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发帖数: 1
达到要secret service介入的程度。
5 Things to Know About Donald Trump’s Longtime Butler Anthony Senecal
Senecal frequently goes online to rant about everything from the 2016
election to Beyonce’s halftime performance at the Superbowl, according to
the New York Times. One of his recurring themes is theories about how Obama
is a secret Muslim out to destroy America. Last year, Senecal said that the
president was “castrating” the military and added that it was “time ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - 给希拉理支持者的一本书
New York Times Best Seller!
Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary
Unlikeable is the stunning, powerful exposé of Hillary Clinton and her
floundering race for the White House. With unprecedented access to longtime
associates of the Clintons and the Obamas, investigative reporter Edward
Klein meticulously recreates conversations and details of Hillary Clinton's
behind-the-scenes plotting in Chappaqua and Whitehaven. Klein, the former
editor in chief of New York Times Magazine and a contributin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5274
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump貌似要被逼迫独立参选了
"some longtime GOP strategists and donors..."
"talk in some Republican circles..."
So are any of these people important? Do they have any power? Because they
are "anonymous"
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 亚裔在美国教室里的表现:下一个战场?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 17 20:41:05 2016, 美东)
Asian-American representation in classrooms: The next battleground?
A growing movement of Asian-American activists is adding a new voice into
claims of systematic racism at campuses nationwide.
From alleged racism against professors of color to calls for more Asian-
A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 希拉里领导下的贪腐大军
Corruption Conviction of Clinton Crony Foreshadows Hillary Legal Struggles
Chaka Fattah:希拉里的superdelegate,刚被判犯有22项贪腐罪。
Hillary Clinton superdelegate and longtime Democratic Congressman Chaka
Fattah was convicted of 22 counts of corruption charges.
Sheldon Silver: 希拉里的superdelegate,2015年11月被判犯有贪腐罪。
Fattah isn’t the first Clinton superdelegate to be convicted under
corruption charges. Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver,
who was convicted of corruption in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 563
Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump's convention
A slot at the Republican National Convention used to be a career-maker — a
chance to make your name on the big stage and to catch the eye of the
Republican donors and activists who make or break campaigns.
In the year of Trump: Not so much.
Story Continued Below
With the convention less than a month away, POLITICO contacted more than 50
prominent governors, senators and House members to gauge their interest in
speaking. Only a few said they... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - Hillary Clinton interviewed by the FBI
Clinton interviewed by the FBI about private email server
The interview was expected and it does not suggest that she or anyone else
is likely to face prosecution. Some legal experts view criminal prosecution
as exceedingly unlikely. The interview may indicate that the Justice
Department's yearlong probe is drawing to a close.
But the ongoing investigation represents a major risk for Democrats as
Clinton is merely four weeks away from being formally nominated as the party
's presidential candida... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 奥巴马的legacy有哪些?
JJ 10 minutes ago
1. Single handily destroyed the great economy of the U.S. with no jobs,
lowest GDP growth in history, overbearing regulation, stagnant wages and
disastrous Obamacare.
2. Will have increased the national debt by more than $10 trillion and a
total of more than $21 trillion and more than all other Presidents combined.
3. Bankrupted the middle class wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
DALLAS (AP) -- After each fatal shooting of a black man by an officer,
President Barack Obama has swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving
voice to the generations of African-Americans who have found themselves at
the wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog or a gun.
As much as those words have comforted blacks, they have rankled many of the
nation's men and women in blue. Some have described the remarks as an insult
, an all-too-quick condemnation before all the facts are in and a failure t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12895
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Donald Trump is planning to use the Republican National
Convention to make the unusual move of announcing names of potential cabinet
members, Trump’s longtime confident Roger Stone has confirmed.
Stone was speaking in an interview set to air Sunday night on this reporter
’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on
New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM.
Stone stated:I think that Trump is going to name a prospective cabinet and
there is of c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4860
Cleveland (CNN)A Trump organization staffer identified herself on Wednesday
as the person responsible for plagiarism in Melania's Trump convention
speech and offered her resignation.
Meredith McIver apologized in a statement sent out by the campaign and said
Donald and Melania Trump did not accept her resignation.
McIver explained that she included the passages from Obama's speech... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1462
来自主题: USANews版 - 确实不是抄袭米歇尔的。哈哈
My name is Meredith McIver and I’m an in-house staff writer at the Trump
Organization. I am also a longtime friend and admirer of the Trump family.
"In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed
many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the
American people. A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the
phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I
wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4860
Meredith McIver, an in-house staff writer from the Trump Organization, has
released a statement regarding Melania Trump's speech from July 18th, 2016,
at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
The statement can be viewed via the link below:
"My name is Meredith McIver and I’m an in-house staff writer at the Trump
Organization. I am also a longtime friend and admirer of the Trump family.
In working w... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama's brother is voting for Trump
President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again —
so he’s voting for Donald Trump.
“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told
The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great
Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”
Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his
brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch alleg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Wikileaks released a series of voicemails Wednesday from the Democratic
National Committee hack showing donors plying top-level officials for favors
, and one donor expressing outrage that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had won
a say in the drafting of the party’s platform.
In one of the 29 voicemails released, a woman who donated $300 to Clinton
called the party finance director Andrew Wright and said she was angry the
party was acquiescing to Sanders by allowing liberal activist and prominent
San... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
For the first time, the FBI has charged a law enforcement officer in the
United States with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic
The accused, a 36-year-old transit police officer in Washington, D.C. named
Nicholas Young, was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday at the Metropolitan
Police Headquarters, according to the Washington Post.
Young was caught in an FBI sting operation, in which an undercover operative
for the Joint Terrorism Task Force convinced him to provide “codes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10182
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Joke
标 题: 哈佛共和党呼吁其他共和党一起抵制trump.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 4 16:50:44 2016, 美东)
“We call on our party’s elected leaders to renounce their support of
Donald Trump, and urge our fellow College Republicans to join us in
condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man. The
conservative movement in America should not and will not go quietly into the
A longtime student of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville once... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 786
来自主题: USANews版 - 最近对老床普非常厉害的攻击
川普五次逃兵役这个不是偶然性,他是用病来逃得,川粉自己打脸去吧! 啪啪啪!
a fishy medical exemption that declared him ineligible for combat.
According to the newspaper, Mr Trump's 1-Y classification, which was
considered a temporary exemption, in practice would have only resulted in
him being considered for service in case of national emergency or an
official declaration of war, which the United States avoided during the
fighting in Vietnam.
It went on to note how his longtime ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Trump Is Right: Elections Can Be Rigged
by Jeffery Lord
August 9, 2016, 12:35 am
And Sean Hannity is right too.
“I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged. I have to be honest…. I’
m telling you, November 8, we’d better be careful, because that election is
going to be rigged. And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’
s going to be taken away from us.”
Thus spoke Donald Trump the other day, igniting a mini-media firestorm.
President Obama himself couldn’t resist the chance to jump... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21026
来自主题: USANews版 - 希拉里去年慈善捐款共104万
The other $42,000 contribution was to Desert Classic Charities. That group
hosts an annual PGA golf event. Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation adviser and
Bill Clinton’s longtime assistant, was on the board of directors of that
organization through 2014
发帖数: 4427
KIEV, Ukraine — On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is
an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul
Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His
furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May.
And Mr. Manafort’s presence remains elsewhere here in th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans stepped up their attacks on Monday on former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and
pointed to newly released messages to allege that foreign donors to the
Democratic presidential nominee's family charity got preferential treatment
from her department.
Congressional Republicans issued subpoenas to three technology companies
that either made or serviced the private email server located in the
basement of Clinton's New York home. The su... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
by Jerome Hudson24 Aug 20161676
New reporting on allegations that Hillary Clinton used her position as
Secretary of State to sell access to major Clinton Foundation donors —
charges first detailed in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter
Schweizer’s New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash — have led to a
flood of calls from left-wing and center-left media for the Clintons to shut
down their multibillion-dollar charity.
Below is a list of eleven of these esta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 256
来自主题: USANews版 - 决战开始!The Trump Blitz Begins
Think of it as the moment when Donald Trump truly learned to throw a (
campaign) punch. It came about three weeks ago, amid the latest swirl of
stories on the Clintons’ ethics. Hillary Clinton had recently blamed her
private email server on Colin Powell. Judicial Watch had released more
emails that showed the Clinton Foundation begging the State Department for
special favors on behalf of its donors. Bill Clinton had floated laughable
plans to reform the foundation.
The Trump campaign pounced. It... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
What’s the Matter With Connecticut?
By Annie Lowrey
A funny-sad back-and-forth appeared in the pages of the Hartford Courant
last month.
It started when one Christopher Edge wrote into the letters section to say
he had had it and was moving out in a brief tirade entitled “Farewell,
Connecticut.” More positive residents then chimed in with their support for
the Nutmeg State. “Running away is not the solution,” chided one Patricia
But what problems could Edge possibly be trying to d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
BIG NEWS=> Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers
to Get on Board (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft Sep 17th, 2016 5:23 pm 236 Comments
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is taking an official role with the campaign of
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, serving as his Texas state
During the primaries, Patrick had chaired U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts in
Patrick has a message for any hardcore Cruz backers who may still be on the
fence about Trump.
“To all the Ted Cruz sup... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8397
【 以下文字转载自 USChineseRight 俱乐部 】
发信人: fatboyslim (fatboyslim), 信区: USChineseRight
标 题: Dilbert 的作者的blog关于trump非常有深度,而且好玩
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 18 18:12:16 2016, 美东)
Assessing the Risk of Trump
Posted September 18th, 2016 @ 4:23pm in #Trump #Clinton
For over a year now I have been blogging about Trump’s talent for
persuasion, and that gives people the impression that I prefer him as my
president. That is not the case.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 637
来自主题: USANews版 - Jack Welch on why he's voting for Trump
Jack Welch, the former GE chief and longtime Republican supporter, told CNBC
on Tuesday he's voting for Donald Trump because he likes the real estate
mogul's policies on tax reform, government regulations and national security
more than those of Hillary Clinton .
Welch was late to the Trump camp, first supporting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz , who
failed to secure the GOP presidential nomination.
In a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
BUSTED! FBI Release Shows OBAMA LIED, Knew about Hillary’s Private Email
Breaking News By TruthFeedNews September 24, 2016
In March, CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Obama
when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance
in Selma, Alabama.
“The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” the
president told Plante.
Now there is evidence that Obama lied.
Politico Reports
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in emai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
200 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President
Catherine Dunn
Posted: Sep 27, 2016 8:00 PM
Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president of the United States.
Here are 200 reasons why.
Foreign Policy
1. Called for military action in response to computer hacking
2. Defended an illegal coup in Honduras
3. Claimed it made no difference whether the Benghazi attacks were planned
or spontaneous
4. Corrupted a Haitian presidential election
5. Advocated for intervention in Libya, which ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1939
The New York attorney general disclosed Monday that it ordered Donald Trump
’s personal charity to cease fundraising immediately after determining that
the foundation was violating state law by soliciting donations without
proper authorization.
The message was conveyed in a “notice of violation” sent Friday to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19235
It's that time of year again, Mr. President.
Time to celebrate the lingering Yuletide spirit and the bright promise of
the year to come. Time to savor the companionship of friends and family.
Time to donate your underpants to a charitable organization so you can later
claim a deduction on your 1993 tax return.
If the recent past is any guide, Bill Clinton and his wife, First Lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton, have been spending the past few months gathering up
unwanted belongings -- from old shoes to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21566
来自主题: USANews版 - Republicans denouncing list so far
Ryan disinvites Trump from campaign event in the Speaker's homestate of
Wisconsin tomorrow.
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell [KY]
Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney [MA]
RNC Chair Reince Priebus
Fmr. Gov. Jeb Bush [FL]
Gov. John Kasich [OH]
Sen. Mark Kirk [IL] 2
Sen. Kelly Ayotte [NH]
Sen. Jeff Flake [AZ]
Sen. Marco Rubio [FL]
Sen. Ted Cruz [TX]
Sen. Pat Toomey [PA]
Rep. Carlos Curbelo [FL#26]
Rep. Cathy Rodgers [WA#5]
Sen. John McCai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3833
【 以下文字转载自 USelection 俱乐部 】
发信人: CalCat (北加猫), 信区: USelection
标 题: Bush daughter supports Hillary 2016
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 3 01:57:20 2016, 美东)
(CNN)Barbara Bush, a daughter of former President George W. Bush and first
lady Laura Bush, attended a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in Paris Saturday
night, according a source familiar with the event.
Bush posed for a picture with Huma Abedin, the longtime Clinton aide who was
hosting the fundraiser with Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.
发帖数: 6571
Clinton Aide Trashes Sanders Supporters As Communists In Leaked Email
Peter Hasson
Reporter, Associate Editor
7:32 PM 10/10/2016
Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Jake Sullivan likened supporters of a $15
minimum wage to Soviet-era communists in an email released by WikiLeaks on
Sullivan mocked supporters of the “Fight for 15” movement — which was a
staple of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign — as members of the “Red
Army” in an email to campaign chair John Podesta, campaign manager Robb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12
million commitment
By Ed Henry Published October 20, 2016 FoxNews.com
Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential
debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new
batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate
herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million commitment from King
Mohammed VI of Morocco.
One of the more remarkable parts o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Donald Trump’s campaign manager admits: ‘We are behind’
MIAMI - Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, a longtime
Republican pollster, admitted Sunday that her candidate is currently losing
to Democrat Hillary Clinton.
"We are behind," Conway said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Clinton, she said, "
has some advantages, like $66 million in ad buys just in the month of
September, thereby doubling her ad buys from August. Now, most of those ads
are negative against Donald T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8906
来自主题: USANews版 - Ohio may go for trump
今天雅虎转的文 这么悲观的看法 不容易
Ohio Democrats watch in dismay as their state tilts red
有一段谈early vote
Early voting tallies paint a darker picture. So far, 300,000 fewer people
have voted this year than at this same point in 2012 — in large
part because the state slashed the entire first week of early voting 
— and the biggest drop-offs have been in blue strongholds.
还有c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6929
Abedin, who has been referred to as Clinton’s “second daughter,” is the
gatekeeper to the nominee. Even Bill Clinton sometimes can’t get to his
wife without working through Abedin, who carries Hillary Clinton’s
cellphone in her purse. Abedin’s imprimatur can be found all over Clinton’
s world: on emails she sent to Clinton trying to explain how to use a fax
machine, high-stakes diplomatic efforts in Libya (Abedin got hauled before
the House committee on the Benghazi atta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2415
FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe
Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton’s
private server
0:00 / 0:00
As Hillary Clinton reaches the home stretch of the election well ahead in
polling over Donald Trump, new revelations from the FBI's reopening of the
investigation into the Democratic candidate's emails has shifted the race.
W... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
Insiders Threaten To Expose Hillary’s Pedophile Sex Ring!!!
All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have
specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that
things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted
from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including
Saudis and Israeli’s. Meaning Huma was the one Hillary USED to
communicate wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 91
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
爆料太多了,就等 x-rated photo啦,妖婆太老就算了,胡妈还不错,如果全裸咬,那

Insiders Threaten To Expose Hillary’s Pedophile Sex Ring!!!
All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have
specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that
things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted
from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including
Saudis and Israeli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
“Paul Manafort didn’t understand him,” a longtime Trump confidant told me
. “Trump is going to do whatever the fuck he wants. You have to trick him
into doing what you want.”
No one understands this better than Manafort’s successors. To hear
Kellyanne Conway talk about managing her boss is to listen to a mother of
four who has had ample experience with unruly toddlers. Instead of
criticizing Trump’s angry tweets, for instance, she sug... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - VA 翻红不是梦!
Pollsters Claim Black Voters More Excited About Hillary Than They Ever Were
For Obama
Luke Rosiak
Investigative Reporter
7:25 PM 11/01/2016
Black Lives Matter Sign Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com, Hillary Clinton:
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com Black Lives Matter Sign Joseph Sohm /
Shutterstock.com, Hillary Clinton: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
Polls showing Hillary Clinton with a massive lead over Donald Trump are
based on the dubious assumption that black voters will turn out for a white
... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Clinton concedes: this is painful
Clinton says 'this is painful and it will be for a longtime
发帖数: 18158
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - Donna Brazile开骂cnn了
Donna Brazile says CNN ripped her “a new one” and didn't allow her to
defend herself against allegations she provided the Clinton campaign with
debate questions in advance of two contests.
“I wish CNN had given me some other things, like the ability to defend
myself rather than ripping me a new one,” the interim chairwoman of the
Democratic National Committee said at an event at Hollins University in
Virginia on Monday, according to the Roanoke Times.
“CNN never gave me a question,” added Brazil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - 搞了半天AG是Sessions
Trump touts Sessions’ attorney general credentials
By EMILY DOBLER 11/17/16 02:25 PM EST
Donald Trump touted Jeff Sessions’ work as Alabama’s Attorney General and
as a U.S. Attorney, suggesting the Alabama Senator could be the President-
elect’s pick to lead the Justice Department.
“While nothing has been finalized and he is still talking with others as he
forms his cabinet, the President-elect has been unbelievably impressed with
Senator Sessions and his phenomenal rec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 163
It’s been one week since Donald Trump pulled off the biggest upset in
modern political history, and his headquarters at Trump Tower in New York
City is a 58-story, onyx-glassed lightning rod. Barricades, TV trucks and
protesters frame a fortified Fifth Avenue. Armies of journalists and selfie-
seeking tourists stalk Trump Tower’s pink marble lobby, hoping to snap the
next politica... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Trump’s Taiwan phone call was long planned, say people who were involved
Donald Trump’s protocol-breaking telephone call with Taiwan’s leader was
an intentionally provocative move that establishes the incoming president as
a break with the past, according to interviews with people involved in the
The historic communication — the first between leaders of the United States
and Taiwan since 1979 — was the product of... 阅读全帖
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