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发帖数: 3225
来自主题: Military2版 - 米国科技和工业完全垮掉了
Both US and CHN are playing virtual economy, focusing on finance/insurance,
and real estate, respectively. In this type of economy, hardworking is not
rewarded or respected.
I agree that the biggest problem of the US is that there is no enemy. BLM's
high payment is a result of virtual economy in US. Taking Engineering as an
example. Mainly, Engineers tend to do things in an economical way, resulting
in savings. Nowadays, companies do not care about saving; they live on
lending money (e.g., GM) o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 207
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ipdang (ip), 信区: Biology
标 题: 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 00:18:14 2012, 美东)
致《自然》杂志总编的信:有关叶诗文的新闻报道 精选
你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你
弊; 2)Callaway用了两件事实说明叶惊人地异常,而两件都错了; 3)Callaway没咨询意... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4378
indeed, this is different.
in the old days, people love their hero, so
were diappointed when the hero fell.
nowadays, people bet (big money) they are mad
when they lose
发帖数: 1022
you are right, i should not say Olympic history. But those old data are
kinda irrelevant nowadays. Modern gymnastics are so difficulty driven female
athletes have a very hard time to keep up with the difficulty development.
All around back to back is just impossible (of course there might be a
female michael phelps in gymnastics out there).
Even competing in single or a few evens becoming very very hard, just look
at Sandra Izbașa and He Kexin, both are so dominant in Beijing,as if no
one c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1022
all around they might be better , but on the beam or uneven bar they are
miles behind us around 12 age. I will give you one example here.
The problem with our selection is we always use very young girls, they look
absolutely stunning on beam and u-bar. But they are too young, they have not
developed enough muscular strength to do vault and floor. Nowadays score of
vault has a huge percentage of your AA or team score. So our future
selection or developme... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1022
来自主题: Olympics版 - 当年马家军吃啥了跑这么快?
EPO is always 禁药!!! There is just no detecting method back then. Nowadays
EPO can be easily detected from your urine sample by using Time-of-flight
mass spectrometry
发帖数: 2939
来自主题: Olympics版 - 当年马家军吃啥了跑这么快?

发帖数: 1022
And MA YANHONG dismount on u-bar is still rated F, one of the most difficult
dismount in women gymnastic. It is just simply too difficult for women to
perform. Shaw Jonson's 2008 olympics double double is the same value as Ma.
BTW. NONE of those moves are BANNED, your title is very misleading and just
not true. Mo is still a high valued move on U-bar, but it is almost
impossible to connect with other moves, so it is not preferred by athletes
any more. Nowadays it is all about connections on U ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 共和党的Meg whitman竞选加州州长
Anything is possible nowadays.
Who would have forecast that Scott Brown could fetched the Senate seat in MA?
Do not forget: generally GOP are more skillful at campaigning and more
determined to do whatever (needed) to win. Their sole principle is just to
win. DEMs are simply weak by comparison on this aspect.
发帖数: 2073
first, people refer gay marriage as same sex marriage. It isn't necessary to
be so complicated to give every kind of relationship a name. People like
labelling things way too much nowadays. The point isn't about whom people
love, is about WHETHER they love.

发帖数: 657
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama: Our First Gay President
I am not as positive about Obama's move as many people in the LGBT community
, simply because this seems to be nothing more than a political gimmick that
he used to please his supporters, as he is seeking reelection in two years.
It's impossible to repeal DOMA, with the current republican majority in the
House. The president himself never promised to repeal DOMA and he opposed
gay marriage, although he did promise and actually achieve to repeal DADT.
DOMA defines the line of the so called tradit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 657
I hail the Europeans for their understanding and overal tolerance. It was
not always like this. The first gay footballer that publicly came out
eventually committed suicide. Nowadays as more profesional atheletes reveal
their sexuality to the general public in Europe, there is no such trend in
America. None of the NFL players claim they are gay, while professional
rugby--which is essentially football without the spandex and helmets--player
Gareth Thomas came out two years ago.
The same thing wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - [bssd]发糖饼吧
Nowadays, everything is getting more complicated. What a hassle!
发帖数: 24887
Pardon my political ignorance these days,
but I cannot image Boehner being accused by his fellow GOP guys being "和民
主党走太近了呗". What is going on with this guy nowadays? He is so
disgusting that I hardly ever care to read any news about him.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 你们说说中国这事儿..
I agree with you.
Besides, New Oriental School has tremendously expanded their business
presence in China---they used to only do business in Beijing in late 90's.
Their clientele nowadays may be quite different than that time as well. I
suspect such expansion into smaller cities is not accompanied with wide
increase of its staff's compensation. You know, such things can happen in
在 Xat (疯猫) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 欣赏一下版大的言论。。。
Frankly, today's China is such a complex political entity that there is
hardly any consensus whether China is a great country or a lousy country. It
mostly all rests with who you are, where you are in China's social system.
It is poor taste to require everyone (simply because he or she happens to be
Chinese) to love the country of China unconditionally. What is more, there
is a finite dividing line between the concept of China as a historical
country and China as a contemporary political body. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 昨晚看了I love you Philip Morris
He is one of the most gay-friendly and free-minded actors out there nowadays
. He said he has no problem whatsoever with portraying a gay character.
发帖数: 24887
Obama bashing is so easy nowadays.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 什么样的人是OBAMA的对手?
It is kinda ironical that GOP who likes to call themselves people with "
brain" are nowadays so clueless what needs to be made to happen for them to
stand a solid chance of winning the national political race. Their long-time
political wisdom seems to have been either abandoned or kidnapped by party

发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 一男两女同事全裸开房(视频版)
Believe me, it is disgusting and it is probably a small yet sure indicator
of what is going on (so wrong) in China nowadays.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Queen Latifah也出柜了
And good to know.
I really adore her as an actor. Too bad she does not seem to appear in
movies often enough nowadays.

发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Queen Latifah也出柜了
In this regard, Black people who chose to migrate to the north after the
Civil War (well into early part of the 20th century) to seek both economic
opportunity and personal freedom were much braver. Nowadays some people say
Black people in the south are more "humble"/"peaceful", etc, which I think
it is in fact very racist by nature.
发帖数: 24887
I think most people nowadays are largely sensitive enough.

发帖数: 720
节选,“I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They
all say they're voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous
and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights.
Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say, "My
taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the
sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the
hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, you... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 同志团体最大的敌人是教会
Apparently they have not done enough a job on this.
The so-called "underground churches" are nowadays so damn wide-spread in
China, particularly in the rural areas. It is SCARY.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 同志团体最大的敌人是教会
Apparently they have not done enough a job on this.
The so-called "underground churches" are nowadays so damn wide-spread in
China, particularly in the rural areas. It is SCARY.
发帖数: 24887
这人是很敏感.可能是觉得当你面重复"She is a smart woman"会令你不舒服.也许在
他看来,你可以用smart woman这个提法,他作为一个白人男性,却要用更政治正确的
文名字(Yes, there WAS once a time when I let people call me by an English
first name. It is so hard to even think about nowadays 汗).但是导师在任何

发帖数: 1773
It is hard to find cure for all diseases.
Admitting it to be born when it is not confirmed diverts efforts for finding
Nowadays nobody can and will to find cures. Is this what you want?
Why are you so selfish?
发帖数: 6339
【 以下文字转载自 History 讨论区 】
发信人: gogo2004 (挑灯看剑), 信区: History
标 题: Evolution of Chinese intellectuals' thought over two decades
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 15 17:38:31 2012, 美东)
Working at a top political think tank of the government, the author of the
patriotic Chinese tome Paradoxes of American Hegemony today delights in
contrasting Western economic failures with the successes of China’s chosen
economic path.
Back in the 1980s Ding Yifan had idealistically believed in Western models
as offering solut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7927
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 我终于失去了你
Nowadays, with internet, you can live multiple lives as you wish....
发帖数: 7927
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 西版惊天大坑,居然不让顶贴
nod, just some borderline joking, worth to post PMs?
dont know how people think nowadays
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Salon版 - 宗庆后
(1) Patti Waldmeir, China's Wahaha billionaire has the last laugh at west.
Financial Times, Mar. 12, 2010.
My comment:
(a) Zong Qinghou 宗庆后
(b) smug (adj.): "highly self-satisfied" www.m-w.com
The word is similar to "triumphalism," a label the West pins on China
(c) The last paragraph is "It is enough to make a lesser nation smug – and
there is certainly no shortage of smugness these days in China." Upon
reading it, I just laughed, amazed by
发帖数: 6339
【 以下文字转载自 History 讨论区 】
发信人: gogo2004 (挑灯看剑), 信区: History
标 题: Evolution of Chinese intellectuals' thought over two decades
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 15 17:38:31 2012, 美东)
Working at a top political think tank of the government, the author of the
patriotic Chinese tome Paradoxes of American Hegemony today delights in
contrasting Western economic failures with the successes of China’s chosen
economic path.
Back in the 1980s Ding Yifan had idealistically believed in Western models
as offering solut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
Around the teacher collected money never, mistress innumerable, live a
person of extraordinary powers curtilage, driving luxury cars, high life.
And disciple is dead, their families, the poor, some of the displaced, the
master and disciple really should. Mead Essex county, New Jersey, a person
of extraordinary powers curtilage, covers an area of more than 4000 square
meters, double, with a garden and swimming pool. Valued at $580000, single
private swimming pool in the backyard is worth $24000. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17544
来自主题: TheStrait版 - ZT: I don't believe her story
As a Chinese, I lived through that period of time in China. I have similar
family and educational background as hers and suffered during Culture
Revolution as a child. I think her experiences in China mostly, if not all,
are fabricated, imagined, overly exaggerated or deliberately miss leading.
If one just read the media reports about her book, he/she may think that
media might just pick the sensational parts of the book and exaggerated a
little bit to help her to sell ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 66
hehe, you said your English is poor but you can remember what he said so
clearly and organize it so well? or maybe you and he are exchanging emails?
anyway, here is my two cents:
What this guy described are the issues American are facing nowadays.
Obviously every candidates knew them well enough. However the question we
need to answer is who is the best one to address/solve these issues. Why is
a lier/flip-floper the one? Why is the least-experienced-with-no-proved-
records the one? Why is a per
发帖数: 6655
来自主题: USANews版 - 反对医改的给我科普一下。
If ppl cannot survive on welfare, most of them will find a job instead of
becoming criminals as long as committing crimes is not always better paid
and less dangerous. But nowadays the government is doing the other way.
Criminals are getting less penalty and workers are getting less pay.
As far as seniors, they should take care of themselves as long as they have
been paid fair wage during their career. If they don't know how to save,
that's their problem.
发帖数: 6
I can not believe this could happen in nowadays US.
发帖数: 3299
The religion is used to polarize the society. Either you are with us or not.
Extreme behavior and hatred are also common in China history. Kill riches
and all their relatives including babies and women in revolution. We can not
use nowadays's moral to measure their acts. People involve, adapt, and fit.

发帖数: 1397
To be more exact, communists motivate one group of people who does not have
a pie (proletariat) to kill and rob another group of people who do have a
pie by promising that the proletariat can get an average share of other
people's pie, while what they do not put in their propaganda is that the
communists will keep a much larger share of the victim's pie in their own
The communists used to call this process "revolution". Nowadays it is called
"spread the wealth", "wealth re-sistribution",
发帖数: 10233
来自主题: USANews版 - 老俄子发话了
New Spy Scandal in USA Targets Obama, Not Russia
They also said that the spies used Morse alphabet and encoded messages to
transmit secret information. This is a joke if only we try to imagine what
technologies intelligence services use nowadays. Does the USA really think
that Russian special services are so outdated?
The Republicans struggle against Obama, and I am sure that he will be
destroyed before his presidency expires. Russia plays an auxiliary role in
this scandal. Obama’s adversaries
发帖数: 2428
He did answer your question by raising an indisputable fact: How USA came
into being!
Nowadays, the private arm has no means to match those in the military.
However, with gun, people have better chance to fight tyranny, more than
those who don't have. That's the point. Beside, with so many guns in the
private's hand, any person that though of tyranny have to think twice,
regardless how well their military equipped. This is the mind set of
democracy, maybe this is too hard for you.

Bu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 599
You need to put the 2nd Amendment in the historic context when talking about
its rightfulness. At the time it was enacted, people did need guns to
defend themselves. More than 200 years later, guns owned by non-military
personel do much more evil than good.
If the bill of 2nd Amendment was infront of the congress/president/states
today, it would be impossbile for it to be enacted. However, with the way
the constitution structured, too bad it is unlikely to repeal the 2nd
Amendent nowadays.
发帖数: 4354
来自主题: USANews版 - 越来越讨厌民主党
The welfare system assumes a people that's sufficiently educated, have good
conscience and good work ethic. Thus they will only stay on the welfare
system when they absolutely need to, like unable to work due to age or
This is not true nowadays, a lot of people suck on the tax payer's tit just
because they can get away with it, and some of they are not even legally in
this country.
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 力挺奥巴马连任的是...卡扎菲
4/6/11 at 5:25 PM

Qaddafi Endorses Obama’s Reelection Campaign
For whatever reason, Muammar Qaddafi has decided, in a letter to President
Obama, to just ask if America and NATO would maybe stop bombing Libya,
please? Though Qaddafi obviously doesn't approve of the military campaign
against him, he still has plenty of nice things to say to Obama, including:
Despite all this you will always remain our son whatever happened... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Free To Die?
By Walter E. Williams
December 6, 2011

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, in his New York Times column
titled "Free to Die" (9/15/2011), pointed out that back in 1980, his late
fellow Nobel laureate Milton Friedman lent his voice to the nation's shift
to the political right in his famous 10-part TV series, "Free To Choose."
Nowadays, Krugman says, "'free to choose' has become 'free to die.'"
He was referring to a GOP presidential debate in which Rep. Ron Paul was
asked what should b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 828
来自主题: USANews版 - Ron Paul领先Iowa poll
晕衡量经济难道用现在这些没有可以被随便乱印的纸币?n年前a well made,man suit
costs about one gold coin, nowadays it costs about one gold coin, but what
did you see from the paper fiat money, from 20 to 2000....

发帖数: 21367
the problem of sticking to constitution is like sticking to Bible or Quran
or whatever. those principles are abstract and cannot evolve with the
advancement of human production rate. Worse, their interpretations are
not univeral among people. You may agree with Ron Paul's interpretation
of constitution, other people may have their opinions.
It is very hard to come down from the abstract constitution to
a real, practical solution that is executable in nowadays America.
i agree with many problems ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By John F. Di Leo
We think of the world of transportation -- especially trucking and
automobile manufacturing -- as being one of the most fundamental of
Democratic Party constituencies. Detroit has long been a party stronghold,
with the UAW and Teamsters among Democrats' most powerful union supporters.
From the worker at the DMV to the driver he licenses, this is one solid
chain of Democrats.
But is this political loyalty deserved today, if indeed it ever was? Since
the Democratic Party was t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Islamism at UCLA Law School
By Jamie Glazov
My guest today is George Aaron, an alumnus and graduate of the 1976 class of
the UCLA School of Law. He practices Social Security disability law in
Tarzana, California. He is starting a public campaign for alumni to
withhold donating money to the UCLA School of Law.
Glazov: George Aaron, thank you for taking the time out to talk about your
public campaign.
Tell us about this effort you are starting to convince alumni to withhold
donating money to the UCLA School of Law. It is ... 阅读全帖
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