F*V 发帖数: 3978 | 1 挪威杀人狂在宣言中多处提到中国 (2011-08-15 17:41:27)转载▼
While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are
directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It
is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a
constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother
was the Norwegian Vice Counsul in Shanghai and I know several Europeans
working there. They are willing to “cope” for the duration of thei... 阅读全帖 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 3 周二,加拿大会议局(Conference Board of Canada)报告称,加拿大受过良好教育的劳动力因缺少基本的实物工具而在全球竞争中处于不利地位。
会议局调查部负责人Alan Arcand称,过去25年缓慢的生产率增长不能归咎于劳动力,实际上自从1961年以来加拿大劳动力质量一直在稳步提高。
会议局最近关于对加拿大教育的研究显示,加拿大教育成果是A级。所以,受过教育的劳动力的增多本应该刺激有形资本的投资,但会议局发现,“资本劳动力比”(capital-labour ratio)实际上比应有的要低。
与1962年-1983年期间相比,加拿大全国10个省份在1 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 4 周五,加拿大公民、移民及多元文化部(Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism)部长肯尼(Jason Kenney)国会秘书黄陈小萍(Alice Wong)和卑诗省高等教育和劳动市场发展厅(B.C. Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development)厅长梅丽思(Moira Stilwell)签订了一项新的加拿大-卑诗省移民协议。
人力资源和技术发展部(Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development)部长范茵丽(Diane Finley)补充说,随着加拿大走出全球经济衰退,该协议将帮助加拿大吸引更多满足本国经济需要的国际技术工人,同时将加强卑诗省在现在和未来满足劳动市场需求的能力。
梅丽思称,新协议将加强联邦政府与卑诗省政府间的合作,加大卑诗 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 5 安河劳工厅(Ministry of Labour)对涉及去年圣诞前夕导致四名外劳死亡的两家公司提出数十项控罪。
经过数月调查之后,安河劳工厅发言人布莱洁(Matt Blajer)说,两家公司13日遭安河劳工厅依法控罪,总共被控61项罪名,最高可能被罚款1700万元。
安河劳工厅依据「职业健康暨安全法令」(Occupational Health and Safety Act),提控麦川建筑公司(Metron Construction Corp)30项罪名,该公司的经理及总监还分别面临16项及八项控罪。
负责供应工作吊台的Swing 'N' Scaff Inc公司被控四项罪名,公司经理面临四项额外指控。
安河法院定于今年9月30日审理此案。 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 6 第139届劳工节游行6日在多伦多市中心举行,据主办单位统计,今年共有包括工会代表、劳工、劳工家属及小区运动人士等超过2万人参与。
虽然主办单位代表于日前曾向媒体表示,除现任多伦多副市长,亦即下一届市长候选人潘大龙﹙Joe Pantalone﹚外,不希望任何政治人物参加游行,但仍有其他民意代表参选人现身游行队伍当中。
游行队伍于上午9点30分先在皇后西街﹙Queen Street West﹚及大学街﹙University Avenue﹚路口集结,紧接往西南方向前进,并抵达终点加拿大国家展览馆﹙Canadian National Exhibition﹚的Dufferin Gate。而今年的诉求主题,为「保护我们的公共服务」﹙Protect our Public Services﹚。
主办单位,亦即多伦多暨约克郡劳工议会﹙Toronto & York Region Labour Council.﹚主席卡特莱特﹙John Cartwright﹚表示,公务部门为大众所提供公共服务的好坏,关乎每一位市民生活的质量。而劳工运动的目的,就是要每一位在将来即将进入市府或议会的候选人,都能够表态为公共服务 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 7 加拿大劳工领袖及支持者29日在安省咸美顿(Hamilton)举行集会,声援遭美国钢铁厂(US Steel)锁厂(locked-out)停工的咸美顿钢铁工人。
美国钢铁厂的前身为史戴科钢铁厂(Stelco Hilton Works),在最近谈判中,工人拒绝了资方在薪资及退休金方面做出让步的要求,因此遭资方锁厂。
安省劳工联盟(Ontario Federation of Labour)主席瑞恩锡(Sid Ryan)在29日集会演讲中,指控美国钢铁厂违背2007年并购加拿大史戴科钢铁厂时许下的承诺,致使很多任务人的工作职位不保。
瑞恩锡也指责加拿大保守党政府没有采取措施强迫美国钢铁厂遵守保住工人职位的承诺。史戴科... 阅读全帖 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 8 由于未来安省会有大型的公用事业及工业项目﹐加拿大建筑业理事会(Construction Sector Council)的最新报告指出,在未来9年中,安省的建筑业将呈稳定增长趋势﹐将会引领建筑业的就业再创新高,并且预期,至2019年﹐产业职位缺口将达10万个。
理事会在这份名为「建筑业前瞻﹕2011-2019年安省建筑业劳工市场评核」(Construction Looking Forward:An assessment of construction labour markets from 2011-2019 for Ontario)的报告中指出﹐在这9年间,建筑业将需要8.5万名新员工来满足需求,与2010年相比,职位增幅达30%。届时,将有约6万名30岁及以下的新增劳动力加入该行业,但同时又会有7.3万名现有员工因退休等原因,退出该业,因此,将导致行业出现近10万个职位缺口。
理事会经济分析员考林斯(Bob Collins)表示,这个缺口是基于拟建中的项目如期进行的情况,不过即使出现意外,整个行业仍需要填补1.3万名退休人员。因此,未来数年中,建筑业具有很强的就业潜力,而雇主则需加大... 阅读全帖 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 9 国人兄弟姐妹:何苦要欺负自己的同胞?
事情是这样,朋友在国内是中学化学老师,也算中年了,英语程度大家都知道的,永远是国人的弱项。朋友来这也去上过几个月的英语班,但又耐不住寂寞,还是想找点事做,也想体会一下加国的就业市场。于是通过... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 10 天涯社区网友originallife2012 发贴:28剩女一枚,到加拿大后能嫁的出去吗?
之前谈过3段恋爱,年纪小的时候没想过婚姻,... 阅读全帖 |
C***Y 发帖数: 1323 | 11 总结就是说labour工不要一直做,那会把人的大脑工作习惯性地切换到off状态(体力工
作active on),从而很难reset/restart回到脑力工作 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 12 如果可以重新选择,他不会移民加拿大。
为什么要移民?无非是为了... 阅读全帖 |
t***s 发帖数: 1877 | 13 you can build houses but you can't build land easily.
you can build cars but you can't create cheap energy.
you can create lawn but you can't create water.
Not every resource can be created by human labour easily, that's why
although Japs are doing great for their business but still can't enjoy the
mid class life like people in USA |
R*****d 发帖数: 1148 | 14 舜象传说的演变新探
中图分类号:I 042
A New Study on the Development of Legends about Shun and 象
Zhang Xue
(Guizhou Education Institute, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550003)
In the handing down of the legend about Shun and 象,it underwent three evolvements. In the beginning, it evolved gradually from a political legend to a moral and ethical one. In the earliest myth, the original story was about hunting... 阅读全帖 |
w********h 发帖数: 12367 | 15 http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2009/jun/22/end-science-
Alongside a mocked-up image of a yellowing lab notebook and magnifying lens,
it proclaimed: "The end of science: The quest for science used to begin
with grand theories; now it begins with massive amounts of data."
Scientists and science commentators often say that if yesterday's science
needed outstanding individuals such as Darwin and Einstein, tomorrow's
theories will be shaped by the vast quantities of data pouring forth from
ne... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 16 VOA Chinese, Apr 8, 2011.
(楚科奇铀矿劳改营曾为苏联第一个原子弹提供了铀原料; 楚科奇铀矿劳改营在1951年
(a) RDS-1
(Aug 29, 1949)
"Lavrenti Beria, who was also the head of the nuclear industry in the Soviet
Union at the time, reportedly referred to the weapon as RDS, an acronym for
'Stalin's revenge.' (Stalin had died in 1953.)"
Gary E. Weir and Walter J. B... 阅读全帖 |
s*******n 发帖数: 10426 | 17 一、《余光中:中文的常态与变态》
,中文就会... 阅读全帖 |
G***W 发帖数: 1967 | 18 谢谢楼主!
Armenian Genocide
Part of the persecution of Armenians
Armenians marched by Turkish soldiers, 1915.png
Armenian civilians, escorted by armed Ottoman soldiers, are marched through
Harput (Kharpert), to a prison in the nearby Mezireh (present-day Elazı
ğ), April 1915.
Location Ottoman Empire
Date 1915[note 1]
Target Armenian population
Attack type
Deportation, mass murder
Deaths 1.5 million[note 2]
Perpetrators Committee of Union and Progress (Young Turks)
The ... 阅读全帖 |
h***x 发帖数: 250 | 19 而且TG军队救灾基本都是用来当labour, 花大价钱跑来其实效果和当地政府用民工没区
别. 只不过军队救灾不用当地政府出钱, 所以乐得起其为. 因为当地政府一般财政都比
较紧张 |
R********n 发帖数: 5904 | 20 I guess Uncle SAM is really enjoying RMB's depreciating: cheaper products &
labours can help maintain American luxury.
They shouted about RMB's appreciation, but who know what's their real
purpose. Don't trust easily what people are saying.
者。 |
R********n 发帖数: 5904 | 21 Partially agree. China is turning into a Consumer country, rather than a cheap labour country.
汇率升值==给所有的人涨工资, Much better than Fujicom's individual adjustment.
都是 |
W*****e 发帖数: 7759 | 22 Fujicom? LOL
cheap labour country.
adjustment. |
y****e 发帖数: 23939 | 24 香港人不喜欢:
“Dear Sir,
The Chinese model (if any) is not better, but it worked in the past 30 years.
Its effectiveness in china in a specific period of time doesn't mean the
model a better one and should be learnt by more developed countries.
To put it simple, china is just repeating what she has done for the last
2000 years: peasants rebel to become landlords and squeeze the labour force
n natural resources to accumulate wealth. A small (relative to a huge poor
population) amount of people get rich |
R*I 发帖数: 1840 | 25 http://www.economist.com/node/16693579
Indian textiles
Stitched up
An industry that could lift millions out of poverty, in theory
Jul 29th 2010 | JAIPUR
Beautiful, but inefficient.IT IS impossible to eradicate child labour, sighs
Rajesh Goyal, the owner of a garment factory in Jaipur, northern India. No
children sweat in his factory. But he is sure that some of the family
enterprises that supply him employ their offspring. He adds, perhaps in jest
, that most textile workers are Muslim, so “if a |
y***l 发帖数: 6963 | 26 烙印真是从骨子里恨老中阿
The Dehli Game will be the best ever.
India is world's largest democracy and one of four ancient civilizations. Th
is alone will guarantee that all the athletes will have a great time in Indi
Sure there are some little delays on the construction sites, but that is bec
ause of India's high human rights standard. Unlike the communist China, Indi
a do not use slave labour on construction site. People work as they are capa
ble of, not as they are ordered to do. As the result things m |
g*****1 发帖数: 666 | 28 民主A3举世无敌
Now. child labour scandal hits Delhi CWG
2010-09-23 16:30:00
It has now emerged that children have built some parts of the alleged
crumbling stadiums of the XIXth Commonwealth Games.
According to a Daily Star report, tots as young as three were drafted in to
work on dangerous building sites to prepare for the event in Delhi.
A two-year-old girl was among up to 1,000 people killed during construction
after her dad brought her to work.
ven as Games bosses try to patch up their stadiums |
h*****7 发帖数: 2120 | 29 欧美labour工的低收入者,能供房供车, 你确认是民主制度的结果?不是老牌帝国主义
到处抢他国资源的结果? |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 30 Why the Nobel Peace Prize never went to Gandhiji ? We did some research, and
found startling surprises.
Mohandas Gandhi, the Mahatma, 搕he Great Soul was never awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize. He was nominated for it five times in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947
and, finally, a few days before he was murdered in January 1948. It is
widely held, that the Indian national leader should have been the very man
to be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize.
These questions have been asked frequently: Was the horizon o... 阅读全帖 |
m*******t 发帖数: 1060 | 31 有时, 我们不能想当然.
1) The war is nothing about the moral. Both the northern and southern states are
very clear to what they want.
@http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAcivilwar.htm: "Conflict grew in the 19th century between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery. The northern states were going through an industrial revolution and desperately needed more people to work in its factories. Industrialists in the North believed that, if freed, the slaves would leave the South and pro... 阅读全帖 |
P*****l 发帖数: 438 | 32 阿三牛!
@Elvis I have a feeling you are simply jealous. Your ancestors probably came
in a boat, with no skills to start with and then laboured for 4 generations
to build a decent life for themselves in the US.
Indian H-1Bs arrive in America, in 10 years they are way ahead of you. The
Indian Americans surpass every other group in America by a HUGE margin in
terms of both education and income.
Most Indians in America achieved in half a lifetime what your family built
over 4 generations. It's only nat... 阅读全帖 |
v******t 发帖数: 3404 | 33 谁说的,明明还在控制中
看时间:# guardian.co.uk, Sunday 31 October 2010 14.33 GMT
China's stranglehold on rare earth metals 'no threat to US security'
Pentagon study set to allay fears that Beijing may reimpose freeze on metals
vital to defence and technology
Labourers at a rare earth metals mine in Nancheng county, Jiangxi province,
China. Photograph: Reuters
China's near-monopoly on rare earth metals poses no threat to US security, a
Pentagon report is likely to conclude.
The year-long study, which will be ... 阅读全帖 |
v******t 发帖数: 3404 | 34 禁止出口就是禁止出口,就这样子。
看时间:# guardian.co.uk, Sunday 31 October 2010 14.33 GMT
China's stranglehold on rare earth metals 'no threat to US security'
Pentagon study set to allay fears that Beijing may reimpose freeze on metals
vital to defence and technology
Labourers at a rare earth metals mine in Nancheng county, Jiangxi province,
China. Photograph: Reuters
China's near-monopoly on rare earth metals poses no threat to US security, a
Pentagon report is likely to conclude.
The year-long study, which wil... 阅读全帖 |
K**W 发帖数: 6346 | 35 Prime Minister: "We want a strong relationship with China"
Twenty five years ago I came to Hong Kong as a student.
The year was 1985.
Deng Xiaoping and Margaret Thatcher had recently signed the historic Joint
The remarkable story of the successful handover of Hong Kong and the great
progress Hong Kong has continued to make is an example to the world of what
can be achieved when two countries cooperate in confidence and with mutual
Since then, China has changed ... 阅读全帖 |
l*****l 发帖数: 363 | 36 事件的起因:有人在youtube上发了一个视频,结果引起各地人民(多数为米国)大量
从各地 2000 多评论里挑了 130 条出来,选的标准基本是排除了重复的,纯表赞叹或
纯开骂无多少内容的、跑题跑太远的,还有那些虽然 ID 显示国外但看主页似乎咱自家
分是译文。有出错的地方请大家一定不吝指点 (*^__^*)~ !
Ark Hotel Construction time lapse building 15 storeys in 2 days!!!
youtube源地址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps0DSihggio&feature=player_embedded (需Fan墙)
wazham2 17 小时之前
everything is possible in Japan
在日本真是一切皆有可能 ~
allin1readerwriter 17... 阅读全帖 |
P*****t 发帖数: 4978 | 37 TG其实也不傻
Wikileaks cables reveal China 'ready to abandon North Korea'
China has signalled its readiness to accept Korean reunification and is
privately distancing itself from the North Korean regime, according to
leaked US embassy cables that reveal senior Beijing figures regard their
official ally as a "spoiled child".
News of the Chinese shift comes at a crucial juncture after the North's
artillery bombardment of a South Korean island last week that killed four
people and led both sides to thre... 阅读全帖 |
d*****m 发帖数: 76 | 38 过节了,给大家凑个热闹,说说这边的俗人俗事儿
火跑得还要快的跑到home depot里去,又是买东西又是看视频的自学个二道贩子,但是
装修来装修去的东西啊,Too simple, 啊,sometimes screw up!懂了没有?
我见到你们这样认真的装啊装啊,一句话不说也不好。所以将来你们这些 按顶灯团装
我,支持不支持按顶灯装地板做deck,我怎么能不支持,看你们累的贼死还做的水平... 阅读全帖 |
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 39 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: mrvl (如果我们的铁骑继续前进), 信区: Joke
标 题: 北美十大俗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 31 21:23:58 2010, 美东)
发信人: deallam (dealam), 信区: Military
标 题: 北美十大俗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 31 16:20:16 2010, 美东)
火跑得还要快的跑到home depot里去,又是买东西又是看视频的自学个二道贩子,但是
装修来... 阅读全帖 |
e****i 发帖数: 2152 | 40 BY MICHELE TYDD
18 Jun, 2010 01:00 AM
An excavation company paid a heavy price yesterday for allowing a
dangerously overloaded truck to travel down one of the Illawarra's steepest
and busiest roads.
Even with a good measure of leniency, Cane Excavation Pty Ltd copped a $30,
000 fine for a breach of Roads and Traffic regulations.
The truck, which was ordered off Mt Ousley Rd after detection, was carrying
an 18-tonne excavator, an overload of 76 per cent.
"Potentially, there are not many worse pla... 阅读全帖 |
t*******h 发帖数: 2882 | 41 http://the-diplomat.com/indian-decade/2011/02/07/bangladesh-bor
Bangladesh Border Worries
By Sumit Ganguly
February 7, 2011
On January 7, India’s Border Security Force (BSF) shot and killed a hapless
Bangladeshi illegal immigrant teenager who was trying to slip across the
porous border into Bangladesh. Her killing has caused understandable outrage
in Bangladesh and threatens to cast a pall over Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh’s upcoming visit to Bangladesh.
There’s little question that the BSF’s a... 阅读全帖 |
t****z 发帖数: 8931 | 42 今日(周一),国际移民研究组织将公布新的欧美移民融合政策指数报告(Migrant
Integration Policy Index,简称MIPEX)。加拿大在移民教育方面的努力,令其在新
据悉,伦敦的英国委员会(British Council)和布鲁塞尔的移民政策团体(Migration
Policy Group)将于今日(周一)发表这项新的欧美移民融合政策指数报告。
MIPEX项目由欧盟委员会(European Commission)资助,并由37个国际组织组成,各国各
policy indicators),从7个方面评估欧美各国的新移民融入社会的程度,以及各国政
府在此方面的成绩。这些指标包括劳动力流动性(labour mobility)、海外亲属团聚
的机率、教育条件、获永久居民权的前景、政治参与度、成为公民的机会,以及平等权... 阅读全帖 |
t***h 发帖数: 5601 | 43 26 March 2011 Last updated at 13:23 ET
Anti-cuts march: Tens of thousands at London protest
Tens of thousands of people have attended a rally and march in central
London against public spending cuts.
Labour leader Ed Miliband addressed crowds in Hyde Park, and more than 250,
000 people have taken part, exceeding expectations. |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 44 (1) 美派大型混凝土泵车助日冷却核反应堆. VOA Chinese, Apr 1, 2011.
, which is translated from
US Sending World’s Largest Pump to Cool Japanese Nuclear Reactor. VOA, Apr
1, 2011.
My comment:
(a) The title is kind of misleading. It is not 美, though US government
might have helped/ coordinated.
(b) Summary of the news: A German... 阅读全帖 |
B*V 发帖数: 3365 | 45 【 以下文字转载自 WorldNews 讨论区 】
发信人: vuse (vuse), 信区: WorldNews
标 题: 美国国家民主基金会资助中国『颜色革命』、资助藏独、资助疆独的清单
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 27 11:21:58 2010, 美东)
来源: 一心锄禾 于 10-01-26 20:15:12
Rule of Law and Public Participation
To strengthen the rule of law, enhance citizens’ awareness of their legal
rights, enhance norms of access to information and the free flow of
information, and broaden parti... 阅读全帖 |
z****e 发帖数: 54598 | 46 老文章了,今天回头看看觉得蛮有意思
来源: 作者:
CBC电视台发起了一场评选加拿大十大伟人的活动(10 greatest Canadians),结
人名单,按得票多少的顺序排列,依次是:Tommy Douglas、Terry Fox、Pierre
Trudeau、Sir Frederick Banting、David Suzuki、Lester B. Pearson、Don Cherry
、Sir John
A.... 阅读全帖 |
E**y 发帖数: 1018 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 Military2 讨论区 】
发信人: Eddy (Lord Darth Hilarious), 信区: Military2
标 题: 挪威枪手是右翼基督徒
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 23 00:55:37 2011, 美东)
July 22, 2011
The suspect arrested for twin terror attacks in Norway Friday has been
identified as Anders Behring Breivik, according to media reports in the U.K.
and Norway.
Police believe the 32-year-old, six-foot-plus Norwegian acte... 阅读全帖 |
p*****c 发帖数: 20445 | 48 日,大家洗洗睡吧
挪威攻擊案 傳與宗教恐攻無關
挪威代理警察總長史朋海姆(Sveinung Sponheim)說,1名男子在槍擊案中落網
挪威國營電視台NRK報導,落網男子為32歲的布列維克(Anders Behring
... 阅读全帖 |
Z**R 发帖数: 1233 | 49 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14259356
At least 84 people died when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in
Norway, hours after a deadly bombing in the capital, Oslo, police say.
Police have charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man over both attacks.
The man dressed as a police officer was arrested on tiny Utoeya island after
an hour-long shooting spree. The search for other possible victims
The Oslo bombing killed at least seven. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said
the a... 阅读全帖 |
s****n 发帖数: 786 | 50 原帖:http://www.xycq.net/forum/thread-233031-1-1.html
While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are
directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It
is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a
constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother
was the Norwegian Vice Counsul in Shanghai and I know several Europeans
working there. They are willing to “cope” for the duration of their
company te... 阅读全帖 |