s********1 发帖数: 581 | 1 请推荐便宜的manual aperture/shutter speed相机。 给大学生初学者的礼物。
thank you. |
b***u 发帖数: 12010 | 3 买了一个第三方flash,接上发现d3200不能以有flash来估计暴光。有地方设么?还是
需要用manual mode拍几个试?挺浪费电的。 |
s**********r 发帖数: 533 | 4 外闪,不用Manual就没意义了。
TTL很不好控制 |
b***u 发帖数: 12010 | 5 应该是该用manual。用diffuser, bouncer flash时相机自己猜的应该也没法用。 |
l***7 发帖数: 960 | 6 ttl是闪光灯预闪一下然后算曝光量,我觉得ttl挺靠谱的,尤其是室外光线变化很快或
者场景不停变化的时候,manual很麻烦。 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 8 ...
有谁私人拥有这架飞机,还需要从amazon买owner manual的? |
f******d 发帖数: 6361 | 9 电影《Manuale d'amore 2》,意大利教母莫妮卡贝鲁奇主演。
曲名:Eppure Sentire |
d***o 发帖数: 142 | 10 连上iphone然后在itunes里的summary tab选择"manually manage music and video"时
reset synch history"也不管用.哪位大侠指点一下. |
h*******n 发帖数: 1216 | 11 买了一个parallel desktop 5 for MAC, upgrade rebate需要以前版本的持有者证明,
请有5 以前版本的XDJM帮忙一下,给照一个CD或者manual cover的照片,包子感谢。 |
c*****m 发帖数: 157 | 12 叫manual bar 还是tool bar? 就是最上那个,左上是苹果那个。
icon, application内字体都可调,那个找了许久都找不到。view->custom tool bar又
2008 MB 13" 换成 2011 MBP 17"... 主要还是年级大了吧,呵呵。觉得字太小看不爽.
.. |
f******g 发帖数: 70 | 14 Beginner, really need a manual to start. pls help! |
r*****3 发帖数: 143 | 15 Whether you’re a budding blogger or web development professional, WordPress
is a brilliant tool for creating websites—if you know how to tap its
impressive features. This jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use
WordPress and its themes, plug-ins, and widgets to build just about any
website you can imagine, from a classy blog to a basic e-commerce site.
http://ul.to/lpo8pj4h |
r*****3 发帖数: 143 | 16 Whether you’re a budding blogger or web development professional, WordPress
is a brilliant tool for creating websites—if you know how to tap its
impressive features. This jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use
WordPress and its themes, plug-ins, and widgets to build just about any
website you can imagine, from a classy blog to a basic e-commerce site.
http://ul.to/lpo8pj4h |
l***r 发帖数: 459 | 17 Greetings,
I met this error when I try to create a database manually:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30014: operation only supported in Automatic Undo Management mode
My simple script looks like:
create database SMALL
group 1 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/SMALL/redo101.log',
'/opt/oracle/oradata/SMALL/redo102.log') SIZE 5M REUSE,
group 2 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/SMALL/redo201.log',
'/opt/oracle/oradata/SMALL/redo202.log') SIZE 5M REUSE
datafi |
w********i 发帖数: 244 | 18 We pay more attentions to the quick development. Now we have time to
conclude all the technical parts(codes, classes, stored procedure...). I
want to write the manual for our application in details. Anyone has
suggestions or examples? Thank you very much! |
w****g 发帖数: 597 | 20 http://www.cs.fsu.edu/general/vimanual.html
vi Manual
by Tony Chen, a****[email protected] (last changed Dec 7, 1993)
Table of Contents
* Starting vi
* Cursor keys
* Word and Line Movement keys
* Number counts
* Cancelling commands
* Status line
* Scroll commands
* Delete commands
* Input/editing commands
* Search
* Copy, paste, undo, repeat
* Ex commands (file commands)
* Search and replace
(1) jump to the last line of file: |
w****g 发帖数: 597 | 21 Yes, google online manual is another solution. |
n*****r 发帖数: 1087 | 22 看看怎么写pdf report和presentation。具体点的manual,最好有截屏或者step by
Thanks。 |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 23 不就一个调试器嘛,要什么manual
stack frame,还有啥?
不行就上GUI. |
o**o 发帖数: 3964 | 24 gdb有个标准的manual,如果跟我一样看不懂就用ddd好了,
除了偶尔crash, 看源程序还是不错的 |
H****J 发帖数: 326 | 25 在一台老机器上跑MATLAB, 6以上的版本太慢,找了个5.3是去掉helpdesk的压缩版。
不知哪儿可以找到比较全的5.3 manual。
谢谢。 |
z***l 发帖数: 256 | 26 http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/html_node/Introduction.html#Introduction
A physicist, an engineer, and a computer scientist were discussing the
nature of God. “Surely a Physicist,” said the physicist, “because
early in the Creation, God made Light; and you know, Maxwell's
equations, the dual nature of electromagnetic waves, the relativistic
consequences....” “An Engineer!,” said the engineer, “because
before making Light, God split the Chaos into Land and Water; it takes a
hell of an |
w********i 发帖数: 244 | 27 I remember I read the discussion about software manual.
I could not find that topic in mitbbs..where is it now? :) |
b*******g 发帖数: 513 | 28 我用的是windows下的winedt。:)就是如果编译不过的话会有一个黑的dos窗口。上面
会提示在latex manual的某一页找某信息。 |
t****y 发帖数: 361 | 29 ACM Exam M manual, 3rd Edition, for 2006
Excellent condition,no marking
Still great for MLC part of the new M exams
PM me with your offer if interested. |
p*****o 发帖数: 36 | 30 请问版上考过C的,是不是actex的C的manual就足够了? |
s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 31 don't recommend Actex for C.
Personally, I used BPP manuals (actuarialoutpost doesn't give good
recommendation for BPP though - too easy) and BPP online lectures. Found it
very helpful, especially the online lecture, which is nice and not expensive
at all. Passed with a 9 on my first sitting.
Most people I know like ASM a lot, you can buy ASM from the Actex website.
ASM is very well organized and it tells you which sections of the textbooks
too read.
BPP is nice in the way that you don't need to |
b**********e 发帖数: 9 | 32 打算07年考M的同学都知道了,考试内容有变动,考试分为了MLC和MFE两部分。
我刚收到ASM Study Manual for Exam MLC, 4th Edition,根据考试变动的最新版本,
为书是前几天才收到的,还没有来得及翻读,perfect condition。
有意的同学,$170包邮,请email me at s*********[email protected], 不诚勿扰,谢谢! |
a*****y 发帖数: 1 | 33 请问有前辈想出售FM 和P的MANUAL的么?如果有,请和我联系,不胜感激!!!
邮箱 r*********[email protected] 谢谢! |
c****z 发帖数: 613 | 34 is there anyone want to share used Guo's Study Manual for P/1 exam?
请站内邮箱联系。谢谢。 |
i***W 发帖数: 1259 | 35 Derivatives Markets, 2nd Edition - Solutions Manual
Thanks! |
M********y 发帖数: 1964 | 36 ACTEX study manual SOA Exam P CAS Exam 1 (new) $80 + ship |
h******e 发帖数: 3 | 39 求够ACTEX 和 Guo's manual for P/1 exam
请联系w****[email protected]
Thank you! |
N****6 发帖数: 10 | 40 大家好, 本人不是学精算专业的, 跨专业考 SOA , 请问 复习 MLC 和 C 光看
ACTEX 的 Manual 够不够 , 需要再去买教材看吗? |
i***W 发帖数: 1259 | 41 光看manual够, 换ASM吧, ACTEX不行. |
c******e 发帖数: 2 | 43 我想买新版的考试manual,找人合买,分摊成本,有兴趣的同学给我邮件.
邮箱:b******[email protected]
QQ:76804303 |
h*****n 发帖数: 99 | 44 Please pm if you have any test manual for sale. |
s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 45 personally I think ASM manuals are on the harder side...
to give you a better idea, I used BPP for exam C and only tried to do the
practice sets from ASM a couple of days before the exam. I did very poorly
(like barely getting 50%) on the ASM practice sets even though I was doing
very well with BPP questions and past exams from the SOA. I got a 9 (one
question short from a 10) on the actual exam...
just my personal thoughts though... I know lots of ppl who rely heavily on
ASM and have gotten g |
e*****n 发帖数: 31 | 46 求购 FM study manual....
谢谢 |
q*******t 发帖数: 18 | 47 Brand New ASM Study Manual Exam FM/Exam 2, 9th Edition
Original Price: $150.0 at ACTEX Publications
Ask: $100.0 + shipping
If interested, please contact w********[email protected] |