t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 1 Bill Bowen (The Corruption of CPS Series)
这个人死于心脏病, 有人说是被杀。
他死亡之前在做一个documentary 有关corruption of cps, 有一个术语叫medical
kidnapping. 在另外一个地方看到有关他自杀的一个评论
I think it no coincidence that Bill Bowen and Senator Nancy Schaefer along
with her husband, who were working to expose extremely serious abuses of CPS
, all died in the same year under very mysterious circumstances. Well, not
so mysterious if you put two and two together.
大致就是说参议员Nancy Schaefer当时也帮着揭发这些事情... 阅读全帖 |
t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 3 因为要救就需要给诊断, 给诊断就是个很轻松的case,
官司输了政府要赔钱, 赔钱就要惩罚出事的医护人员。
The suicide of Kimberly Hiatt, a nurse who accidentally gave an infant a
fatal overdose last year at Seattle Children's hospital, has closed an
investigation but opened wounds for her friends and family members.
所以政府逼着医生杀人。 我都写了, 没人看。 可见老中之脑残, 不爱学习, 只会
解方程。 |
发帖数: 1 | 4 吃多了oxycodone你就不管警告了, 否则也不会overdose了 |
s*******p 发帖数: 1291 | 5 五毛看不懂说一声。
The Trump administration rejected China's appeal during the summit in
Beijing to develop closer law enforcement ties amid concerns over Beijing's
illegal operations in America against fugitives.
President Trump also pressed supreme Chinese leader Xi Jinping to curb
exports of the drug fentanyl that has been fueling the deadly opioid crisis
in the United States, according to a senior White House official in Beijing
who took part in the summit.
The president also told Xi, who last month ... 阅读全帖 |
d*b 发帖数: 4453 | 6 https://sports.yahoo.com/lavar-balls-comment-donald-trump-spark-
没有做,只是被无辜的拿来做交易而已。言下之意他儿子还是被利用的受害者了。 我
日! 抓了小偷,放了贼,还被人反过来强奸一把,简直就是热脸贴冷屁股的2017全球
Who?” LaVar told ESPN on Friday night when asked about Trump’s involvement
. “What was he over there for? Don’t tell me nothing. Everybody wants to
make it seem like he helped me out.”
In his only previous comme... 阅读全帖 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 7 hahahaha...那他可能死于overdose,这人就是套不过这一劫。你再照小寡富估计也快了 |
发帖数: 1 | 8 纽约的给大家补上
A woman in New York state was pronounced dead and about to have her organs
removed for transplant when she awoke and opened her eyes.
Colleen Burns had been taken to St. Joseph's Hospital Health Centre in
Syracuse after taking a drug overdose in 2009. She was thought to have
passed away, a victim of "cardiac death", and so her family agreed to turn
off the 41-year-old's life support machine and donate her organs |
S****t 发帖数: 2183 | 9 TRUMP
These reforms will also support our response to the terrible crisis of
opioid and drug addiction. Never before has it been like it is now. It is
terrible. We have to do something about it.
In 2016, we lost 64,000 Americans to drug overdoses. 174 deaths per day.
Seven per hour.
We must get much tougher on drug dealers and pushers if we are going to
succeed in stopping this scourge.
环乎? |
a**e 发帖数: 8800 | 10 what appears to be a case of deadly drug overdoses, authorities said.
吃药吃死的。 |
s*****r 发帖数: 11545 | 11 用扣扣粉丝的逻辑这些人肯定是被冤杀的吧
: what appears to be a case of deadly drug overdoses, authorities said.
: 吃药吃死的。
g********0 发帖数: 6201 | 12 新泽西州州长选举,民主党候选人Murphy 依仗蓝得发紫的 Newark,Trenton,Jersey
City 等大城市的票仓的支持,赢得州长宝座,实现了新州民主党对参院众院州长的垄
Murphy 上台伊始,就迫不及待地废除前共和党州长为新州的地产税设定的2% cap。于
make sense 了。新州中产阶级的恶梦正在变成现实!
这是我两个身处深蓝市郡的朋友对Murphy 的控诉...
Murphy 上台后做的另一件事,是强力推动新州有史以来最苛刻的对合法拥枪者的管制
Murphy 在推出一揽子限制管控合法拥枪者的条例的同时,却没有推出任何一条新的针
对黑枪及非法拥枪者... 阅读全帖 |
x*****8 发帖数: 10683 | 13 但是周二傍晚6点钟,我再次从fantasy回到了reality当中。
监室楼道上贴着英文布告:“We have zero tolerance for contraband! One of the
inmates, Yin XX died of drug overdose in the hospital this morning. He hid
the illicit drug in his underwear when entering the facility. Later our
officers discovered his drug abuse. But it was too late. If you see any
contraband in your cell, please report to our officers ASAP.”
“明明是活活打死的!” 小王愤怒地捏紧了拳头。
“小王,请注意,这不是我们自己的国家。” 我赶快提醒他。
用3倍于市价的价格买了好几副扑克牌,大家打起了扑克。小... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 14 除了家喻户晓的罂粟和大麻, 另外99%混的滋润度傻叉们不知道天然致幻品
神奇蘑菇 magic mushroom, 少数山区低端屁民,也能熟练掌握用法用料。 这点古代
的 阿勒泰系民族, 比如蒙古人的祖宗的萨满巫师, 似乎也很精通。 另外,著名的鹅
膏菌, 导致世界上有一半的蘑菇致死案例,据说幸存者描述这是世界上最美妙的蘑菇。
另外,茄科植物是个未开发的宝库。 茄科植物除了广为人知的 茄子,西红柿, 还有
几种能致幻的植物, 比如 就是曼陀罗花,据说神雕大侠杨过 overdose后,也是欲仙
欲死。 nightshade 颠茄, 长一些小小的可爱的果子, 经常有小孩或者宠物误食被
所以老话说,路边的野花/蘑菇不要采。 要认错了物种,或者用错了剂量,轻则致幻
,重则丧生。 |
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 15 新英格兰地区?
各种drug overdose death rate 新英格兰五州稳稳前十,其中NH 各种第一
新英格兰已经破的不成样子了 |
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 16 数据网上到处是
Drug overdose death rate
: 哈哈哈哈
: 行了
: 没数据的喷子
: 好好去翻肉饼吧
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 17 NH基本上是各种drug overdose death rate 排行榜第一
严打的时候 州警见到Vermont的车就拦
Holyoke Springfield都是著名毒品集散地
像NH Portsmouth 看着不错吧 实际毒品肆虐 大量年轻人没工作
: 教育总比富士康工厂好。 波士顿医院,高科技公司还是挺多的。 康州的保险金
: 不错,大公司也很多。
: 海洛因是全美都泛滥,i91是heroin highway? 第一次听说,美国现在变这么烂
o******r 发帖数: 1378 | 18 Holyoke Springfield已经烂了几十年了,都是波多黎各人。。 不过旁边就是富有的白
: NH基本上是各种drug overdose death rate 排行榜第一
: 新英五州都是前五
: 严打的时候 州警见到Vermont的车就拦
: Holyoke Springfield都是著名毒品集散地
: 像NH Portsmouth 看着不错吧 实际毒品肆虐 大量年轻人没工作
: 融业也
: 了?
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 19 不说别的 看看麻省出了metro area 的公路是啥样子
: 车祸死亡绝对比overdose多。。而且今年不知道为什么火灾特别多。。 比起中
: 国的电力系统好烂,电线都还露在外面,跟泰国一样落后
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 20 美国人民认为是中国的错
Seriously, do you live in a fucking cave? You haven't seen the impact of
shifting jobs and money to China? You don't realize that the power elite
have FUCKED the working man? Take a look around in these small towns out
here. Rundown cars, boarded up businesses, schools that need paint jobs. The
Detroit Syndrome has slithered its way across the United States and pounded
the shit out of ruralites.
Greedy high-end corporatists have shifted not just jobs, but the technology
that fosters ... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 21 Seriously, do you live in a fucking cave? You haven't seen the impact of
shifting jobs and money to China? You don't realize that the power elite
have FUCKED the working man? Take a look around in these small towns out
here. Rundown cars, boarded up businesses, schools that need paint jobs. The
Detroit Syndrome has slithered its way across the United States and pounded
the shit out of ruralites.
Greedy high-end corporatists have shifted not just jobs, but the technology
that fosters those jobs, ... 阅读全帖 |
d*********o 发帖数: 6388 | 22 http://news.trust.org//item/20180530095854-yyedp/
GENEVA, May 30 (Reuters) - China has overtaken the United States in healthy
life expectancy at birth for the first time, according to World Health
Organization data.
Chinese newbo... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 23 The Real Scandal in the Fight Against Opioids
By MICHAEL MASSING July 21, 2018
Some snapshots from the nation’s fight against drug abuse: President Donald
Trump at every opportunity calls for the building of the wall, which he
says will stop drugs (along with immigrants) from entering the country; he
has also endorsed tougher criminal sanctions for traffickers, including the
death penalty for major ones. Twenty-four states are suing Purdue Pharma (
the maker of OxyContin) and other manufacturers... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 25 经过简单检查,捐献人的器官被移植到四个人。结果已经死了三个,,,,癌症扩散。
Four people get cancer from donated organ in 'extraordinary rare' case
By Nina Avramova, CNN
Updated at 7:21 AM ET, Wed September 19, 2018
Play Video
Breast cancer: Know the facts 01:19
The patients developed breast cancer years after their transplants
The researchers stressed that this is an "extremely rare" case
(CNN) — Four European patients developed breast cancer after receiving
organs from the same donor, a case report explains.
Th... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 26 There's a 24-fold rise in organ transplants from drug overdose donors
By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
Updated at 4:12 PM ET, Tue April 17, 2018
: 就是,本来就应该liver failure自然选择掉。现在搞了移植多活几年,还不是
: 出钱出力照顾。一定不能放过医院,支持家属上网搞臭医院。
发帖数: 1 | 27 1. Hospitals nationwide discarded almost 2,700 kidneys between 2005-14,
according to a 2015 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
2, However, some hospitals no longer discard organs donated by patients with
hepatitis C. Thanks to antiviral medication, physicians can transplant the
infected organs into recipients. Infected organ recipients take medication
for eight to 12 weeks after the transplant to remove the virus from their
3, For one Arizona patient, accepting an inf... 阅读全帖 |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 28 这个小黄人挺幽默。
What Exactly Is 'Boofing' And When You Should Never Do It
Bruce Y. Lee
Bruce Y. Lee
When someone asks you a question, it helps to know specifically what is
being asked. For example, if someone asks you, "have you boofed yet," don't
answer unless you know exactly what that person means by boofing.
Apparently Supreme Court-nominee Brett Kavanaugh asked that exact question
in his high school yearbook page. During the confirmation hearings this week
when Senator Sh... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 29 Southwest flight makes emergency landing after passenger allegedly plays
unwanted game of 'footsie'
A Southwest flight on Tuesday was diverted after a Texas man on board played
an unwanted game of "footsie" with a female passenger sitting next
to him and got into a confrontation with the flight crew, authorities said.
Justin Riley Brafford, 29, remains in federal custody in New Mexico and
faces felony interference with a flight crew and a misdemeanor assault
charge, the Dallas Morning Ne... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 30 是吃了大麻overdose,两腿一蹬昏过去,把服务器的电源开关给踢了,直到今天醒来才恢
复 |
发帖数: 1 | 31 SB舔皮炎的货。你羊爹都不好意思。
Spoon measurements contribute to many child drug-dosing errors
NIH funded researchers recommend shift to milliliters only
Friday, August 29, 2014
Listen to this podcast (MP3 - 3 MB).
Barrett Whitener: Using a teaspoon or a tablespoon to give children medicine
doubled parents' chances of giving an incorrect dose, according to
researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health. Instead of spoons... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 32 地球人都知道的事实
The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered
the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month,
contradicting the Saudi government’s claims that he was not involved in the
killing, according to people familiar with the matter.
The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high
confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation
... 阅读全帖 |
k******s 发帖数: 506 | 34 没错啊,芬太尼也是治病的,美国每年也overdose死6万多人,怪不得中国,也不知道
川普起个什么劲,还宣布国家紧急状态。 |
发帖数: 1 | 35 Mike
You might want to look into cracking down first on our own
pharmaceutical industry. That’s possibly where a great many opioid
addictions start with overprescribed prescription medications that are
opiate-based. Encouraging China to execute more people is probably not the
Donald J. Trump
.....considered to be the worst and most dangerous, addictive and deadly
substance of them all. Last year over 77,000 people died from Fentanyl. If
China cracks down on this “horror drug,” usi... 阅读全帖 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 36 床铺针对的不是合法进口的芬太尼,是通过邮局非法邮寄到美国的芬太尼,主要是毒贩
卖毒品前掺如其他毒品以次充好造成的overdose |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 37 drug overdose
我以前工作过的一个公司,有一个19岁的软件工程师。 平时很活泼。 他两天没来上班
了,公司派他的一个比较熟悉的人到他住处打探。 发现他家没有回应。 他父亲是公司
的高管,也是打不通他的手机。 于是报警。 警察到他住处发现他死在床上。
公司发的通知里说他死于遗传病。 但大家都在传他吸毒过量。 |
b*******s 发帖数: 1919 | 38 弃婴老师,据说已经为党国尽忠了。
-- 对 dm 忠心到这种程度,据传到后来,这货就已经在老拿枪指着、比划自己脑袋了。
后面这一段,真实性不负责任。 |
发帖数: 1 | 39 Overdose死亡最多的是新英格兰和中西部,这些地区共同的特点就是地广人稀,尤其是
品问题相对不那么严重 |
发帖数: 1 | 40 他facebook上面好多好友都是跟他住一个地方的,那些白牛都超级肥,白男都超级瘦,
一副drug overdose的样子。他说他们那里上大学的特别少 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 家有高中生(和大学生)的父母知道vaping是什么意思吗?
Vapor, 烟雾。E-cigarettes, 电子烟的时尚名称。小瓶的尼古丁液体,用电子喷雾器
直接喷入口中,吸进肺腑。Vapor 内含有尼古丁,年轻人吸了很容易上瘾,而且一旦上
吸雾过量, overdose。
据最新的调查报告,高中应届毕业生中有三分之一的学生试过vaping, 其中百分之二
百六十万个孩子尝试过,比去年增长了一倍。美国卫生部长(Surgeon General)说青
电子烟原来的用途是帮助成年人戒烟, 现在成为青少年装酷吸烟的首选, 有两个原因。
有thumb drive式样的吸引男生nerd,也有做成唇膏型的讨女孩喜欢。雾液vapor 中还
有各种味道的添加剂,又香又甜. 有些孩子以为是糖液,不知内含尼古丁, 吸着吸着
就... 阅读全帖 |
w*******e 发帖数: 269 | 43 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/05/world/europe/russia-building-collapse-
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Russia High-Rise Collapse an Emblem of Hardships in the Hinterlands
Russia High-Rise Collapse an Emblem of Hardships in the Hinterlands
Much of a high-rise apartment building collapsed on Monday in Magnitogorsk,
Russia, killing 39 people and shining a light on unsafe conditions.... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 44 昨天在这里的 程姓、刘姓 等几人发功(吃药),被拖住了。
(没办法 强行去也可能非常苦)
其中刘姓人士可能已死(类似 overdose?),
非常剧烈的发功。 |
发帖数: 1 | 45 这看来是真的了
发信人: Betonthis01 (资深赌徒), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 薄熙来你这纯粹是菊花痒了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 7 17:29:31 2019, 美东)
昨天在这里的 程姓、刘姓 等几人发功(吃药),被拖住了。
(没办法 强行去也可能非常苦)
其中刘姓人士可能已死(类似 overdose?),
非常剧烈的发功。 |
a*******m 发帖数: 14194 | 46 丹姐就是不读书呀。什么狗屁神秘气体?
就是芬太尼, 美国人最近几年overdose死了很多人的那玩意
暴徒趁机逃跑,余下的850多名人质中有至少129名人质死于气体中毒。 |
a*******m 发帖数: 14194 | 47 最近这几年,美国的平均寿命一直往下降,不是简单弄个overdose就能
养俩孩子,这一点老墨倒是早想开了。 |
n********g 发帖数: 6504 | 49 为什么加拿大左派盛行,自由党屹立不倒?
作者:农家苦 已有 25 条评论
发表于:2019-2-22 21:52
走快了容易摔跤,所... 阅读全帖 |