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发帖数: 400
来自主题: Windows版 - a question about Outlook
I have a question about using MS Outlook 2003.
you know, when you "Reply" an email, if you're using Html format, the original
email will have a blue vertical line at left side.
My question is: how can I set the options so that, when I type in text
between the lines of original email, the blue line will break.
For example:
| this is original email, there is blue line at right
| line 2
| line 3
this is my reply email text....
note the blue is broken here.
| line 4
| line 5
发帖数: 7
来自主题: Accounting版 - Please help: A Business Law question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Business 讨论区 】
发信人: PII (PII), 信区: Business
标 题: Please help: A Business Law question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 8 17:50:48 2008)
Someone was convicted of bribery. The state took the money as evidence.
After the conviction, he assigned the money to someone else. Is the
assignment valid? If so, can the assignee sue the state for poccession of
the money?
Thanks in advance!
发帖数: 767
Hi Guys,
I found some questions related to CPA Becker Review - BEC CH2. They are
economics questions, and I have a hard time to think them through. Can
anyone help? Thanks in advance!
1. In long-run equilibrium, monopoly prices are set a level where:
price exceeds marginal revenue
industry demand equals industry supply
industry demand is less than industry supply
price exceeds average revenue
2. Government-mandated wage arbitration for employers can enhance efficiency
when the labor market invol
发帖数: 19
来自主题: Accounting版 - Becker BEC Supplement questions
hi, XDJM,
Have BEC scheduled on Oct 5th. I am using Becker materials. is it necessary
to work on supplements questions. there are so many supplement questions and
i am not sure if i should spend some time on them. I don't have much time
to study
thank you a lot
发帖数: 584
来自主题: Accounting版 - Consolidation Question
Hello, guys
I need help for a consolidation question.
Person A owns 33.33% of Company B.
Person A owns 100% of Company C.
During the year, company C has been selling products to Company B.
Do we have to prepare consolidated fiancial statements for Company B?
GAAP referrences:
Consolidated financial statements should be issued as the primary fiancial
statements whenever a company owns a controlling fiancial interest in
another company. Generally, acompany has a controlling fianci
发帖数: 807
the real test is more like the AICPA released question because the released
question was from the real test.
发帖数: 4598
来自主题: Accounting版 - 2010 release cpa question 20
The question is from 2010 AICPA released questions-
In Soan County's general fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and
changes in fund balances, which of the following has an effect on the excess
of revenues over expenditures?
a. Purchase of fixed assets.
b. Payment to a debt-service fund.
c. Special items.
d. Proceeds from the sale of capital assets.
Choice "a" is correct.
Can someone tell me what about D? Thanks
发帖数: 4598
来自主题: Accounting版 - CPA --Visa question
I got a question about the CPA exam. I am in the States now. However my OPT
is expiring in days and my work permit is under initial review. In this case
, I'd like to use my cpa exam as a legal reason to apply a visa to stay in
the States legally. My question is, can I just mail my passport and any
supporting documents to any related office and ask them to file one visa for
Anybody taking exam from oversea? How do you do this? Please help.
发帖数: 1065
Question CPA - 03934
我实在是不知道Preferred shares 8.4%,
Common equity (retained earnings) 7.0% ×10%=0.70%,
New common shares 7.6%×40%=3.04%,
This question pertains to the manner in which changes in the required amount
of capital will impact the weighted average cost of capital governed by the
target capital structure. The rates are given, and you must derive the
The company needs a total of $1,000,000. The total Retained Earnings is $
100,000, which will ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 151
来自主题: Accounting版 - [出售]2011 Becker Passmaster Questions
1,package description:现有或者想要的物品描述
2,出版商:2011 Becker Passmaster Questions
3,新旧程度: 2011
4,交换、出售、求购的价格: best offer
5,邮寄方式: usps
6,买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(required) 邮寄出后买方
8,广告的有效期: 1 month
9,我的联系方式: 站内
10,物品来源 (required): becker
11,交易双方声明:materials in question are legal publication。出售购买考试软件也许会侵犯版权法,将面临最高$10,000罚款和一年监禁。双方确认无上述违法行为,否则,自行承担一切相关责任。MIT及其Accounting版不承担任何责任。
发帖数: 151
来自主题: Accounting版 - [出售] 2011 Becker CPA Passmaster Questions
1,package description:2011's Becker CPA Passmaster Questions
3,新旧程度: New
5,邮寄方式: neg.
9,我的联系方式: 站内邮箱
10,物品来源 (required):Becker
11,交易双方声明:materials in question are legal publication。出售购买考试
发帖数: 21
想问问考过的同学,supplemental question是不是就是每个部分练习题的重复呢?
还有final review的题是不是都来自exam review呢?
还有就是becker上的两次模考题是不是来自exam review?
我想放弃supplemental question, 只focus在exam review里每个部分的练习题,不知
发帖数: 286
1,package description:Becker CPA书和CD(lecture & Practice question & Exams
), 4 parts (AUD, FAR,REG,BEC) expiration date 05/2013, 2 installation left
2,出版商:Becker 2011
3,新旧程度: used
4,交换、出售、求购的价格: negotiatiable, paypal
5,邮寄方式: Mail only
6,买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(required): 买家
7,其它补充说明: 送Magic Notes,还有两次安装机会
9,我的联系方式: 站内信
10,物品来源 (required): 淘宝
11,交易双方声明:materials in question are legal publication。
发帖数: 509
来自主题: Accounting版 - 关于behavior questions
Most of the time, the behavior questions are aiming to target certain skill
sets of yours such as handle pressure, tight deadline, multi-tasting, team
work etc. You have to think about at least 3-4 real life examples, and I'm
sure these examples should be able to answer most of the behavior questions
once you butter up your story a bit one way or the other.
发帖数: 28
4. What is your greatest weakness?
Often dreaded by job candidates, the key to answering this question is to be
honest yet strategic. On my site, I go into more detail on new and
effective ways to answer this question truthfully without taking yourself
out of the running. You also need to address the unspoken follow up, which
is what you are doing to overcome your weakness. Ultimately, you want to
show the hiring manager that you ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1138
来自主题: Actuary版 - Questions for interviewers
I often feel a bit awkward when they let me ask them questions, usually I
1. what will it be like for the new hire (entry-level) at his first XX
2. study program
3. what does the interview like about/think of the work and the people at
the company
what do you guys ask? maybe we can compile a list of questions to ask
发帖数: 1268
Do you think it is wired to talk about others' good words about yourself?
I think it's a smart question, and there must be a smart way to answer the question. Just I scude up
发帖数: 1582
IMO the volumn of practice questions is not as important as the quality &
the time you spend understanding them.
Seminar itself is useless since all they do is read the manual to you (plus
doing some problems, but honestly 90% of the seminar is a waste of time)...
all you need to get out of the seminar is the problem set and that's it.
MATE problem set - not big in volume, very concise and easy to follow
solution. I really liked it after using Condie for 2 sittings.
Condie problem set - huge in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 171
来自主题: Biology版 - Re: a bioinformatics question
very wild question. Unless by homology modelling, no structures can be
reliablely predicted so far. Ab initio was even not recommended by CASP
committees last time.
I guess your question is that for a given structure without any homologous
structures solved, how to predict the function. If it is enzyme, you can try
to look for its largest or second largest pockets and do the sequence or
structure comparison upon the pockets. The reasonable assumption behind is
that structures are more conserved
发帖数: 391
来自主题: Biology版 - j1 tax waiver question
Hi, I have question about J1 tax waiver.
My friend is a Chinese, he currently is in Japan. He is going to accept an
offer in US. However, he wants to confirm whether he is covered by the J1
tax waiver?
Another question: his visa is for one year. Can he renew it in USA?
发帖数: 1089
来自主题: Biology版 - question about the EM
Sorry for English. Can't input chinese in the lab.
Nowadays, people choose to fix samples by high pressure freezing and freeze
substitution more and more. There is no question that this method is elegant
to keep the cellular structure and keeping the antigen active for immuno-EM
I read many discussions in EM mail group talking about their papers got
rejected because they used the conventional chemical fixations. It seems
people in EM field have different opinions about requirement of using hi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 134
来自主题: Biology版 - more conditional KO questions
Could anyone please help me with some conditional KO questions?
Our lab have flox-transcription factor X-flox mice. I am thinking of
crossing these mice with some kind of
cre mice for conditional knockout of X . My purpose is to study the down
stream target of X. Specifically, I plan
to culture the cells in vitro , induce deletion of gene A in vitro, and to
examine gene expression between WT
and X KO cells. My questions are :
1) I hear that the efficiency of inducing conditional KO in vitro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 472
Fifty Years after Jacob and Monod: What Are the Unanswered Questions in Molecular Biology?
Tomorrow's Molecular Biology
Marc W. Kirschner
Harvard University
Today, the term molecular biology has a rather prosaic sound. After all,
there is little in contemporary biology that isn't molecular. It's hard to
remember that 50 years ago, molecular biology was distinctly ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6402
I'm sure no one will you tell you their million-dollar questions. If they do
, that's not a million-dollar question for sure.
发帖数: 6402
I'm sure no one will you tell you their million-dollar questions. If they do
, that's not a million-dollar question for sure.
发帖数: 979
来自主题: Biology版 - H1b Application question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Working 讨论区 】
发信人: icljuf (icljuf), 信区: Working
标 题: H1b Application question (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 19 21:18:09 2012, 美东)
发信人: icljuf (icljuf), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: H1b Application question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 19 09:34:59 2012, 美东)
发帖数: 28562
来自主题: Biology版 - Question about tumor study on mice
Sorry I cannot input Chinese today.
I have a question here. We had some old data for tumor growth on immune
compromised mice. When we did the experiments three years ago, we did two
different ways without thinking too much. In one way, we inject the test
cell and the control cell on the same mice (different side) in a paired
study. In another way, we inject the test cell and control cell on different
mice in a unpaired study.
When we analyze the data, we found that in the paired study, the test ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 310
【 以下文字转载自 EnglishChat 讨论区 】
发信人: babygirlcc (Ball), 信区: EnglishChat
标 题: "This question is not genuine, " 是啥意思
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 21 22:42:20 2016, 美东)
This question is not genuine, since its answer determines
wether or not。。。
发帖数: 17
来自主题: Business版 - Overview(9)- Handling Interview Questions
4.5d Handling Questions
Interviews for quantitative roles will be testing and are designed to be so.
Interviews are designed to take you out of
your comfort zone and to explore the boundaries of your knowledge – if it was
simply a case of covering subjects you
know intimately then neither party would learn anything.
You should therefore consider carefully the questions that are posed to you.
There is no reason why answers should
be instantaneous and interviewers will be surprised if this is the
发帖数: 160
来自主题: Business版 - a CFA question
计算operation cash flow的时候,depreciation应不应当算在operation cash flow?to
my understanding, it should not be classified as operation cash flow. the
question is , in 2008 notes, concept checkers question 1, depreciation is
classified as part of the flow.
发帖数: 767
来自主题: Business版 - Questions related to Economics - plz help!
Hi Guys,
I found some questions related to CPA Becker Review - BEC CH2. They are
economics questions, and I have a hard time to think them through. Can
anyone help? Thanks in advance!
1. In long-run equilibrium, monopoly prices are set a level where:
price exceeds marginal revenue
industry demand equals industry supply
industry demand is less than industry supply
price exceeds average revenue
2. Government-mandated wage arbitration for employers can enhance efficiency
when the labor market invol
发帖数: 261
来自主题: Business版 - Time Series interview question? (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: SERO (SERO_REF), 信区: Statistics
标 题: Time Series interview question?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 30 14:29:47 2015, 美东)
I will be interviewed for a risk analyst position in a bank in NY. Most of
works are related to loss forecasting. I'm not very familiar with time
series, just some basic knowledge.
What kind of interview questions are common for this position? Any
发帖数: 34
来自主题: Chemistry版 - Questionable Data in one JACS paper.
Hydrogen-Bonding Recognition-Induced Color Change of Gold Nanoparticles for
Visual Detection of Melamine in Raw Milk and Infant Formula
Kelong Ai, Yanlan Liu and Lehui Lu
Publication Date (Web): June 18, 2009 (Communication)
DOI: 10.1021/ja9037017
The above paper shows a nice conception. However, their data are much
questionable. Experts are welcome to address your opinions.
I question this paper for the following reasons:
1) Undefined characterizations for MTT. Poor proton NMR, no 13C NMR, no M
发帖数: 133
来自主题: Chemistry版 - question about reference manager (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: pennyjudy (penny), 信区: Biology
标 题: question about reference manager
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 9 10:50:42 2010, 美东)
Hi Da Niu Men
I have two questions abotu reference manager.
1. How to modify existing author name format to add a space between first
middle initial and the last name. The current format I have is F.M.Last. I
want to change it to F.M. Last.
2. How to add period to each abbreciated word in journal name. For example
, my current display is J Chrom B.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 310
【 以下文字转载自 EnglishChat 讨论区 】
发信人: babygirlcc (Ball), 信区: EnglishChat
标 题: "This question is not genuine, " 是啥意思
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 21 22:42:20 2016, 美东)
This question is not genuine, since its answer determines
wether or not。。。
发帖数: 11
【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: Gwyneth (Paltrow), 信区: Software
标 题: A childish question about reliability (alpha)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sun Jun 2 13:37:55 2002) WWW-POST
If there're four items (questions) as a group measuring the
same thing, but their reliability is only 0.3998, then what shall we do? Shall
we delete one of the items that causes the trouble? Or maybe we can do nothing
but to say that those four items are not suitable for multivariate data
Thanks a lot! *^_^
发帖数: 15
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: brooker (Brooker), 信区: Programming
标 题: Please help for Matlab question (cont'd)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Aug 11 06:43:27 2003) WWW-POST
Please help for a Matlab question!
继续上次的 Matlab 问题 今假设有m个人围坐一圆桌 (say m=20) 所以每人有两个紧
邻的邻居 (左右各一) 若用0/1来代表两人是否有关联 则此matrix就是上次写的
for i=1:m,
j= i+1
if j> m, j=j-m; end
for i=1:m,
j= i-1,
if j<1, j=j+m; end
the result looks like
发帖数: 45
来自主题: Computation版 - a question on matrix eigen values. (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: elcamino (real), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: a question on matrix eigen values.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 28 20:14:42 2005), 站内
发信人: elcamino (real), 信区: EE
标 题: a question on matrix eigen values.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 28 20:10:26 2005), 转信
suppose I have a positive definite matrix A.
A is known, fixed.
can I write the
minimum eigen value of A
in a closed form, or approximately so?
thanks a lot.
发帖数: 4406
来自主题: Computation版 - C++ questions
The definition appears at line X, makes the i available to the whole switch
control statement and you initialized it, C++ does not allow this to happen,
because other wise you could use some variable without actually
initializing it.
This type of questions is really pedantic, a well-trained programmer won't
really come to situations like this.

发帖数: 767
来自主题: Economics版 - Questions related to Economics - plz help!
Hi Guys,
I found some questions related to CPA Becker Review - BEC CH2. They are
economics questions, and I have a hard time to think them through. Can
anyone help? Thanks in advance!
1. In long-run equilibrium, monopoly prices are set a level where:
price exceeds marginal revenue
industry demand equals industry supply
industry demand is less than industry supply
price exceeds average revenue
2. Government-mandated wage arbitration for employers can enhance efficiency
when the labor market invol
发帖数: 108
来自主题: Economics版 - optimization question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: iFEM (莫扎特的音符), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: optimization question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 25 16:52:30 2011, 美东)
Suppose c(p) is a monotonically dreasing function as shown in the picture. c
is the cost and p is the risk. As p increases, the risk is increasing but
the cost is decreasing. The question is how to minimize the cost and keep
the risk not too high? Thanks!
发帖数: 223
来自主题: Education版 - Questions from a friend
This post is in traditional chinese, BIG 5 (sorry guys).
Below it's an email from a friend in Taiwan, who just graduated from college
from "國立台灣師範大學". She has some questions regarding this field which
I cannot answer.
The first section is about 教育學分認證. Since she's in Taiwan, the
situation might be different. Does anyone know where she can possibly look
up online or have her question answered by other methods? Also, is social
security number (社會安全碼) really needed for CBEST or CSET?
Thanks ahead f
发帖数: 1034
来自主题: Education版 - Questions to Think About
These are great questions. Let me try to give my own 2 cents for some of
these questions:
1. It's great that psychologists finally started to re-think the self-esteem
movement and behaviorism. Actually a recent research finding does suggest
that positive self-image and personal satisfaction do not necessarily bring
about improved achievement. In a comparative study, when compared to other
nations, the US students reported highest satisfaction and confidence
towards their math achievement, while
发帖数: 24
来自主题: EE版 - digital questions
Other people interview questions post web site
1. implement 2 bit counter using a fsm, draw the circuit using D flipy flops
I don't understand fsm, like use gray code 00-->01-->11-->10-->00
but for fsm, how is working?
2.simple logic questions that involved using gates to implement boolean
equations, the only one I remember is B = 2*A
How to do?
发帖数: 6
来自主题: Engineering版 - a question about optimization
Hi there,
Sorry I can't input Chinese right now.
Please help me with the following question. Thank you so much!
To solve a problem, I have two objectives:
1. choose xi to max f(xi),
2. choose xi to min g(xi).
where f(x) and g(x) are two functions of x.
Since there are two objectives, I want to combine them to one objective
function to ease the problem.
Two possible choices of the objective functions are:
1. choose xi to max[f(xi) - g(xi)],
2. choose xi to max[ f(xi)/g(xi) ].
My question is: will
发帖数: 17
来自主题: Engineering版 - Questions about PE in Texas (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: Alesces (Eagles), 信区: Texas
标 题: Questions about PE in Texas
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 16 18:08:13 2007)
Thanks for your help in advance!
I'm a structural engineer in Houston and thinking about taking PE exam.
Wondering if someone with PE exam experience can help me on a few questions:
1) Which exam is a better option: civil engineering or structural
2) Is it necessary to take some instruction classes? If yes, please
recommend a good one.
3) Could you pleas
发帖数: 34
来自主题: Engineering版 - Questions about OPL studio
I have some problem about using OPL studio interface with VBA. I wonder is
there some da niu have the experience using OPL?
If there is, would u mind to reply .
I want to consult with some detail questions. Thanks.
I just found there is no forum for industrial engineer to discuss our
发帖数: 135
来自主题: Law版 - I am confused with this question
A man buys 3 outfits--X,Y,Z--each of which consists of two articles of
each of the articles of clothing is made up of two articles different in
color from one another. Blah....Blah
One question is "If no two outfits contain the same color combination but
EACH contains at least one navy item, which one of the following is a
complete and accurate list of the possible combinations for outfit X"
The EACH in question means each of 3, right?
I sound very stupid.
发帖数: 830
when you see this type of question, most likely it's going to test your understanding of the concept 'some, many, most, all, none' and your short term memory.
you can develop an instinct and make a prephrase like:
'Some people (in planning committee / representing the construction industry / have significant financial interests, they are all the same people) do not live in the suburbs.'
this is the only thing that's true for sure. and the question asks for 'must be true'
with the prephrase in mi
发帖数: 461
来自主题: Law版 - Some question about Barbri
it's true that most people take Barbri right before the bar exam. it sure
but whether the barbri first year review materials or courses would be much
help is a tricky question. it depends on how your professors make his
questions. some think barbri stuff is rubbish and never give barbri-like
exams. some are not averse to using barbri style for exams. why don't you
just go to your professor to ask what materials might be helpful in
preparing for his/her exam. (most professors would advise
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