

全部话题 - 话题: nailed
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发帖数: 1369
来自主题: SellAbroad版 - OPI货源
1) OPI Glamorous Shatter Nail Lacquer Collection - 4 Pc. Set
2) OPI San Francisco 'Be Golden' Nail Lacquer Collection - 5-Pc. Set
with Beauty Bonus;
3) OPI San Francisco 'Catch a Cable Car' Nail Lacquer Collection - 5-Pc.
Set with Beauty Bonus
4) OPI San Francisco 'West Coast Flair' Nail Lacquer Collection - 5-Pc.
Set with Beauty Bonus
5) OPI Couture de Minnie Nail Lacquer Collection - 5-Pc. Set with Beauty
6) OPI Pack the Essentials Set-6 pic
7) OPI Mariah Carey... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 461
来自主题: Tennis版 - 发球测速视频(xbd 进)
“There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a
bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer
a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37
nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his
anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He
discovered it was easier to hold his... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12430
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - 左手食指的指甲怎么说?
please nail this into your head
it's NAIL, not neil...
the nail on my left hand index finger is broken.

my left hand index finger neil is broken.
发帖数: 102
来自主题: Living版 - 关于钉枪和气动工具
I used finish nailer to do first and last rows (face nailing).
I blind-nailed by finish nailer the rest of rows where air nailer can not be
used. Yhis way you only have nail holes on 2 rows (1st and last rows).
For wide baseboards, brad nails are normally too samll and too short. Finish
nails are better in my opinions (2' long). You really want to nail into
studs not into drywall.
发帖数: 5644
钉枪要用finish nail gun,比较贵。便宜的是brad nail gun,弄完还得用nail set敲
进去。因为finish nail头小,所以,一寸半的finish nail都是16的。brad nail是18
下面的叫baseboard molding,一般叫baseboard,上面的叫crown molding,一般叫
发帖数: 6288
来自主题: TVGame版 - 真Ifrit攻略
重点1.躲冲锋,phase1只有一个分身,phase 2 两个 phase 3三个。都是顺时针依次冲
phase 2到phase 3如果不打断这个会连续不断喷发,躲无可躲。bard不要silence。
重点3. plume,前两个phase都是外圈一次中圈一次,不难躲。phase 3还有最后几乎全
灭团点. nails.50%之后出现4个nails,血比较厚,一定要全打掉,剩一个都是秒全团
打掉nail之后就是... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 469
*nail file 一根:用来磨指甲的形状。
*nail buffer一个:主要是用于打磨抛光指甲表面,让它们看起来更平滑。
*cuticle pusher一把:扁的那一头用来push back cuticles, 尖的用来清洁指甲缝。nail supply store有售, 平均5元一把。
*cuticle nipper一把:修剪死皮倒刺和角质。好的nipper需要到nail supply store才能买到,价格在15元左右,看size。
*泡手容器一个:我这里用了一个玻璃碗,dollar store有售呵呵。
*oil: 专业人士就会使用营养油,或者cuticle oil,我们自己在家护理的话baby oil也行。我这里就用的是baby oil,同样,dollar store有售。
*cuticle eliminator一支:b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】Kmart Clearance Deals
I am posting this thread in case anyone in interested in this info. I can
quickly make a list of everything in kmart's clearance section that is at
least 75%. It automatically takes out most the stuff that cant be ordered
but some stuff gets through like items that are available for store pick up
but are OOS everywhere. Most of it is clothes and shoes , which may not be
your sizes. Weed through it you might find a deal. I completely skip the
jewelry section. If i get positive feed back i will ke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 102
来自主题: Living版 - DIY hardwood floor
did my hardwood floor. Never did this kind of DIY before. Turned out to be
ok but no perfect. The following is what I did. Hope it will be useful to
some of you.
1. Make sure you have the right subfloor for hardwood floor
2. Buy hardwood floor and open boxes in the room to acclimate hardwood
boards for 1 or 2 weeks (avoid winter to do installation)
3. Remove baseboards
4. Remove carpets
5. If drywall does not directly touch the subfloor, check if the gap
is big enough to insert... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 102
来自主题: Living版 - 关于钉枪和气动工具
donot mislead rookies pls. You do need to nail the baseboards to studs esp
if you use wide baseboards. Most likely you need to press baseboards against
the floor and/or wall when you nail them because neither floor nor wall are
straight. drywall can not hold baseboards strong enough.
On the other hand, you might get away by not nailing through studs if you
use narrow baseboards and/or your wall/floor are prefectly straight/level.
I hold a stud finder with one hand to scan and use the other hand ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3252
来自主题: Living版 - Hardwood Floor DIY
到此为止 subfloor 终于最被好了,TMD 累死了。
开铺前先要决定木板的方向,原则是木条要和支撑 subfloor 的梁垂直。我的房间因为
有个梯级,要装 stair nose, 所以比较麻烦。 Lowes 的 flooring manager 告诉我很
多 contractor 先装 stair nose, 然后从那往里面铺,另一人却说可以量好尺寸,从
里往外铺,最后才装 stair nose. 第一种方法比较好控制,但要多 face nail 一排,
而且要转向 ( first row's tongue faces outside. use a spline to connect the
grooves between first and second rows so that second row's tongue will face
inside.), 所以我决定用第二种方法。
里面头两排因为不够地方用 nail gun, 所以要手工钉。选用最直最长的木条,第一排
predrill 3/32”, 用 6d finish nail 从上往下钉 (face nail). 第... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 899
来自主题: Living版 - 螺丝钻不进墙壁
Use a stud finder to help you locate (possible) studs. Stud finders aren't a
lways 100% accurate. They can be fooled by metal, wiring, plumbing, and othe
r obstructions.
There may be nail plates where you're trying to attach the screws. A nail pl
ate is a strip of metal that fits over the stud and prevents anyone from scr
ewing and nailing in that area. Nail plates are used to protect plumbing and
wiring from peopl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 459
来自主题: PennySaver版 - RA 8/19-825(转贴)
Free After +UP Rewards
Max Freeze or Max Heat Pain Relievers, $7, $7 +UP, Limit 1
$2/1 Max Freeze IP
RA Hand Sanitizer 8oz, $1, $1 +UP, Limit 4
Restless Legs Cream 4oz, $11, $11 +UP, Limit 1
Sleep Sheets Honey Dreams Sleep Aid 10ct, $5, $5 +UP, Limit 1
$1/1 in boxes purchased at Wags
+UP Rewards
A&H or Arrid Deodorant, $2.99, $2 +UP, Limit 3
http://www.arrid.com/coupons.aspx Submit info, maybe get coupon
Anacin 50 ct., St. Joseph Aspirin 325 mg, 125 ct. & Mineral Ice 8 oz, $4.99,
$4 +UP, Limit 2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 215
来自主题: Boston版 - Since there is no water...
Got a little story for you. :)
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave
him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he
must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy
had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next fewweeks, as he learned
to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually
dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive
those nails into the fence... Finally the
发帖数: 593
来自主题: Exchange版 - 转转小样---A to Z
===Make up for ever===     图1
Smocky extravagant mascara 睫毛膏
Size 4mL
Price 0.50
Buy this, get 2 samples free
Rouge artist Natural lip color
N9 copper pink
Size 4mL
Price 0.50
Buy this, get 2 samples free
Free samples
High definition blush
410 coral
Size 0.35g
Qty 2
High definition pressed powder
Size 0.06g
Multi-use Powder Foundation 4-in-1 card
118 natural beige
120 natrual ivory
125 pink beige
155 pink honey
*****************************************************... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4125
来自主题: _Handyman版 - 地下室怎么铺地毯?
They sell tack strip made for concrete, they are almost the same as for wood
but come with concrete nails, if you have trouble nail them in, you can
sweep the floor clean first and use some liquid nail to glue them down first
and after the glue dried (next day) you can pound the nails in, you might
also buy a few extra nails if you have holding problem.
If you room is large, make sure you use power stretcher, not just a knee
发帖数: 4125
来自主题: _Handyman版 - 地下室怎么铺地毯?
They sell tack strip made for concrete, they are almost the same as for wood
but come with concrete nails, if you have trouble nail them in, you can
sweep the floor clean first and use some liquid nail to glue them down first
and after the glue dried (next day) you can pound the nails in, you might
also buy a few extra nails if you have holding problem.
If you room is large, make sure you use power stretcher, not just a knee
发帖数: 1211
Pay attention to the sentence between hyphens.
Is there a picture of ZL's nails?
A 45-year-old travelling salesman was hospitalized with unexplained weakness
and weight loss of over six months duration. He had been hospitalized
several times without a diagnosis being found. A dermatopathologist/general
pathologist saw the nails. Multiple bands of transverse true leukonychia
were found. The nails and hair were analyzed for heavy metals including
arsenic. Arsenic was found. At that point, the phys... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1211
Assuming the nail is 10 mm long, it takes between
60-100 days for the mees band to traverse from
bottom to top.
ZL received Prussian Blue on 4/28, 50 days later on 6/10, Tl
level in her urine dropping to base line. Her nail measured
a second peak on 5/10, it dropped to base line on 8/4, 70 days
later, but no measurements were done in July.
Her nail recorded two peaks, one around 4/28, one at 5/10, +/-
5-10 days. We can extract back to two poisoning events.
Assuming it takes 60 days for the mees ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1211
Assuming the nail is 10 mm long, it takes between
60-100 days for the mees band to traverse from
bottom to top.
ZL received Prussian Blue on 4/28, 50 days later on 6/10, Tl
level in her urine dropping to base line. Her nail measured
a second peak on 5/10, it dropped to base line on 8/4, 70 days
later, but no measurements were done in July.
Her nail recorded two peaks, one around 4/28, one at 5/10, +/-
5-10 days. We can extract back to two poisoning events.
Assuming it takes 60 days for the me... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576

It depends on which nail they sampled because the lengths vary from 10mm (
pinky finger nail) to 30mm (great toenail).
It was said the great toenails are the best for analysis.
If they took the great toenail, it would take 300 days for the Mee's line to
reach the nail tip.
The TI in 04/28 urine sample should be from a different intoxication than
that in the 04/28 nail sample.
发帖数: 19053
来自主题: JobHunting版 - zz If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers
Interviewer: So, you're a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That's right, that's what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that's good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you're a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that'd be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we're working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?
Carpenter: Well, I'm a carpenter, so I build houses,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 610
来自主题: Living版 - 有人换过shingle吗?
However, what you mentioned here is about regular area, i.e. flat surface.
That's much easier.
I read quite a few articles and realized roof valleys are different.For
close-cut valleys, shingles are nailed on surface A, crossing the valley and
nailed down with two more nails on surface B.Those shingles are then
covered by the shingles laid on surface B. Shingles on the top need to be
trimmed at the top corner, cut at the valley center, and sealed with roof
cement. Also,no nails are allow... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 923
本来是nail down,是在tongue 45度往下钉,每一块板都钉
我现在是tongue and groove都用roberts 1406粘在一起,整块地板是float的!我的问
题是我可以face nail吗?
如果可以钉的话,我是不是只可以face nail二边,因为如果我nail四条边,夏天时热
发帖数: 13081
1。 用 miter saw 切 45度角, 墙角经常拼不齐。
2。 baseboard 的长短很难控制。
往往切好了, 钉子钉上后, baseboard 往后腿 1, 2 毫米。 本来合缝的,给留了个
3。 stud finder 很难找到确切的stud 位置。
这个是不是和我的 stud finder 有关?
4。 finish nail..
多长好? 具体那个型号?
5。 填finish nail 的坑能用 caulk ? 还是要wood filler?
发信人: wuhuarou (五花肉), 信区: Living
标 题: Re: 准备开始装laminate地板了,开个帖子,顺便问问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 20 14:44:16 2012, 美东)
laminate地板安装kit,榔头,护膝,jig saw
我个人认为jig saw切地板完全够用,因为切割的部分会被baseboard遮盖住。夹子和工
作台会让切割方便一些。... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3082
俺想finish nail应该是泛称,就是finish up用的,同样framing nail是建frame的,
pin nail就是23g小pin
brad nail是特指18g 平头钉
发帖数: 499
Action Needed- Flashing is improperly installed at left side of chimney.
Step flashing is not under siding as required. Have aqualified roofing
contractor repair.
Action Needed- Installing of a safety cable through the safety springs is
recommended. Safety cables are recommended to be installed through (in the
center of) the safety springs to prevent the spring from "flying" in the
event of breakage.
Act... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2105
来自主题: Living版 - 请教装engineering wood的问题
我在板上查,solid wood才可以选择nail down。为什么我的contractor说给我装
engineering wood也是nail down?3/8寸的。也可以选择glue,当然我觉得毒性大,
可以nail down最好nail了。
发帖数: 3078
Another big reason:
Screws are brittle and can't withstand the stress of a shear loaded joint,
so use of nails is necessary simply because screws will fail in that
application (and are required by building code).
The only proper fastener besides a nail would be a bolt - and that would
take even longer (and cost far more) than driving a framing nail.
And just like woodchips said above, speed/cost is a big factor - I can drive
20 nails with my framing nailer in the time you can run a pair of 3" sc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
3. If you choose solid hardwood floor, this is what you need
If you need to take out the old flooring then
3.1. pry bar
3.2. hammer, screw driver
3.3. plywood and screws for plywood
3.4. Pre-finished planks
3.5. Miter Saw, Table Saw
3.6. Planer, Sander (special planks)
3.7. floor Nailer/mallet, nails
This one is expensive, about $500. You may rent it at home depot, however
you will have the time pressure to finish it. My experience is that it will
always take longer time to complete your work th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1211
来自主题: Medicine版 - 灰指甲怎么治?
灰指甲 Onycomycosis is not 疑难杂症
It is a fungal infection of your nail growth plate. It is difficult to
treat by topical medicine, because medicine is difficult to penetrate
through nails into growth plates. You have two solutions:
1) use topical nail treatment for long time (sometimes 6 month). One trick
is to scrape off the surface of nails before applying medicine to facilitate
drug penetration.
2) use oral anti-fungal medication. It is much more effective, but some
people will experience a
发帖数: 1245
就是婴儿配方奶粉了. 因为一直决定母乳喂养,这个research作得最少. 只知道好几种
畅销品牌,比如similac,Enfamil,nestle,gerber,etc. 其实各种牌子,差别应该
不大,都是按指标配出来的么. 每种牌子还有不同的细类. 可能还分不同的stage,给
奶粉先不买呢. 去它们厂家的网站注册,会收到样品. 医院应该也有样品. 够用一阵子
了. Research我以后用得着再作吧. 现在能懒一点是一点拉.
换Enfamil就好了. 所以我暂时倾向Enfamil现在.
VI.Diapers and related:
纸尿裤是也. 不同大小的宝宝用不同size的尿裤: newborn,1,1-2,3,4,…每种尿裤
都标明了适用于多重的宝宝. Newborn的是给刚出生的宝宝用的,比别的size都贵.一般
医院会送一些.然后看不同宝宝的长势需要几十到100多片不等. 尽管1号的也可以给新
生宝宝用,但据说腰比较高,容易... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5161
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - [合集] 如何给新生儿剪指甲呀?
wwn (神勇的小蝎) 于 (Mon Nov 5 19:14:25 2012, 美东) 提到:
用那种一小片的磨指甲的nail file 磨圆就行了.
那么小的指甲, 我是不敢剪的...
QUBO2011 (Q宝) 于 (Mon Nov 5 19:42:04 2012, 美东) 提到:
convallaria (铃兰) 于 (Mon Nov 5 19:43:57 2012, 美东) 提到:

rcf (hello world) 于 (Mon Nov 5 19:59:24 2012, 美东) 提到:
yes, definitely
☆───────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 810
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 本周Target和CVS几个deal
CVS deals (5/24-5/30):
Offer: Buy $15 of Sally Hansen cosmetics, get $5 ECB
Buy (5) Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Treatments- $3.49 Reg. Price
Use $5/$15 Cosmetic Purchase Instant Coupon from Extra Care Coupon Center(
Printing for everyone)
And use (5) $1.50 OFF on any Sally Hansen Nail Treatment Item printable
Total = $4.95, Get Back $5 ECB
Final price: FREE
有的地方价格是$3.79 or $3.99, 只要买4个就可以用 $5/$15胖子
Buy 4 Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Treatments - $3.79 each
Use $5/$15 Cosmetic Purchase Instant Coupo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 810
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 本周Target几个deals (3/6-3/12)
GoGo SqueeZ YogurtZ (4 pack) - $2.62
Use 25% Off GoGo SqueeZ YogurtZ 4 pk Target-Cartwheel
And use $1/1 GoGo Squeez 4 pack or Larger printable
Final price: $0.97
Annie’s Yogurt (4 pack) - $3.04

Use $1/1 Annie’s Yogurt 4 Pk printable

And use 30% Off Annie’s Yogurt 4-Pack Target Cartwheel

Final Price: $1.13
Buy (5) Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner 24oz - $1.99
and buy (1)Travel Size Wipes 9ct - $0.97
Use 5% Off Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaners Target Cartwheel
And use (3) $1/2 Cloro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19053
Interviewer: So, you're a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That's right, that's what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that's good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you're a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that'd be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we're working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?
Carpenter: Well, I'm a carpenter, so I build houses,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 求推荐修房子的contractor
Foundation inspection:
B01 Bld set backs/location
B02 Forms & Steel
B03 Footings
B04 Hold down placement
B05 Foundation Combo B01 - B04
Structural inspections
B06 Under floor framing / shear
B07 Floor Joist
B08 Under Floor insulation
B09 Roof Tear Off (reroof)
B10 Roof Deck nailing
B11 Exterior Shear Nailing
B12 Interior / Exterior Lath
B13 Rough Frame inspection
B14 Interi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3914
哈哈, 不瞒美人鱼, 我还真买了好多种颜色的nail polish。 我到Walmart专挑便宜
货, 一卖就好几瓶, 去check out时, cashier都带着“有色”的眼睛, 我就直接的
告诉她: I buy all this for my toe nails. 听我这么一说, 她就大笑。
我自己做的poppers, 眼睛是用nail polish画上去的。 还有很多jig heads, 我也用
nail polish点眼睛。
发帖数: 1326
something is pressing ur nails too much... I had that problem too before
when biking. Took about 1-2 month for the new nail to grow out and push off
the old bruised nails.
all newbies skis with weight on the back of the skis, never heard of people
getting bruised nails because of that.
I think u should probably wearing thin socks to ski and get ur boot properly
fitted. Some boot fitters can modify the boot to create more toe room.

发帖数: 32
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - Something to Share with You All
The following was sent to me by a friend of mine. It got me
to do a little bit thinking and reflection after reading it.
Thought I would share it with you all. :)
"There was once a little boy with a very bad temper. One day his
Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he
lost his temper, he must nail a nail on the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.
In the next few weeks that followed, as the boy learned to control
his anger, the number
发帖数: 19053
Interviewer: So, you're a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That's right, that's what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that's good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you're a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that'd be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we're working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?
Carpenter: Well, I'm a carpenter, so I build houses,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15396
Katia Andreassi
for National Geographic
Published September 10, 2013
A California veterinarian is taking her crusade across North America with a
documentary that opens this month.
The Paw Project is directed by Jennifer Conrad, a vet who spent much of her
career working with exotic animals. After observing the debilitating effect
of declawing on tigers, lions, and other big cats, she began to perform
reparative surgeries on their pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15396
来自主题: pets版 - 小小的反思
long nails are easier to get torn
they don’t walk correctly when the nails are too long. this is bad for leg
muscles and the spine
ingrown nails
long nails provide LESS traction, which makes it easier to slip and fall
here is a good short video
发帖数: 638
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 聖經明令禁止聖誕樹的章節
耶 10:1 以色列家啊!要听耶和华对你们所说的话。 (CUVS)
Jer 10:1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israe
l, (KJV)
Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto yo
u, O house of Israel:(KJV)
Hear the word which the LORD speaks to you
, O house of Israel.(NASB)
Yǐsèliè jiā a, yào tīng Yēhéhuá duì nǐmen suǒ shuō de huà.(PIN
以色列家!... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
2 The Passion of Christ
(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
26 Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed
him over to be crucified.
15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had
Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
25 He released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and
murder, the one they asked for, and surrendered Jesus to their will.
1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.
The Passion comprises all ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5466
来自主题: Wisdom版 - [合集] 学自行车和修道
Yisu (大头教主) 于 (Wed Nov 9 11:46:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
学自行车和修道有关系吗? 我看有, 如果是少于等于两个轮子的。。:)
会骑自行车的人都知道, 想学会自行车, 最难的就是一开始那一下, 一个脚在下面
, 一个脚蹬脚踏,从静止进入运动的状态,一旦进入运动, 一开始不是向左到, 就
为什么呢? 因为一开始我们多少都不太相信除了向左, 向右, 还有不到的情况。 尽
管看到过别人骑自行车,那也只是相信,但是轮到自己,就是自信的问题了。 因为总
是担心向一边倒, 所以不是留意左边, 就是留意右边,越害怕倒, 还就倒的越快。
就这样, 一遍遍的摔到,一遍遍品尝失败, 也慢慢地培养着自信。。毕竟还是相信能
还是开始那一下, 紧张慌乱失败,紧张慌乱失败, 终于有一天,突然找到了感觉,
就是个感觉, 于是歪歪扭扭地上路了, 每一寸前进都透露着悬。。但是慌乱的心却悄
悄地走了, 换来的是更加的自信和快乐。。
还是那个人, 还是那个车, 原来总觉的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 383
来自主题: HIT版 - The fence
>> The Fence
>> There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a
>> bag
>> of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to
>> hammer a
>> nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37
>> nails
>> into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered
>> it
>> was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the
>> fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper
>> at
发帖数: 19053
Interviewer: So, you're a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That's right, that's what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that's good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you're a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that'd be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we're working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?
Carpenter: Well, I'm a carpenter, so I build houses,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19053
Interviewer: So, you're a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That's right, that's what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that's good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you're a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that'd be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we're working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?
Carpenter: Well, I'm a carpenter, so I build houses,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8347
来自主题: Programming版 - 老木匠找工作
Interviewer: So, you’re a carpenter, are you?
Carpenter: That’s right, that’s what I do.
Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?
Carpenter: Ten years.
Interviewer: Great, that’s good. Now, I have a few technical questions to
ask you to see if you’re a fit for our team. OK?
Carpenter: Sure, that’d be fine.
Interviewer: First of all, we’re working in a subdivision building a lot of
brown houses. Have you built a l... 阅读全帖
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