

全部话题 - 话题: menupur
发帖数: 237
First, I wish you good luck and things will get better (after increase in
medication). If it still doesn't work, it is quite common that an IVF is
canceled for some reason. I have a canceled cycle too. At least you and
your doctor know you body better now.
It seems to me that your lupron 20 units are a bit high -- mine is 10 when I
did my lupron cycle. And when I started to stim, I started with very high
dose and then gradually drop (starting dosage is 300 Gonal-F plus 150
menupur). Is ther
发帖数: 54
I haven't started my cycle yet. My nurse asked me to order 6 Follistim 300
IU and 11 Menopur. I am 33 and FSH is low. Every exam is normal. I don't
know how much I will use. But I don't want to order them all now. Maybe just
order some of them and then get refill later. Otherwise I would waste the
rest if I don't need them. Just curious how much you take each day and how