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发帖数: 2743
来自主题: Stock版 - OXBT!
Oxygen Biotherapeutics surges after FDA lifts hold on Oxycyte
Mar 4 2014, 08:36 ET
Oxygen Biotherapeutics' (OXBT) shares soar 30% after the FDA verbally lifts
a hold on clinical trials of the company's Oxycyte treatment for traumatic
brain injury (TBI).
The FDA's decision comes after Oxygen submitted animal study data in
September that addressed the agency's concerns about the use of Oxycyte. The
studies assessed the product's interaction with the immune system and the
risks of intracerebral hem... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2743
来自主题: Stock版 - news on OXBT
FDA confirms lifting of clinical hold on Oxygen Bio's Oxycyte
Mar 31 2014, 08:44 ET
Oxygen Biotherapeutics (OXBT) has received written confirmation that the FDA
has lifted a hold on the clinical trials of the company's Oxycyte treatment
for traumatic brain injury.
The FDA had informed Oxygen Bio of its decision verbally earlier this month.
Oxygen has been enrolling patients in Israel for a Phase IIb study to
evaluate the safety and tolerability of Oxycyte in patients with severe non-
penetrating... 阅读全帖