lz要的东西。 |
s**********8 发帖数: 25265 | 25 medtronic's product no problem. resolute?
longitudinal compression is not in scope since only radial strengh is the
concern for this device. so it is not taken care of by all manufacturers.
promus electment was caught in some complicated cases since this product is
soft in the other direction and collapse during multistent procedure. |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 26 To me the radial head position is ok. this first one is good, the 2nd one
is a little bit up. But you'd better find the radiologist's reading. It
should be available to you now. |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 27 你标的是ulna。
radial head 在正面是好的, 侧面可能因为ulna骨折有点移位。
purely |
g*2 发帖数: 658 | 28 yes, that's true, even a 3rd yr. they are very eager to learn. we even
practiced ABG blood draw on each other yesterday. it was my 1st radial
artery ABG in my life and succeeded. :)
ER |
g*2 发帖数: 658 | 29 yes, that's true, even a 3rd yr. they are very eager to learn. we even
practiced ABG blood draw on each other yesterday. it was my 1st radial
artery ABG in my life and succeeded. :)
ER |
C*****D 发帖数: 1299 | 30 因为报告不规范。
虽然都是T1, 但AJCC分得很细, 大小和深度更重要,且要明确有无入子宫。临床是否
切缘用法不明确: there are only 2 margins: radial and vagina.
Angiolymphatic invasion in cervical SCC not commonly seen, most are due to
the misinterpretation of cancer involving underlying glands/ducts
Adenomyosis is commonly seen in 经产妇或c-section.其他人不常见。
These 2 diagnosis have to be verified |
C*****D 发帖数: 1299 | 31 因为报告不规范。
虽然都是T1, 但AJCC分得很细, 大小和深度更重要,且要明确有无入子宫。临床是否
切缘用法不明确: there are only 2 margins: radial and vagina.
Angiolymphatic invasion in cervical SCC not commonly seen, most are due to
the misinterpretation of cancer involving underlying glands/ducts
Adenomyosis is commonly seen in 经产妇或c-section.其他人不常见。
These 2 diagnosis have to be verified |
a***n 发帖数: 108 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: alcan (cordova), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: 求助,抽血致残!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 3 13:24:51 2012, 美东)
radial nerve神经受损的表现。还可能是永久性的致残!求问这条神经受损应该看什么
专科医生!如果真的落下残疾一定要告这无良的医院!谢谢! |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 33 你觉得楼主应该到律师版发贴?
没有点医学知识不要乱说, radial nerve palsy不是楼主说的那样,抽血要是那么容
易致残的话,obama和他的律师同行要笑歪嘴了, 你也可以想象抽血要多少钱了,律师
费是你我tax payer付, obamacare也帮不了你。 |
g*****d 发帖数: 991 | 34 Try this one.
3. A 75-year-old man presents with pain in both legs for the past six
months. He says that the pain has limited markedly his ability to walk. He
must sit down after walking a block. Stopping is not sufficient to decrease
the pain. At times, just standing causes his calves to ache, and he notices
tingling in both feet.
He has a 10-year history of systolic hypertension for which he has been
taking chlorthalidone. He has also been on warfarin and digoxin for a known
atrial fibrilla... 阅读全帖 |
r*****1 发帖数: 805 | 35 根据现行criteria, radial scar是lumpectomy指证,靠谱。
一般oncology强的医院都行。比较熟悉的如NYC Sloan-Kettering, Houston MD
Anderson. Seattle Washington Uni很强了吧~请西部专家指正 |
f**d 发帖数: 768 | 36 这是一本计算神经科学的优秀著作,全文拷贝这里(图和公式缺),有兴趣的同学可以
From Computer to Brain
William W. Lytton
From Computer to Brain
Foundations of Computational Neuroscience
William W. Lytton, M.D.
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Downstato, Brooklyn, NY
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Visiting Associate Professor, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY
Staff Neurologist., Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
In From Computer to Brain: ... 阅读全帖 |
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 40 手工HDR。
总是回头调,不知道要花多少时间进去,给客户交差了就好。 |
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 42 那就好,我就拿这个去交差了。
时间都浪费在来回反复上了。 |
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 44 来自主题: PhotoProcessing版 - 秋日阳光 谢谢
然后往上加阳光,把高光摘出来,radial blur,再screen叠加上去
很简单的。 |
l*******s 发帖数: 26303 | 45 这种效果可以用blur -> radial blur-> zoom |
k*******n 发帖数: 567 | 46 多谢。特意出去到车棚看了一圈,前轮大多数是cross,只有一少部分是radial。后轮
都是cross,可能更结实? |
k*******n 发帖数: 567 | 47 多谢。特意出去到车棚看了一圈,前轮大多数是cross,只有一少部分是radial。后轮
都是cross,可能更结实? |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 48 http://triathlete-europe.competitor.com/2013/05/07/qa-carbon-cl
Question: Would please give a brief explanation for the advantages and
disadvantages of carbon tubular and clincher wheels? Is there more to it
than the weight savings of the former and the easy flat-fixing of the latter?
Answer: The carbon tubular rim is lighter due to the lack of bead walls. The
tires corner better because they are round in cross section rather than
lobe-shaped like a clincher. They are usually a bit lighter as we... 阅读全帖 |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 49 http://triathlete-europe.competitor.com/2013/05/07/qa-carbon-cl
Question: Would please give a brief explanation for the advantages and
disadvantages of carbon tubular and clincher wheels? Is there more to it
than the weight savings of the former and the easy flat-fixing of the latter?
Answer: The carbon tubular rim is lighter due to the lack of bead walls. The
tires corner better because they are round in cross section rather than
lobe-shaped like a clincher. They are usually a bit lighter as we... 阅读全帖 |
h********3 发帖数: 2075 | 50 1) normalization是因为regularizer是||w||^2是加相同的penalty到每个维度上。如
2) 选择kernel function的问题上,从来就没有定论谁更好,谁更差,都是要看具体的
你选择高斯radial kernel,其中还有个smooth的参数呢。这个参数取多少,对结果影
3) 你最后的想法是没错的。很多时候就是要跑各种实验,根据具体数据选个好的model。
10 |