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发帖数: 72
来自主题: Football版 - My take on this sb
brady, +7; the last drive in 2001, the counter-throw
against jake in 2003, the last game with 100 d
still killed the toughest team in the league.
vinatieri, +3; needless to say anything.
team, +7; been there, done that, always the best prepared.
oc/dc, +7; should be the last game as pats, one main topic
in pats is to let's win a sb to say goodbye to two fat guys
they finally will go to their new
发帖数: 4053
obviously our defense is experiencin a difficult time with so many injures
and Von banned, yet I trust DPR's capability of tuning the defense to an
upgrade level along with the season proceeds.
Sure, when in playoff span, defense is decisive. I truly believe Denver's
defense will be tuned to meet the challenge during the playoff. Needless to
say PM will lead the offense to crash any opponet's hope for beating Denver
this year.
A little hype, ha ha!
发帖数: 1978
关于歪客的那个 pick play,这家伙跟我的意见相似:
After watching film of the collision, I won't go as far as to say Welker
was trying to take Talib out.
不过他的用词比我的还要 harsh 一些,他用了 dirty :
Needless to say its not normal to see a guy get flipped over on a pick play.
Dirty? Maybe.
他不光说歪客是故意去撞塔利班,并且指出了我们都没看出的一点 ---- 用哪个肩
generally on pick plays like this one, the receiver tries to nudge the
off with their inside shoulder (inside = closest to the defender) or run
right down the middle of them. Welker, o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4053
我还是认为that's the play of the year, but not a play every year, needless
to say every game.
发帖数: 7166
来自主题: Football版 - 风萧萧兮易水寒,海鹰站49
needless to say Den, Ind or KC
发帖数: 3067
that is why i suggest you spend around 1k per year on golf as my friend
suggested me to do. which make the golf is not very expensive, in par with
tennis and ski, about 1k per year each.
the problem you face is not "golf is a costy sport", but how much you can
spend on golf, because every sport is costly. as soundview pointed out, you
can choose to spend alot or less on golf as well as tennis, needless to say,
ski is in the same category.

发帖数: 19471
I don't see these top athletes screwing around and enjoying a few extra
holes as a problem at all, let alone a "mistake". all successful men enjoy a
few extra
pussies. needless to say these guys are younger and physically more attract
ive than most successful men, so they get even more tail. the social and leg
al environment makes it too easy for these bitches to blackmail them. that n
eeds to be changed.
发帖数: 2428
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - Question for Mosin Nagant Rifle owners
Yes, you must! I once clean it in my friend house for my M39. His rod is
just 1 inch short so the patch can not go all the way out of the barrel. I
thought it is not a big deal and I could make up that one inch later.
Needless to say, I forgot. and the next time I took it out, the front 1 inch
is so rusted that I can't see the light coming from that end. I used a
copper brush to clean it finally. but that one inch is pitted. I haven't
shot that gun ever since, because I don't have time to clean
发帖数: 1520
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - $399 的12ga 半自动霰弹枪 -- Linberta
Yesterday, 11:16 PM
Was doing a Google search and found this thread, so registered and now
giving my 2 cents. *
I decided to take a chance and purchase the Linberta 01L semi auto in walnut
for $450 at Buds with free shipping. *It arrived this past Wednesday at my
FFL. *Upon arrival, I opened the box and was immediately hesitant. *The
first thing that hit me was that the picture shows a gloss finish with a
somewhat burl walnut wood. *I ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 707
来自主题: Hockey版 - Here I come
a little late, hoho.
spent the whole afternoon watching Ducks-Wild game, went for dinner and
missed Sens-Devils game.
1。 Coach Lemaire 的确很厉害,用兵神奇, Wild 一点没有让人感觉是打了两个
7-game series得球队整场都拼得很凶,要不是Giguere表现神勇,这场应该是Wild的。
2。 Giguere, Giguere, Giguere, needless to say, marvelous performance!
Giguere 的很多save让我想起Prime时期的ROY
3。 鸭子门的OT如有神助,无法解释,赫赫.
4. 刚看了Devils-Sens的highlights, 感觉Broduer表现还是很不错么,Sens
优势很明显么?葱头酱,recap 一下吧,
发帖数: 3285
来自主题: loseweight版 - 又是一个不眠夜
The only time I've had anything like that was when I made the mistake of
joining the university swim team. I jumped into two-a-days, averaging about
60km a week. Needless to say I burned out after a month.
My typical night was spent wondering if my heartbeat could be heard by my
roommates, shaking and sweating into the wee hours.
Extreme scenario of course.
Have you talked to anyone else at the pool? People with allergies there?
Have you tried different pools with the same reaction?
My gues... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
来自主题: NCAA版 - Harbaugh to Michigan a Done Deal
Harbaugh to Michigan a Done Deal
by admin on December 1, 2010
Jim Harbaugh will be Michigan’s next football coach. While there remains
only speculation in the media and among Michigan alumni, the decision has
already been made privately. Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon has
stated repeatedly that he is going to “wait to evaluate” the state of the
football program until after the bowl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 764
来自主题: NCAA版 - USC's McNair sues NCAA
In his complaint filed Friday, June 3rd in the Superior Court of Los Angeles
County, McNair asks for damages to be found in the following areas; libel,
slander, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, tortious
interference with contractual relations, breach of contract, negligence and
declaratory relief.
McNair was a key link for the NCAA to tie the university to knowledge of the
fact that Bush had received illegal benefits from would-be sports marketer
Lloyd Lake while he was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4978
Why all of West Virginia now hates Mitch McConnell
The Senate GOP leader may end up ravaging West Virginia's beloved college
football program
If you follow college athletics, you’re probably familiar with the
conference realignment chaos now playing out, which is set to make big
winners of some schools — while inflicting grievous and possibly permanent
damage on others. If you don’t, then you probably don’t care much about
the minutia of the whole saga, and it’s too dens... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1984
As someone who has been critical of what I have perceived as the media’s
rush to judgment against Joe Paterno in the Jerry Sandusky scandal, I was
very eager to hear the results of the report by former FBI director Louis
Freeh. My primary concern through all of this is that the case against
Paterno for knowingly protecting a pedophile had not yet been truly proven.
If it was, then I would be the first to admit that Paterno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 252
来自主题: NCAA版 - meyer christmas card to saban
dear nick,
i don't blame you for scaring me out of the evil league. things are way
easier up here. you see, i went undefeated in my first try. i think we are
going to meet up soon enough, and often, for the crystal ball.
to make things more interesting for you, however, i am sending my padawan to
arkansas. i have taught him all the fine arts of sec head coaching,
needless to say, including every tricks to steal or buy recruits. the force
is strong with this young one. i can only hope he makes yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28835
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bookhen (book), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 看了清华物化2班的事迹,真服了这些班干部了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 18 23:20:11 2013, 美东)
我也是二字班的学生干部,我的老乡就在物化二,真为他可耻. 贝志诚和他的北大同学在
当年我从高中入清华,最感到震撼的,不是别的,而是清华人人为己的自私嘴脸. 这是从
上到下的. 因为是学生干部,所以接触到很多不同级别的人,上至党委书记下至普通学生
,都是一样的自私. 有些学生还美其名曰: 自我发展. 我深深震撼之余, 以为这就是
中国知识界的文化精髓,值得学习,所以我也积极地自我发展到了国外,惭愧. 十余年后
的今天,看着窗外的不夜城,回顾当年的投毒案, 感慨万千. 浩瀚中华,还有几个如当年
转载如下. 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5241
来自主题: Running版 - Run less to run faster
“I had an awesome run today. I just felt really good today. You never know
what's going to happen until the day of the race. I finished in 3:10, I beat
my PR by 15 minutes. I know this sounds crazy, but I really think it was
due to less running and adding more variety along with P90X. I am sore and
will most likely do YogaX tomorrow to get some of the kinks out.”
Needless to say, I am really impressed.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Chrissie Wellington也很神啊
Yes, top triathletes are almost never elite runners. Needless to say, they still have to be pretty good at
running. The top male at Kona run the marathon leg in 2:4X in hot conditions.
While the ironman is brutal, it's hard to compare it with an ultra. In ironman you utilize different muscle
groups in different legs. On the bike one refuels consistently and can recover. In an ultra, there is almost no
opportunity to recover.

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Treadmill vs Road vs Trail vs Track
This is one of the most frequent topics for discussions in running -- which
is faster? which is easier? First of all, we gotta make sure that we are
comparing apples to apples, oranges to oranges. Let's assume that the route
is flat, no wind, same temperature, same humidity -- needless to say, all of
these affect the running performance.
While it is easy to tell whether a road is flat -- either by looking at it
or by running on the road in both directions, it is not always obvious
whether a trea
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - Garmin 305/310/405 准吗?
Definitely frustrated about my Garmin 305 now I have time to reflect.
-mile split was WAY off! Didn't pay attention to official mile marker till
mile 10, and by then I was off by 0.4 mi. Needless to say I was feeling
too good on a false calculation;
-HR read may be off too. My HR had never been this stable that it almost
seemed effortless. But I know at least I sped up and breath hard toward
the end. No HR data to match that;
-total time was off as well, I can't figure one this out. Never
发帖数: 10018
Pre-race Preparation: Rest, Fuel & Warm-up
By Pete Pfitzinger, M.S.
As featured in the November 2006 issue of Running Times Magazine
What you do in the hours before the start of a race can have a big impact on
your racing performance. Let’s look at what’s important and what’s not
on race day.
Many runners worry needlessly about how much sleep they get the night before
a big race. Typically, the more critical they think it is, the less sleep
they get. You can relax. How much sleep you get the nig
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - 运动只是have fun而已
The way I worked out was similar to yours before 2008. I played just about
every sport, and was reckless in my
workouts. I would punch/kick trees, throw football/baseball on snowy winter
nights, among other insane
things. Needless to say that I get hurt all the time. For example I would
work my arms so hard that I needed
painkillers to be able to go to sleep. (I did achieve one-arm pull-ups in
the end, which I was proud of.) Then I
started to run races and my workouts became goal oriented. In t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - 11/6 半马报告
CONGRATS on a very respectable time in spite of blisters and ITBS. needless
to say, you'll done better next time and probably need better goal than 1:50
BTW, that's a beautiful medal!
发帖数: 721
来自主题: Running版 - 晚上八点跑完之后的进食问题
这人从340磅减掉了175磅, 减了一半儿还多......
When I first started, I did a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet accompanied
with lean meats to keep protein high. The diet was complimented with lots of
cardio through walking and daily elliptical machine use, and over a period
of 6-months, I lost 40 pounds. During this time, I was also set on limiting
my caloric intake and eating six small meals.
My first plateau was reached at 290 pounds, and lasted about two mon... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 408
Thanks to our car rental company who locked up our ski rack without giving
us the key, I got free demo skis for all 6 days (my friend was a little
jealous, needless to say :))
Vail was snowing for 5 days every day, we got to ski plenty of wet and
sometimes heavy powder every day.
day 1: 2008 Volkl Mantra. Very nice skis. The guy in ski shop recommended to
pick this instead of the newer 2009 version. Handles soft snow very well
and turns well. I was quite impressed that they went well in the "ste
发帖数: 18158
来自主题: Soccer版 - 也只有斯坦福桥能算黑
73 minutes gone and Barca were denied a stonewall penalty when Eto’o got
the ball on the left-hand edge of the area and slipped it into the centre
for Henry, who was just about to get a shot in when Bosingwa tugged his arm
and pulled him down, however the referee unbelievably waved play on. A
minute later Puyol was booked for a needless late lunge on Malouda and as a
result he’s out of the second leg next Wednesday.
Boswinga pulls down Henry, but no penalty awarded
发帖数: 18158
来自主题: Soccer版 - 我车和宇宙周中的裁判定了
73 minutes gone and Barca were denied a stonewal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 268
来自主题: Soccer版 - 干爹现在越来越成熟了
FC Barcelona vs Chelsea 28/04/2009 (Camp Nou)
73 minutes gone and Barca were denied a stonewall penalty when Eto’o got
the ball on the left-hand edge of the area and slipped it into the centre
for Henry, who was just about to get a shot in when Bosingwa tugged his arm
and pulled him down, however the referee unbelievably waved play on. A
minute later Puyol was book... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18158

73 minutes gone and Barca were denied a stonewall penalty when Eto’o got
the ball on the left-hand edge of the area and slipped it into the centre
for Henry, who was just about to get a shot in when Bosingwa tugged his arm
and pulled him down, however the referee unbelievably waved play on. A
minute later Puyol was booked for a needl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 381
StefanoMaradona: "the game is great, it is beyond doubt. If I had to choose
a football history only, I would not hesitate to choose the taller than I
small argentine. In my opinion, in a sense, Maradona is a warrior have no
contact with anyone."
Charlton Diego: "to be involved is because he is I have seen the ball run
fast, and the ball is perfect under his control. His place is feared, you
simply can not put him off. He a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3067
i view it differently.
you know Federe and Sampras can dominate not because of their backhand.
backhand just for transition shot. the main goal is to keep them stay in the
game and seek good opportunity attack with their strong forehand. because
their forehand are so flawless, all the opponents are trying to avoid
hitting their forehand, and cover their court more on forehand side, that
gave extra space for them (Federe and Sampras) to win down the line backhand
. needless to say, federe master
发帖数: 446
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天home game 后打HU NL50
I think HU needs more reading rather than "data mining". So it's really
different from full ring game. And needless to say the swing is huge.
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有木有搞错?
PLO is a sick game. On Friday I was waiting for a LHE seat, and playing in
a 2-5 PLO. I turned the nut flush on a Tc9c5r6c board, and there was
already a lot of chips in the middle. River Kc to bring 4th club on the
board, which I thought changed nothing, except someone had QJc and rivers
the straight flush. Needless to say I lost what was left of my stack. :)
发帖数: 29
来自主题: TVGame版 - 用哪种手柄玩fps比较好
everyone have his own taste. For me, ps3 win on every aspect. Needless to
say you need to pay subscription to play online for 360.
发帖数: 36252
来自主题: TVGame版 - GT5看来确实不怎么样
agree on online play. I was driving my used honda prelude to online races.
needless to say how bad I was being lapped by GT cars

发帖数: 7725
来自主题: TVGame版 - KZ3相当赞啊! (转载)
i said, not include the one i played.
even if you opened it, check the price for the used game
it is still higher than what you paid, needless to compare to the standard
发帖数: 1079
来自主题: TVGame版 - 你们觉得DS和NG哪个难?
most games are fun. some are not FUN. this is one of them.
for a RPG game to be fun, here is a checklist:
1) a very interesting plot that keeps you thinking thru out the game (fail,
game has no plot)
2) many side quests that will add to the story, not just repetitive hacking
monsters (add almost nothing to the story)
3) no needless grinding by killing monsters to level up. and maze design
should be interesting or intriguing, not just big and repetitive (fail, fail
, fail).
发帖数: 14069
来自主题: TVGame版 - 有谁搞了$90的ps4?
Some crafty customers tricked Walmart into selling the PS4 for $90 – here’
s how
There are sure to be plenty of great gaming deals over the holidays, but not
even the best of Black Friday is going to be able to compete with this
ridiculous scam. Earlier this month, Walmart announced that it would match
the prices of certain online retailers, including Amazon.
“We’re committed to providing low prices every day, on everything,”
Walmart says on... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13789
This article was written by Kim
Any person, who appears to be very helpful and generous without any hidden
motives, can be easily identified under a strong Virgo possession. Virgo
personalities is very sympathetic, humane and helpful.
They can not see any helpless person and often volunteer themselves to the
extent of self-sacrifice. These people often help others without any
personal interests and seldom ask for a reward for their assistance. Another
interesting trait of a Virgo person... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 242
明天可能要签一个重要的contract. 我难道不签,要等到8月8日以后吗?
、翻新(re-new)、修正(re-vise)、重返(return)、再次发行(re-issue), 重
性方法和凭直觉处理能带来必要的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 297
来自主题: ClassicalMusic版 - opera news at my school
I just noticed that Maryland Opera Studio is going to stage two operas
in University of Maryland at College Park at the end of next month. One
is Handel's Serse, the other is Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte. Needless to say,
both operas are among the finest exemplars of each composer's art in
their respective fields. I really can't conceal my excitement when heard
this news and can only be thankful to the organizers! From my past experience
(Coronation of Poppea), they have solid performance, and also a
发帖数: 2112
An old Chinese proverb goes something like this: "Any fool can throw a stone
down a well, but it takes a wise man to get it out!" Which is one way of
saying that anybody can tear down, but it's difficult to build up.
Not many years ago this happened: A small boy of four wanted to ride his
older sister's tricycle. He had taken his turn, but he wanted another, and
before the others... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 419
louis was the first accomplished latin dancer that i saw live. needless to
say i was very impressed:) he did a pretty good job with monique on dwts
this past season. i'm still upset that they got booted so early.
on another subject, did anyone see the commercial with edyta and max? i'm
pretty sure it's edyta, but the man could be alec. i think it's ad for jared
the jewelry store. glad that dancesport stars are getting the recognition
发帖数: 21010
【 以下文字转载自 LeisureTime 讨论区 】
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 韩国女画家lee jinju谈论丝袜在她的画作中的含义
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 7 20:30:04 2014, 美东)
GH: Okay, let’s break them down a bit. Can you give an explanation about
the female figure within your works? They all have similar appearances.
LJJ: First of all, I loved to draw since I was young. I loved to draw people
and their facial exprerssions and impressions in particular... and later I
realized that these two characteristics make the person as wh... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Gamble版 - rules of baccarat cards game
The development of Internet is human good news simply, its leave out a lot
of needless troubles, for instance you do not go out to be able to buy your
to mean a thing on the net, make so our life becomes very convenient. Of
course you also can discover, the person that the lottery welfare site of
street collects is little, congested storefront comes off work previously,
had become nowadays such cold and cheerless. Be lottery industry was washed
out by people? Not be actually, people did not aban... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82482
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 对于名著的评价
Reviews Oct 21, 2005
Lone Star Statements
by Matthew Baldwin
The praise of professional critics hardly matters to the book-reviewing
readers at A compilation of the best of the worst… about the
The following are excerpts from actual one-star reviews of books
from Time’s list of the 100 best novels from 1923 to the present. Some
entries have been edited.
Beloved by Toni Morrison (1987)
“Morrison’s obviously a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25759
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 LoveNLust 讨论区 】
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: Thus Spake the Fortune Cookies
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 6 01:31:17 2011, 美东)
A few weeks ago, a bag of fortune cookies caught my daughter's
eyes in an Oriental supermarket. Of course, you all know how
things tend to work out between three-year-old little girls and
anything sweet. So naturally, the cookies came home with us.
Unfortunately for the fortune cookies (or maybe fortunately, rather),
we have other snacks at home that ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25759
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - Dancing in New Haven
Yep...she was still there when I got to Yale. One night after a few
rounds of drinks, we dug up her e-mail address on the Yale mainframe
and elected a German guy to send her a love letter. Needless to say,
she never replied.
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