发帖数: 1 | 1 可怜卑劣的某些中国人,一方面对医学院吹捧,另一方面看不起“生化”。
不好,不到3.0, 无法注册intermediateaccounting。intermediate accounting I 如
果不过,无法选择会计专业。大量商学院的只好学finance, management, marketing
只有少数精英大学,NYU BERKELEY UMICH 等,finance地位比accounting高。金融毕业
target school 本科 限制在那20所之内。公立的也就是BERKELEY UMICH
学biology 跟学biochemistr... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 2 可怜卑劣的某些中国人,一方面对医学院吹捧,另一方面看不起“生化”。
不好,不到3.0, 无法注册intermediateaccounting。intermediate accounting I 如
果不过,无法选择会计专业。大量商学院的只好学finance, management, marketing
只有少数精英大学,NYU BERKELEY UMICH 等,finance地位比accounting高。金融毕业
target school 本科 限制在那20所之内。公立的也就是BERKELEY UMICH
你个二逼也搞清楚,你满嘴的生化,你未必都知道那是什么。生物分... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 3 http://www.chemistry.ucla.edu/sites/default/files/undergraduate/Chemistry_Major_2014_2015.pdf
以UCLA为例子,要选化学major, 需要学 Math (MATH) 31A, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33B
Physics (PHYSICS) 1A(H), 1B(H), 1C(H), 4B, 这相当于中国的高等数学和普通物理
。还需要学General Chemistry (CHEM) 20A(H), 20B(H), 20L, 30AL Organic
Chemistry (CHEM) 30A(H), 30B, 30BL, 30C, 30CL
这些化学课是所有chem, biochemistry,医学药学, pre-med都要学的。如果这些课拿
C 2.0,只有选择难度低的专业。
但是,学biochemistry达到3.0的,不用说UC系列,即使在SJSU, SDSU 几乎全部都去博
... 阅读全帖 |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 4 现在很多新药都是nih和big pharm合作搞的。 |
x****6 发帖数: 4339 | 5 这个确实是事实,但难道这不应该是default么?
问题的关键是extent。10个牛校、牛实验室和Big pharm的成功合作不能Justify 整个
领域里面1000个mediocre labs的碌碌无为。
关键是现在生物医学界变成一个名利场,科学家变成演说家,这个氛围就不对。 |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 8 没啥,uic药学院以前经常排美国前十名,我在给pharm D学生带入门pharmacy课的时候
,一半的学生在pharmacy calculation课结束时连用高浓度药配低浓度药的计算都不会
我读phd时,老师上课,推导公式,写了log 0=1,他是肯德基大学毕业的博士,我小声
所以看到川粉在那呼吁提高公立学校教育水平哥就生气。这不是自己给自己找不是吗? |
j******g 发帖数: 2689 | 9 真的假的 太烂了吧?
[在 THR (???) 的大作中提到:]
:没啥,uic药学院以前经常排美国前十名,我在给pharm D学生带入门pharmacy课的时
候,一半的学生在pharmacy calculation课结束时连用高浓度药配低浓度药的计算都不
:我读phd时,老师上课,推导公式,写了log 0=1,他是肯德基大学毕业的博士,我小
?-- |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 10 事实上美国大药厂也打上仿制药主意了。
Pfizer前年买下最大仿制药厂hospira。现在前三位的美国仿制药公司都是big pharm。 |
t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 11 美国政府就是理直气壮抢
: 事实上美国大药厂也打上仿制药主意了。
: Pfizer前年买下最大仿制药厂hospira。现在前三位的美国仿制药公司都是big
t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 12 这么牛
: 哥劝你一句,如果不是癌症啥的,最好不要用最新的药。
: 专利快到期的畅销药是最好的,经过无数小白鼠实证过。
: 是药三分毒。
: 你看临床上,用的最多的药都是老药。你高血压了,去看医生,肯定给你开的不
: 的什么药,一般就是lisinopril/HCTZ,losartan之类。
: 美国的新药开发现在已经走到瓶颈了,这是靠牺牲大众来实现的。人口老龄化带
: 疗压力已经让高价药养新药开发的政策维持不下去了。
: 这也是这几年big pharm纷纷裁员的原因。
: 你看看pfizer,merck的股票就知道了。两个股票过去几十年的走势一样,都是
: 达到高潮。这可是dow指数里唯二两只医药股。
发帖数: 1 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: pokerjack (jack), 信区: Joke
标 题: 很多廉价的猪牛羊转了一种基因叫Foolp3
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 31 12:01:25 2018, 美东)
Foolp3,即fool protein 3,是一种磷酸酶。 这个基因最早是在极高智商的人群中筛选
reverse extreme genetics)。发现智商高于160的人中Foolp3启动子发生突变,导致
培育出来的猪牛羊又蠢又笨,一天到晚只知道吃吃吃,这样的转基因猪牛羊,比一般... 阅读全帖 |
a****r 发帖数: 12375 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: pokerjack (jack), 信区: Joke
标 题: 很多廉价的猪牛羊转了一种基因叫Foolp3
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 31 12:01:25 2018, 美东)
Foolp3,即fool protein 3,是一种磷酸酶。 这个基因最早是在极高智商的人群中筛选
reverse extreme genetics)。发现智商高于160的人中Foolp3启动子发生突变,导致
培育出来的猪牛羊又蠢又笨,一天到晚只知道吃吃吃,这样的转基因猪牛羊,比一般... 阅读全帖 |
e**u 发帖数: 10 | 15 can not type Chinese today. Let's hope that Lao Qiu can read it.
I've been running a tree trimming and removal business for well over 10
years as a side business. My day job is researcher in a Pharm company.
outdoor and heavy equipment are some of my hobbies. I climb most of my trees
, some over 70 feet high. If it's accessible, I use my bucket truck which
goes as high as 55 feet. The device Qiu refers to is called "micrograb, or
accender" which is a cam device.I's a very lucrative business. An
... 阅读全帖 |
e**u 发帖数: 10 | 16 can not type Chinese today. Let's hope that Lao Qiu can read it.
I've been running a tree trimming and removal business for well over 10
years as a side business. My day job is researcher in a Pharm company.
outdoor and heavy equipment are some of my hobbies. I climb most of my trees
, some over 70 feet high. If it's accessible, I use my bucket truck which
goes as high as 55 feet. The device Qiu refers to is called "micrograb, or
accender" which is a cam device.I's a very lucrative business. An
... 阅读全帖 |
w********2 发帖数: 632 | 17 iowa city的6-7万年薪是很decent的工作,rap/rp唯一的问题是稳定性,中西博利用网
了big pharm biotech之类的公司。 |
V**3 发帖数: 12756 | 18 这个专业以前还不错,毕业人手俩三offer,现在不行了,现在毕业的很多不去边缘黑
毕业起始工资高,但是干多久也基本上涨不了多少工资基本上起薪10万的, 10年后13万
Pharm D没有奖学金,要自己付学费,属于professional 专业的学费,不是那种本科学费
工作单调无聊,而且一直站着,工作schedule 非常不友好, 假期等等不由人
这个行业是最容易被自动化取代的一个专业之一, 将来前景严重不看好 |
a******d 发帖数: 955 | 19 pharm d招啥小刘,国际学生一个手都能数过来,起码要绿卡,英文不好也没戏 |
j***g 发帖数: 11325 | 20 你说的不是药学,是药剂师。药学跟生物和化学相关,现在工作也不好找
药剂师专业外国学生很少,全美几十个Pharm D program, 每个学校每年固定招一两个
外国人,多了不要了 |
l**k 发帖数: 45267 | 22 得了吧,投行里的vp算什么管理层,你跟我在这抖什么聪明。都是干bio/pharm这一行
的,没什么名头上的取巧,manager,director,VP,SVP,一路上去 |
f******d 发帖数: 2394 | 23 什么正经公司有SVP这个title?senior VP?
: 得了吧,投行里的vp算什么管理层,你跟我在这抖什么聪明。都是干bio/pharm
: 的,没什么名头上的取巧,manager,director,VP,SVP,一路上去
发帖数: 1 | 24 Ben-Saba Hasan has served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Culture,
Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Walmart since 2015.
pharm |
l**k 发帖数: 45267 | 25 对啊,我以前部门的大老板就是SVP,有什么问题?你特么到底有过正经公司的工作经
pharm |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 26 please have some manners. This is a deal between white house and big Pharma.
If you know what is a deal, deal means that you will give some compromise.
So white house give in to big Pharm as a compromise. It is always repub that
want no import from Canada. I just copy your reply
伸脖子,掌嘴,跪安去吧. |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 27 I call it make work done to decrease the cost of health care. White house
gives this deal to exchange the benefit that Big pharms have to cut their
prices of expensive drugs, which any repub will not allow. |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 28 这个没办法。 Clinton当年是年轻气盛, 医疗改革吃了大亏以后才发觉
自己一个小小总统是在是没法和资本家对抗, 后来就全身心地拥抱了coor-
perate america, 经济繁荣+bubble, 外带被DEM骂死, 这次连累了老婆。
巴马更牛, 还没吃亏就已经知道利益全摆平了,用纳税人的钱画了一张
几千billion的大饼分给资本家吃, 换取他们的支持。比如对pharm要消化
掉的损失, 就用不许进口药品+全民医保来弥补。好处是这个bill现在基本
摆平了各个行业, 坏处是加了这么多beef, 不仅不会降低医疗费用, 背离
him |
O*****g 发帖数: 1257 | 29 Drinking party? That's so last decade. Both being doctors, they should
really host Pharm Parties. Epic fail.
- |
e*******e 发帖数: 9616 | 30 How can "科研就是亏钱"?
There is a whole industry behind 科研: 科研reagent supply company; non
direct cost to university for summer student and student grant; pharm /
material develop; new drug, industry who buy patent from University,
university get patent fee from company......
This is one of best and healthiest industry. |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 31 New Jersey big Pharm company is open for SAS programmers. They don't
take part time and salary depend on your work experience. This is full time
position. you don't have to have work experience, but You must hold Master
degree or Ph.D with major of Statistics, Bio-statistics, applied statistics
and Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Biology major and so on. Candidates
must be available immediately. They don't accept intern. If you are
interested in this position, You can send your resume to
... 阅读全帖 |
s****d 发帖数: 1830 | 32 #PizzaGate Bonnie is the PHARM AVP of WMS Hospital that #SethRich Died at. |
s****d 发帖数: 1830 | 33 #PizzaGate Bonnie is the PHARM AVP of WMS Hospital that #SethRich Died at. |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 34 最近医院里各种普药基本药严重短缺,而且是全国性的短缺。都是一些最基本的药,比
如epinephrine,sodium bicarb,d50(葡萄糖注射液),生理盐水...
去年mylan把epipen价格翻倍引起公愤,那还算consumer product,消费者感觉得到,
其实big pharm早就准备好了,pfizer15年买下主要的静脉给药生产厂hospira,
价,药涨价也不算太离谱。不过指望医疗保险降下来的川粉就要失望了。 |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 35 In New Jersey, big Pharm company urgently hires SAS programmer. Salary
depend on your work experience.This is full time position. They don't take
Intern or Part time. You don't have to have work experience, but You must
hold Master degree or Ph.D with major of Statistics, Bio-statistics, applied
statistics and Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Biology major and so on.
candidates must be available immediately. If you are interested in this
position, You can send your resume with Word format to
... 阅读全帖 |
D******e 发帖数: 1085 | 37 The best and smartest students in US go to Medical/Dental/Pharm, Law, and
Business schools. It is so simple.
The smartest students in China go to engineering.
Thats why China is rising, and the US is going downhill. |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 38 New Jersey big Pharm company open new study need hiring two SAS programmers.
They don't take part time and salary depend on your work experience.
candidates must hold Master degree or Ph.D with major of Statistics, Bio-
statistics, applied statistics and Mathematics or Applied Mathematics major.
Candidates must be available immediately. If You have not graduated from
school, please don't send your resume. If you are interested in this
position, please don't hesitate to send your resu... 阅读全帖 |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 39 NJ big Pharm company urgently hire 5 SAS programmer. Successful candidates
must have MS with Statistics, Bio- statistics, applied statistics, computer
science,Computer information System, Computer Engineering and Math major and
be available immediately. If you are interested in this position, please
send your resume with Word format to
j**********[email protected]
BTW, they sponsor H1-B |
d**m 发帖数: 50 | 41 This Big Pharm Company which is located in NJ area urgently needs another 3
Java Developer with Entry level. This is full time and permanent position.
You must have the master degree of computer science, Computer engineering,
Information system, Mathematics and If you are interested in this position
and available immediately, you can send your resume at Word format to webb.
a*****[email protected]. Good luck. BTW, they sponsor H1-B |
g*********n 发帖数: 4 | 42 帮别人贴一个招聘广告
Postdoctoral Fellow position in Cancer Biology
The Postdoctoral Fellow positions are available in the Department of
Pharmacological Science at Stony Brook University. The positions will be
under the supervision of Dr. Chia-Hsin Chan in a newly established
laboratory and the appointment will starts in April, 2014. The primary
research will focus on developing novel therapeutic interventions for the
treatment of cancer stem cells and cancer cells. By using molecular biology,
mouse model... 阅读全帖 |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 43 NJ big Pharm company urgently need hiring another 4 SAS programmer for
opening new study. They don't take part time and salary depend on your work
experience. Successful candidates must have MS with Statistics, Bio-
statistics, applied statistics, computer science,Computer information System
, Computer Engineering and Math major and be available immediately. If you
are interested in this position, please send your resume with Word format to
w**********[email protected]. BTW, they sponsor H-1B as ... 阅读全帖 |
l******o 发帖数: 3764 | 44 知道版上大多都是FLAG的高新族,不过还是想问问有在药厂工作的兄弟姐妹吗?
clinical pharmacology (PKPD)方向求内推
我看Amegen, Gilead, Genetech都有类似的职位,跟我还挺match的,如果有内推可能
把握更大些。多谢啦,有包子。 |
B********1 发帖数: 24 | 45 boston area pharm company is looking for an entry level biostatistician in
the therapeutic area
of vaccine. The candidate may apply their expertise in areas such as
clinical trial design and analysis, pre-clinical studies, development of
bioassays and/or assay validation.
PhD in statistics or biostatistics or equivalent with minimum of 1 year of
relevant experience or MS in statistics or biostatistics or equivalent with
minimum of 3 years. send resume to [email protected]
/* */ |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 46 in New Jersey, big Pharm company currently hires SAS programmer. Salary
on your work experience. This is full time position. They don't take Intern
or Part time. You don't have to have work experience, but You must hold
Master degree or Ph.D with major of Statistics, Bio-statistics, applied
statistics and Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Biology major and so on.
Candidates must be available immediately. If you are interested in this
You can send your resume with Word format t... 阅读全帖 |
j*****9 发帖数: 148 | 47 In New Jersey, big Pharm company currently hires SAS programmer. Salary
depend on your work experience. This is full time position and onside. They
don't take Intern or Part time. You don't have to have work experience, but
You must hold Master degree or Ph.D. with major of Statistics, Bio-
statistics, applied
statistics and Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Biology major and so on.
Candidates must be available immediately. If you are interested in this
You can send your resume with ... 阅读全帖 |
c*********k 发帖数: 20696 | 48 ;) 一站就是好多个小时,而且没得休息
另外很多药店是24小时的,根据规定,任何时候都至少需要一个Pharm D在场 |
y********g 发帖数: 3097 | 49 花费多少?需要多少年?
求指点 |
P*********p 发帖数: 4016 | 50 有绿卡没?没有绿卡基本不收。四年,需要先修生物,化学等课,可以在社区大学上便宜些,要靠入学考试,每年4万美金吧。 |