

全部话题 - 话题: nonestop
发帖数: 604
there is a new nonestop line from NYC to shanghai operated by china east
there will propabily be a new nonestop line from newark, nj to shanghai by
continental next spring.
continental is usually inexpensive. last year i went back to beijing for
only $750 tax included.
发帖数: 42
来自主题: Running版 - NYCM2 Report while it is stil 2011
Each year for a day in November, we have the privilege of occupying the
roads of NYC. Drivers, motorcyclists and even our usual co-conspirators
the cyclists, all stepped aside. The road belong to us today.
It sure feels great to own the road for even a day. We zipped down the road
with millions cheering us on. These are most likely the millions that were
welcomed to the Land of the Free by the Lady in the Harbor. Bands are
playing, music is loud, people screamming words of encouragements... 阅读全帖